diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 1dfaa68..568608b 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1486,6 +1486,7 @@ If you're using [Antigen](https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen), you can test th * [just-another](https://github.com/supertassu/another-theme) - Just another theme, with hostname when you're sshed to another machine. * [jwalter](https://github.com/jeffwalter/zsh-jwalter) - Powerline-style theme with `git`, `svn`, `npm`, `rvm` and network awareness. Requires Powerline-compatible terminal font. * [jyumpp](https://github.com/Jyumpp/jyumpp-zsh-theme) - Configuration file and installer for Powerlevel 10K. +* [kali](https://github.com/h4ck3r0/kali-theme) - Includes `git` decorations. * [karu](https://github.com/zaari/karu) - Minimalist single line ZSH prompt. * [keloran](https://github.com/Keloran/keloran.zsh-theme) - Theme that includes a few features from other themes. * [kenton](https://github.com/notnek/zsh-theme) - Optimized for dark backgrounds, includes `git` status information. @@ -1544,7 +1545,6 @@ If you're using [Antigen](https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen), you can test th * [materialshell](https://github.com/carloscuesta/materialshell) - A [material design](https://material.io/guidelines/style/color.html) theme for your shell with a good contrast and color pops at the important parts. Designed to be easy on the eyes. * [matrix](https://github.com/pot-code/matrix-zsh-theme) - Variant of [powerlevel9k](https://github.com/bhilburn/powerlevel9k) styled to look like something in the Matrix movie trilogy. Includes `git` status decorations. * [matter](https://github.com/mrobillard/matter-zsh-theme) - Shows `git` status, AWS vault role, background jobs, exit code of last command & hostname. -* [mattizer](https://github.com/matt-sungwook/ohmyzsh-mattizer-theme) - Includes working directory and `git` status decorations. * [mau](https://github.com/vichargrave/mau) - A ZSH theme with a cat twist. * [mbolis](https://github.com/mbolis/mbolis-zsh-theme) - Includes `git` decorations, changes prompt color if root user, active jobs, and [jenv](https://github.com/jenv/jenv) integration. * [mdmini](https://github.com/MarioDena/MDmini) - Includes `git` and `ssh` status decorations. @@ -1805,7 +1805,7 @@ If you're using [Antigen](https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen), you can test th * [tvline](https://github.com/thvitt/tvline) - Derived from the [agnoster](https://gist.github.com/agnoster/3712874) theme, adds powerline font enhancements. * [type0](https://github.com/MikereDD/type0_zsh-theme) - Inspired by [classyTouch](https://github.com/yarisgutierrez/classyTouch_oh-my-zsh) by yarisgutierrez. Includes `git` decorations. * [typewritten](https://github.com/reobin/typewritten) - Minimal and informative theme that leaves room for what's important. Does asynchronous `git` decoration updates for speed. -* [ubunly](https://github.com/alejandromume/ubunly-zsh-theme) - Mimics the Kali Linux console. Note - this theme also rebinds a lot of keys and sets a bunch of ZSH options that themes should probably leave alone. +* [ubunly](https://github.com/alejandromume/ubunly-zsh-theme) - Mimics the Kali Linux console. Note - this theme also rebinds a lot of keys and sets a bunch of ZSH options that themes should leave alone. * [ubuntu-ish](https://github.com/Thesola10/zsh-ubuntu-ish) - Mimics the default Debian/Ubuntu `bash` prompt. * [ubuntu-with-vitamins](https://github.com/ureesoriano/zsh-ubuntu-with-vitamins-zim-theme) - Mimics the default Ubuntu prompt, but with `git` decorations. * [ubuntu](https://github.com/janstuemmel/zsh-ubuntu-theme) - Minimal theme, includes `git` status decorations.