diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index d74ae69..4795c40 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -213,6 +213,10 @@ zapack is a basic fast minimal ZSH plugin loader. **zcomet** is a minimalistic ZSH plugin manager that gets you to the prompt surprisingly quickly without caching (see the benchmarks). In addition to loading and updating plugins stored in Git repositories, it supports lazy-loading plugins (further reducing startup time) as well as downloading and sourcing code snippets. +### [zebrafish](https://github.com/mattmc3/zebrafish) + +**Zebrafish** is a lightweight, full-featured, blazing-fast Zsh micro-framework in just one file. + ### [zeesh](https://github.com/zeekay/zeesh) **Zeesh** is a cross-platform ZSH framework. It's similar to, but incompatible with, [oh-my-zsh](http://ohmyz.sh/). It has a modular plugin architecture making it easy to extend. It has a rich set of defaults, but is designed to be as lightweight as possible. @@ -539,6 +543,7 @@ This section is for full setup dropins - they aren't frameworks, but they're not * [careful_rm](https://github.com/MikeDacre/careful_rm) - A wrapper for `rm` that adds trash/recycling and useful warnings. * [case](https://github.com/rtuin/zsh-case) - A ZSH plugin that adds two aliases `tolower` and `toupper` to switch output case. * [cd-gitroot](https://github.com/mollifier/cd-gitroot) - A ZSH plugin to `cd` to the `git` repository root directory. +* [cd-ls](https://github.com/zshzoo/cd-ls) - Automatically `ls` after `cd`. * [cd-reminder](https://github.com/bartboy011/cd-reminder) - Display reminders when `cd`-ing into specified directories. * [cd-reporoot](https://github.com/P4Cu/cd-reporoot) - A ZSH plugin to `cd` to the current repository checkout's root directory. * [cd-ssh](https://github.com/jeffwalter/zsh-plugin-cd-ssh) - `ssh` to a server when you accidentally `cd` to it. @@ -567,6 +572,8 @@ This section is for full setup dropins - they aren't frameworks, but they're not * [command-time](https://github.com/popstas/zsh-command-time) - Show execution time for long commands in ZSH and [powerlevel9k](https://github.com/bhilburn/powerlevel9k). Similar to `REPORTTIME` builtin, but only outputs when user + system time >= `REPORTTIME`. * [compe](https://github.com/tamago324/compe-zsh) - Add completion for [nvim-compe](https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-compe). * [completion-generator](https://github.com/RobSis/zsh-completion-generator) - This plugin tries to read the list of options from the help text of programs and generate a completion function automatically. Note that this doesn't do it automatically, you have to explicitly call the generator to create a completion script. +* [completion-zstyles](https://github.com/zshzoo/completion-zstyles) - Zstyle settings for Zsh completions based on Prezto's. +* [copier](https://github.com/zshzoo/copier) - Standalone clipboard utilities from oh-my-zsh. * [copy-pasta](https://github.com/ChrisPenner/copy-pasta) - Copy and paste files in your terminal like you would in a GUI. * [copyzshell](https://github.com/rutchkiwi/copyzshell) - A ZSH plugin to copy your shell configuration to another machine over `ssh`. * [crash](https://github.com/molovo/crash) - Adds proper error handling, exceptions and try/catch for ZSH. @@ -805,8 +812,10 @@ This section is for full setup dropins - they aren't frameworks, but they're not * [lux](https://github.com/pndurette/zsh-lux) - ZSH plugin to toggle the light & dark modes of macOS and other items and applications via the `lux` command. Highly customizable: included items can be configured by defining variables. Highly extensible: items can be added by defining functions. Includes `macos_is_dark` helper function to determine if the macOS dark mode is active for use in theming. * [mac-packaging](https://github.com/Temikus/mac-packaging) - A set of common functions used for enterprise Mac packaging with [Munki](https://www.munki.org/munki/). * [macos](https://github.com/joow/macos) - A ZSH plugin for macOS. +* [macos](https://github.com/zshzoo/macos) - Zsh goodies for MacOS users. * [mage2docker](https://github.com/lukaszolszewski/mage2docker) - Makes it easy to work with Docker and Magento 2. Speeds up and simplifies common commands like clean cache, setup upgrade, compile di and much more in Magento 2 on containers. * [magento-2](https://github.com/dambrogia/oh-my-zsh-plugin-magento-2) - Adds `m2` function to run magento binary, adds tab completions. +* [magic-enter](https://github.com/zshzoo/magic-enter) - Make your enter key magical by binding a Zsh command to it. * [manydots-magic](https://github.com/knu/zsh-manydots-magic) - A zle tweak for emulating `...'==`../..' etc. * [markedit](https://github.com/zakariaGatter/MarkEdit) - Mark files and edit them with autocompletion for existing marks. * [markgate](https://github.com/zakariaGatter/MarkGate) - Allows you to mark directories so you can jump directly to them. @@ -1086,6 +1095,7 @@ This section is for full setup dropins - they aren't frameworks, but they're not * [windows-title](https://github.com/mdarocha/zsh-windows-title) - Dynamically updates terminal window title with current directory and the last command run. * [workon](https://github.com/bryanculver/workon.plugin.zsh) - Simple utility for jumping between projects. * [worktree](https://github.com/jspears/worktree) - Adds functions that wrap `git worktree`. +* [xdg-basedirs](https://github.com/zshzoo/xdg-basedirs) - Configure apps to use XDG base directories. * [xxh-plugin-zsh-zshrc](https://github.com/roman-geraskin/xxh-plugin-zsh-zshrc) - plugin for [xxh-shell-zsh](https://github.com/xxh/xxh-shell-zsh) that copies your `~/.zshrc` to a remote host and sources it with [xxh-shell-zsh](https://github.com/xxh/xxh-shell-zsh). * [yadm](https://github.com/juanrgon/yadm-zsh) - Displays a warning if there are local yadm configuration changes. * [yapipenv](https://github.com/AnonGuy/yapipenv.zsh) - Automatically activate a directory's pip environment if `pipenv` detects the presence of one.