Alphabetize by plugin name, not author

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Joe Block 2014-11-02 09:45:27 -08:00
parent 267aadd34f
commit a3b87f97df

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@ -16,32 +16,34 @@ These frameworks make customizing your zsh setup easier.
## Plugins
* [chrissicool/zsh-256color]( - Enhances the terminal environment with 256 colors. It looks at the chosen TERM environment variable and sees if there is respective ncurses' terminfo with 256 colors available. The result is a multicolor terminal, if available.
* [djui/alias-tips]( - An oh-my-zsh plugin to help remembering those aliases you defined once.
* [hchbaw/auto-fu.zsh]( - Automatic complete-word and list-choices. Originally incr-0.2.zsh by y.fujii <y-fujii at>
* [tarrasch/zsh-autoenv]( - If a directory contains a .env file, it will automatically be executed when you cd into it.
* [tarruda/zsh-autosuggestions]( - [Fish]( fast/unobtrusive autosuggestions for zsh.
* [unixorn/autoupdate-antigen.zshplugin]( - Antigen doesn't do automatic updates like oh-my-zsh. This plugin adds auto updating for antigen, both of antigen and the bundles loaded in your configuration.
* [tarrasch/zsh-bd]( - Jump back to a specific directory, without doing `cd ../../..`
* [berkshelf/berkshelf-zsh-plugin]( - Adds tab completion for berkshelf
* [stackExchange/blackbox]( - Stack Exchange's toolkit for storing keys/credentials securely in a git repository.
* [adolfoabegg/browse-commit]( - browse-commit is a zsh plugin that lets you open any commit in your browser from the command line.
* [tarrasch/zsh-colors]( - Makes it easier to colorize text from the CLI. `red foo` just works
* [adrien-f/docker-zsh]( - Adds tab completion for docker
* [oknowton/zsh-dwim]( - zsh-dwim attempts to predict what you will want to do next. It provides a key binding (control-u) that will replace the current (or previous) command line with the command you will want to run next.
* [s7anley/zsh-geeknote]( - Geeknote plugin for zsh
* [unixorn/git-extra-commands]( - Extra git helper scripts I've collected over time.
* [voronkovich/gitignore.plugin.zsh]( - zsh plugin for creating `.gitignore` files
* [clauswitt/zsh-grunt-plugin]( - Add autocompletion for grunt
* [yerinle/zsh-gvm]( - Provides autocompletion for gvm (Groovy enVironment Manager)
* [zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search]( - Needs to be loaded after zsh-syntax-highlighting, or they'll both break. You'll also need to bind keys to its functions, details are in the
* [supercrabtree/k]( - Directory listings for zsh with git features.
* [voronkovich/mysql.plugin.zsh]( - Adds some functions for dealing with mysql
* [dalang/oh-my-zsh_razor_plugin]( - Provides autocomplete for [Razor](
* [unixorn/rake-completion.zshplugin]( - Add tab completion for rakefile targets
* [ascii-soup/zsh-url-highlighter]( - A plugin for the zsh syntax highlighter that turns URLs green if they respond with a "good" status, and red otherwise. Useful for checking URL typos.
* [zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting]( - Add syntax highlighting to your zsh. Make sure you load this _before_ zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search or they will both break.
* [jocelynmallon/zshmarks]( - A port of Bashmarks (by Todd Werth), a simple command line bookmarking plugin, for oh-my-zsh
* [alias-tips]( - An oh-my-zsh plugin to help remembering those aliases you defined once.
* [auto-fu.zsh]( - Automatic complete-word and list-choices. Originally incr-0.2.zsh by y.fujii <y-fujii at>
* [autoupdate-antigen.zshplugin]( - Antigen doesn't do automatic updates like oh-my-zsh. This plugin adds auto updating for antigen, both of antigen and the bundles loaded in your configuration.
* [berkshelf-zsh-plugin]( - Adds tab completion for berkshelf
* [blackbox]( - Stack Exchange's toolkit for storing keys/credentials securely in a git repository.
* [browse-commit]( - browse-commit is a zsh plugin that lets you open any commit in your browser from the command line.
* [docker-zsh]( - Adds tab completion for docker
* [drush_zsh_completion]( - Drush autocomplete awesomeness for zsh
* [git-extra-commands]( - Extra git helper scripts I've collected over time.
* [git-flow-completion]( - ZSH completion support for git-flow
* [gitignore.plugin.zsh]( - zsh plugin for creating `.gitignore` files
* [k]( - Directory listings for zsh with git features.
* [mysql.plugin.zsh]( - Adds some functions for dealing with mysql
* [oh-my-zsh_razor_plugin]( - Provides autocomplete for [Razor](
* [rake-completion.zshplugin]( - Add tab completion for rakefile targets
* [zsh-256color]( - Enhances the terminal environment with 256 colors. It looks at the chosen TERM environment variable and sees if there is respective ncurses' terminfo with 256 colors available. The result is a multicolor terminal, if available.
* [zsh-autoenv]( - If a directory contains a .env file, it will automatically be executed when you cd into it.
* [zsh-autosuggestions]( - [Fish]( fast/unobtrusive autosuggestions for zsh.
* [zsh-bd]( - Jump back to a specific directory, without doing `cd ../../..`
* [zsh-colors]( - Makes it easier to colorize text from the CLI. `red foo` just works
* [zsh-dwim]( - zsh-dwim attempts to predict what you will want to do next. It provides a key binding (control-u) that will replace the current (or previous) command line with the command you will want to run next.
* [zsh-geeknote]( - Geeknote plugin for zsh
* [zsh-grunt-plugin]( - Add autocompletion for grunt
* [zsh-gvm]( - Provides autocompletion for gvm(Groovy enVironment Manager)
* [zsh-history-substring-search]( - Needs to be loaded after zsh-syntax-highlighting, or they'll both break. You'll also need to bind keys to its functions, details are in the
* [zsh-syntax-highlighting]( - Add syntax highlighting to your zsh. Make sure you load this _before_ zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search or they will both break.
* [zsh-url-highlighter]( - A plugin for the zsh syntax highlighter that turns URLs green if they respond with a "good" status, and red otherwise. Useful for checking URL typos.
* [zshmarks]( - A port of Bashmarks (by Todd Werth), a simple command line bookmarking plugin, for oh-my-zsh
## Themes