Add zplugin/{z-a-bin-gem-node,patch-dl} Zplugin extensions

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Sebastian Gniazdowski 2019-09-23 07:40:03 +02:00
parent 5085c90624
commit f313f32fc5

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@ -707,8 +707,10 @@ zapack is a basic fast minimal ZSH plugin loader.
* [yeoman]( - Edouard Lopez's Yeoman plugin for oh-my-zsh, compatible with yeoman version ≥1.0 (includes options and command auto-completion).
* [you-should-use]( - ZSH plugin that reminds you to use those aliases you defined.
* [youtube-dl]( - Simple plugin for [youtube-dl](
* [z-p-man]( - Zplugin extension that generates man pages for all plugins and snippets.
* [z-p-test]( - Zplugin extension that runs tests (via make test, for example) if it finds any of them after installing and updating a plugin or snippet.
* [z-a-bin-gem-node]( - Zplugin extension that a) exposes binaries without altering `$PATH`, b) installs Ruby gems and Node modules and easily exposes their binaries, c) updates the gems and modules on update of the associated plugin or snippet.
* [z-a-man]( - Zplugin extension that generates man pages for all plugins and snippets.
* [z-a-patch-dl]( - Zplugin extension that downloads files and applies patches through the provided `dl''` and `patch''` ices.
* [z-a-test]( - Zplugin extension that runs tests (via `make test`, for example) if it finds any of them after installing and updating a plugin or snippet.
* [z.lua]( - A command line tool which helps you navigate faster by learning your habits. An alternative to []( with windows and posix shells support and various improvements.
* [zaw]( - ZSH anything.el-like widget.
* [zce]( - Vims EasyMotion / Emacss ace-jump-mode for ZSH.