
* Update TOC
* Update many descriptions - unless otherwise stated, all plugins/themes
* are assumed to be oh-my-zsh compatible
This commit is contained in:
Joe Block 2015-06-21 10:27:42 -07:00
parent 93d44c9eef
commit e0986f98a5

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
- [Prezto](#prezto)
- [Plugins](#plugins)
- [Themes](#themes)
- [Fonts](#fonts)
- [Even more completions](#even-more-completions)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [[Antigen](](#antigenhttpsgithubcomzsh-usersantigen)
@ -18,6 +19,7 @@
- [[Prezto](](#preztohttpsgithubcomsorin-ionescuprezto)
- [[Zgen](](#zgenhttpsgithubcomtarjoilijazgen)
- [Writing New Plugins](#writing-new-plugins)
- [Other lists](#other-lists)
<!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
@ -172,55 +174,55 @@ Not a framework, but still useful
If you're using [Antigen](, you can test these themes in a running zsh with `antigen theme githubuser/repo`. If you're using [zgen](, add them to your `init.zsh` with `zgen load githubuser/reponame`.
* [af-magic-mod]( - af-magic-mod theme. Install with `antigen theme desyncr/zshrc themes/af-magic-mod`
* [alpharized]( - an oh-my-zsh theme optimized to work with [solarized]( dark. It's a modified version of the [avit theme](
* [angry fly]( - shows git information in right hand prompt
* [alpharized]( - Optimized to work with [solarized]( dark. It's a modified version of the [avit theme](
* [angry fly]( - Shows git information in right hand prompt
* [bashi]( - Optimized for Ahmet Sülek's [Flat UI Terminal Theme]( and Pasquale D'Silva's [Saturn Terminal Theme](
* [bluelines]( - clear and blue theme
* [bullet-train-oh-my-zsh-theme]( - Add with `antigen theme caiogondim/bullet-train-oh-my-zsh-theme bullet-train`
* [bluelines]( - Clear and blue theme
* [bullet-train]( - Inspired by the Powerline Vim plugin. It aims for simplicity, showing information only when it's relevant.
* [cobalt2]( - Wes Bos' Cobalt 2 theme for ZSH and iTerm 2
* [codemachine]( - codemachine theme
* [codemachine]( - Codemachine theme
* [cute-theme]( - An OSX oh-my-zsh shell theme with Cute emoji based on the Powerline Vim plugin.
* [dracula]( - A dark theme for Atom, Alfred, Chrome DevTools, iTerm, Sublime Text, Textmate,, Vim, Xcode, Zsh
* [elementary-prezto]( - prezto theme with git status display
* [elementary-prezto]( - A prezto theme with git status display
* [frisk-red]( - Red version of the frisk theme from oh-my-zsh
* [furio]( - fork of the Cloud oh-my-zsh theme. with different colors and emojis
* [furio]( - Fork of the Cloud oh-my-zsh theme. with different colors and emojis
* [gawaine]( - Nicola Racco's theme. Requires rvm & git plugins.
* [gitsome]( - Super simple prompt with git info, optimized for the [Flat Terminal]( color scheme.
* [glimmer]( - includes git branch, time and user@host
* [glimmer]( - Includes git branch, time and user@host
* [hackersaurus]( - theme with git status and exit code of last command run embedded in the prompt. Related to [powerlevel9k](
* [intheloop-powerline]( - An extension of the intheloop theme to use powerline fonts
* [itg]( - itsthatguy's theme
* [jcl-zsh-theme]( - Loosely based on the ys theme
* [judgedim]( - minimalist prompt.
* [judgedim]( - Minimalist prompt.
* [liquidprompt]( - A full-featured & carefully designed adaptive prompt for Bash & ZSH
* [maxulysse/myzsh]( Maxime Garcia's myzsh theme.
* [megaprompt]( - A maximalist prompt including keyboard mode, ownership info, and other contextual info, with λ as the prompt character. Requires [hooks]( plugin.
* [mindful-space]( - Zsh theme with space in mind
* [minimal]( S1ck94's minimal theme
* [megaprompt]( - A maximalist prompt including keyboard mode, ownership info, and other contextual info, with λ as the prompt character. Requires the [hooks]( plugin.
* [mindful-space]( - ZSH theme with space in mind
* [minimal]( - S1ck94's minimal theme
* [misa]( - misalabs' zsh theme
* [nanofish]( - Adds fish-style directory prompt to nanotech theme
* [ningxia]( - based on af-magic
* [ningxia]( - Based on af-magic
* [oh-my-git]( - An opinionated prompt for bash and zsh
* [pad]( - A concise and colorful oh-my-zsh theme
* [platypus]( - Platypus is a simple and convenient theme for Oh My ZSH used by Frédéric de Villamil.
* [powerlevel9k]( - A very flexible theme based on the well-known agnoster-theme with support for various VCS, AWS, rbenv, virtualenv, etc.
* [powerline-cute]( - based on [bullet-train](
* [powerline-cute]( - Based on [bullet-train](
* [pure]( - Pretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt.
* [racotecnic]( - based on af-magic and posh-git
* [racotecnic]( - Based on af-magic and posh-git
* [rummik/zsh-theme]( Rummik's theme
* [seeker]( - This theme uses many special unicode characters to be fancy, but it may cause some problems without well supported fonts
* [skeletor-syntax]( - theme for Atom, Prism and Zsh inspired by Skeletor from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
* [skeletor-syntax]( - Theme collection for Atom, Prism and Zsh inspired by Skeletor from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
* [smiley]( - A prompt with happy and sad faces
* [solarizsh]( - color fix for robbyrussell's oh-my-zsh theme to work with [Solarized](
* [spowerline]( - written in scala, inspired by agnoster, tmux powerline, vim powerline and the vim status plugin.
* [the-time-lord]( - based on gallifrey
* [tvline]( - derived from [agnoster's theme](, adds powerline font enhancements.
* [solarizsh]( - Color fix for robbyrussell's oh-my-zsh theme to work with [Solarized](
* [spowerline]( - Written in scala, inspired by agnoster, tmux powerline, vim powerline and the vim status plugin.
* [the-time-lord]( - Based on gallifrey
* [tvline]( - Derived from [agnoster's theme](, adds powerline font enhancements.
* [vinhnx]( - Modified from themes/mgutz.zsh-theme.Looks great when using with Solarized color scheme.
* [wild-cherry]( - A fairy-tale inspired theme for Zsh, iTerm, Sublime, Atom, & Mou
* [zemm-blinks]( - customized version of oh-my-zsh blinks with mercurial supportand other changes
* [zemm-blinks]( - Customized version of oh-my-zsh blinks with mercurial supportand other changes
* [zero]( - Zero's theme & plugin
* [zsh-prompt-powerline]( - A fairly heavyweight zsh prompt, based on the powerline font from the popular eponymous vim plugin, which works well for a dark background.
* [zsh2000]( - Powerline looking zsh theme with rvm prompt, git status and branch, current time, user, hostname, pwd, exit status, root and background job status.
* [zsh2000]( - Powerline looking ZSH theme with rvm prompt, git status and branch, current time, user, hostname, pwd, exit status, root and background job status.
### Fonts
@ -235,12 +237,12 @@ Some of the themes listed here require Powerline-compatible fonts, here are a fe
These plugins add tab completion without adding extra functions or aliases.
* [berkshelf-zsh-plugin]( - Adds tab completion for berkshelf
* [bosh-zsh-autocompletion]( - oh-my-zsh-compatible plugin for BOSH autocompletion
* [bosh-zsh-autocompletion]( - Adds BOSH autocompletion
* [cabal]( - Adds autocompletion for cabal
* [codeception-zsh-plugin]( - Adds command completion for the Codeception Testing Framework
* [codemachine]( - displays git info, whether you're logged in via ssh, return code of last command
* [codemachine]( - Displays git info, whether you're logged in via ssh, return code of last command
* [dbic]( - Automatically sets up Environment variables for DBIx::Class::Migration's script and Dancer
* [docker-enter-completion]( - command completion for [docker-enter](
* [docker-enter-completion]( - Command completion for [docker-enter](
* [docker-helpers]( - A collection of docker helper scripts
* [docker-zsh-completion]( - Add completions for docker
* [docker-zsh]( - Adds tab completion for docker
@ -248,19 +250,19 @@ These plugins add tab completion without adding extra functions or aliases.
* [etcdctl-zsh]( - etcdctl autocomplete plugin for oh-my-zsh
* [git-flow-completion]( - ZSH completion support for git-flow
* [grid5000-zsh-plugin]( - Grid 5000 plugin - adds theme, autocompletions
* [gulp-autocompletion-zsh]( - gulp autocomplete for oh-my-zsh/antigen
* [gulp-autocompletion-zsh]( - gulp autocompletion
* [jumpstorm-zsh-plugin]( - Adds autocompletion for [jumpstorm](
* [nvm-completion]( - Updated nvm completions
* [oh-my-zsh-nova]( - Provides auto-complete for the nova so you don't need to remember all those pesky arguments
* [oh-my-zsh-plugin-nvm]( - Ole Sunde's nvm plugin for zsh
* [oh-my-zsh_razor_plugin]( - Provides autocomplete for [Razor](
* [rake-completion.zshplugin]( - Add tab completion for rakefile targets
* [tugboat]( - Oh-My-Zsh plugin for autocompletion of [tugboat]( command
* [zsh-cabal-completion]( - add tab completion for cabal
* [zsh-completion-generator]( - This plugin tries to read the list of options from the help text of programs and generate a completion function automatically. Load it last so it doesn't override completions provided by your other plugins.
* [zsh-completions]( is a collection of extra completions for zsh. To use it, add `antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-completions src` to your .zshrc
* [zsh-pandoc-completion]( - Pandoc completion pulgin for oh-my-zsh/antigen
* [zsh-pip-completion]( - pip autocomplete plugin for oh-my-zsh/antigen
* [tugboat]( - Adds autocompletion for [tugboat]( command
* [zsh-cabal-completion]( - Add tab completion for cabal
* [zsh-completion-generator]( - This plugin tries to read the list of options from the help text of programs and generate a completion function automatically.
* [zsh-completions]( - A collection of extra completions for ZSH.
* [zsh-pandoc-completion]( - Pandoc completion plugin
* [zsh-pip-completion]( - pip autocomplete plugin
## Installation