# Contributing First and foremost, thanks for the help, I appreciate all of the contributions, and the awesome-zsh-plugins list wouldn't be nearly as complete without them. ## To add to the list: ### Submit a pull request. * Descriptions should be clear, concise, and non-promotional. * Descriptions should follow the link, on the same line, with capitalization consistent with the other entries in the section. * Each entry should be a single line. This makes keeping the sections sorted easier. We let the GitHub formatter handle adding any required line breaks rather than embedding breaks in the lines ourselves. * Each entry should be limited to one link, and that link should be the first part of the line. It is ok to submit more than one entry in a PR. * If you're submitting a theme, please try to make sure that the theme repo has a screen shot so that list users can tell what it looks like before installing it. * Please make sure all framework, plugin, themes or completions list entries are sorted *alphabetically*. * The link should be the name of the package or project * Your PR should pass the travis checks. ## To remove an entry: Open an issue to discuss why the entry should be removed, and optionally create a PR.