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@ -253,11 +253,11 @@ These frameworks make customizing your zsh setup easier.
* [antigen-git-store](https://github.com/smallhadroncollider/antigen-git-store) - Antigen/zsh script to store Git's current working directory. For working with Git between two computers without forcing arbitrary commits.
* [anyframe](https://github.com/mollifier/anyframe) - A peco/percol/fzf wrapper plugin for ZSH.
* [apache2](https://github.com/voronkovich/apache2.plugin.zsh) - Adds aliases and functions for managing Apache2.
* [apple-touchbar](https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-apple-touchbar) - Adds MacBook Pro's touchbar support in [iTerm2](https://iterm2.com).
* [apple-touchbar](https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-apple-touchbar) - Adds MacBook Pro's touchbar support in [iTerm 2](https://iterm2.com).
* [appup](https://github.com/Cloudstek/zsh-plugin-appup) - Adds `start`, `stop`, `up` and `down` commands when it detects a docker-compose or Vagrant file in the current directory (e.g. your application). Just run `up` and get coding!
* [asciidoctor](https://github.com/sparsick/asciidoctor-zsh) - A plugin for AsciiDoctor.
* [async](https://github.com/mafredri/zsh-async) - Library for running asynchronous tasks in zsh without requiring any external tools.
* [atom-plugin](https://github.com/CorradoRossi/oh-my-zsh-atom-plugin) - A plugin for Oh My Zsh that lets you launch a file or folder in [Atom](https://atom.io) from [iTerm2](https://iterm2.com). It's based on the Sublime plugin. Only supports macOS.
* [atom-plugin](https://github.com/CorradoRossi/oh-my-zsh-atom-plugin) - A plugin for Oh My Zsh that lets you launch a file or folder in [Atom](https://atom.io) from [iTerm 2](https://iterm2.com). It's based on the Sublime plugin. Only supports macOS.
* [atom](https://github.com/kingsj/atom_plugin.zsh) - A plugin for the Atom editor on macOS.
* [auto-color-ls](https://github.com/gretzky/auto-color-ls) - Automatically list directories with `colorls`.
* [auto-fu.zsh](https://github.com/hchbaw/auto-fu.zsh) - Automatic complete-word and list-choices. Originally incr-0.2.zsh by y.fujii <y-fujii at mimosa-pudica.net>.
@ -399,13 +399,14 @@ These frameworks make customizing your zsh setup easier.
* [hooks](https://github.com/willghatch/zsh-hooks) - Add missing hooks - for plugins and personal use.
* [host-switch](https://github.com/LockonS/host-switch) - Make it easier to switch in different `/etc/hosts` files during development.
* [hub-ci-zsh-plugin](https://github.com/raymondjcox/hub-ci-zsh-plugin) - A simple plugin for adding hub ci-status to your ZSH theme.
* [ing](https://github.com/rummik/zsh-ing) - ping, but shorter output.
* [ing](https://github.com/rummik/zsh-ing) - `ping`, but shorter output.
* [intellij](https://github.com/mgryszko/intellij) - Extract intellij bookmarks into markdown format.
* [interactive-cd](https://github.com/changyuheng/zsh-interactive-cd) - Fish-like interactive tab completion for `cd`.
* [iosctl](https://github.com/obayer/iosctl) - Quickly access App, Data, and Log of the running simulator.
* [iterm-tab-colors](https://github.com/tysonwolker/iterm-tab-colors) - Automatically changes iTerm tab color based on the current working directory.
* [iterm-tab-colors](https://github.com/tysonwolker/iterm-tab-colors) - Automatically changes iTerm 2 tab color based on the current working directory.
* [iterm-touchbar](https://github.com/iam4x/zsh-iterm-touchbar) - Display iTerm2 feedback in the MacbookPro TouchBar (Current directory, git branch & status).
* [iterm2-colors](https://github.com/shayneholmes/zsh-iterm2colors) - Manage your iterm2's color scheme from the command line.
* [iterm2-tabs](https://github.com/gimbo/iterm2-tabs.zsh) - Set colors and titles of iTerm2 tabs.
* [iterm2-colors](https://github.com/shayneholmes/zsh-iterm2colors) - Manage your iTerm 2's color scheme from the command line.
* [iterm2-tabs](https://github.com/gimbo/iterm2-tabs.zsh) - Set colors and titles of iTerm 2 tabs.
* [jabba](https://github.com/2m/zsh-jabba) - Adds shell integration code and completions for the [jabba](https://github.com/shyiko/jabba) Java version manager.
* [java-zsh-plugin](https://github.com/Xetius/java-zsh-plugin) - Adds a `setjdk` command so you can switch easily between different versions of the jdk.
* [jdk-switch](https://github.com/LockonS/jdk-switch) - macOS-only plugin for switching between jdk versions.
@ -729,7 +730,7 @@ If you're using [Antigen](https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen), you can test th
* [bureau](https://github.com/isqua/bureau) - A clear and informative two-lined prompt. Includes git status optimized for large repositories.
* [candy-light](https://github.com/RanaExMachina/oh-my-zsh-candy-light) - Light version of the candy theme.
* [charged](https://github.com/robwierzbowski/charged-zsh-theme) - A ZSH prompt optimized for the [solarized](https://github.com/altercation/solarized) dark terminal theme.
* [chi](https://github.com/andela-abankole/chi) - A ZSH theme optimized for iTerm users on macOS.
* [chi](https://github.com/andela-abankole/chi) - A ZSH theme optimized for iTerm 2 users on macOS.
* [ciacho](https://github.com/Ciacho/ciacho-ohmyzsh-theme) - Based on Agnoster.
* [cinnabar](https://github.com/nvillapiano/zsh-theme---cinnabar) - Shows timestamp, large line breaks, git branch and status.
* [clarity](https://github.com/octarect/clarity.zsh) - Designed for for simpleness and extensibility.
@ -755,7 +756,7 @@ If you're using [Antigen](https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen), you can test th
* [dissonance](https://github.com/RyanScottLewis/theme-dissonance-zsh) - Comes with custom LSCOLORS and LS_COLORS settings files, works with both dark and light terminal themes.
* [dmx](https://github.com/domix/dmx.zsh-theme) - Optimized for dark terminal windows.
* [dp](https://github.com/davidparsson/zsh-dp-theme) - Low contrast theme that shows current git branch, if the repository is dirty and the value of `$PYENV_VERSION`.
* [dracula](https://github.com/dracula/zsh) - A dark theme for Atom, Alfred, Chrome DevTools, iTerm, Sublime Text, Textmate, Terminal.app, Vim, Xcode, ZSH.
* [dracula](https://github.com/dracula/zsh) - A dark theme for Atom, Alfred, Chrome DevTools, iTerm 2, Sublime Text, Textmate, Terminal.app, Vim, Xcode, ZSH.
* [dragon](https://github.com/sabertazimi/dragon-zsh-theme) - Minimalistic, includes git status information.
* [dustmod](https://github.com/bmihaila/dustmod) - Derived from the [dst](https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/blob/master/themes/dst.zsh-theme) theme in oh-my-zsh
* [eggshausted](https://github.com/inutano/eggshausted) - A git theme for people who are tired of getting errors.
@ -796,7 +797,7 @@ If you're using [Antigen](https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen), you can test th
* [hhktony](https://github.com/hhktony/hhktony.zsh-theme) - Inspired by robbyrussell theme + ssh connection status prompt.
* [himself](https://github.com/mwamodojnr/himself) - Optimized for people using git, [solarized](https://github.com/altercation/solarized) terminals and unicode-compatible fonts.
* [hipstersmoothie-p9x](https://github.com/hipstersmoothie/PowerlevelHipstersmoothie) - A variant of [powerlevel9k](https://github.com/bhilburn/powerlevel9k).
* [honukai-iterm-zsh](https://github.com/oskarkrawczyk/honukai-iterm-zsh) - Honukai theme and colors for oh-my-zsh and iTerm.
* [honukai-iterm-zsh](https://github.com/oskarkrawczyk/honukai-iterm-zsh) - Honukai theme and colors for oh-my-zsh and iTerm 2.
* [horizontal](https://github.com/nuimk/horizontal) - Two line prompt with a horizontal separator.
* [hornix](https://github.com/fusion809/zsh-theme) - Displays time & date, OS (including distro if on Linux), directory and whether running as root.
* [horse-sh](https://github.com/emileswarts/horse-sh) - A very minimal brown/red ZSH theme.
@ -895,7 +896,7 @@ If you're using [Antigen](https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen), you can test th
* [powerline (jeremy)](https://github.com/jeremyFreeAgent/oh-my-zsh-powerline-theme) - Another take on a powerline theme. Nicely configurable, but requires at least a 256 color-capable terminal with a powerline-compatible terminal font.
* [powerline (syui)](https://github.com/syui/powerline.zsh) - A git aware powerline theme.
* [powerzeesh](https://github.com/sevaho/Powerzeesh) - A Powerline based ZSH theme. It aims for simplicity, showing information only when it's relevant, optimized for speed and look. Inspired by [Agnoster](https://github.com/agnoster/agnoster-zsh-theme) and [Powerline](https://github.com/jeremyFreeAgent/oh-my-zsh-powerline-theme)
* [pre](https://github.com/leandromatos/pre-theme) - A collection of themes for Sublime Text, Terminal, iTerm2 and ZSH.
* [pre](https://github.com/leandromatos/pre-theme) - A collection of themes for Sublime Text, Terminal, iTerm 2 and ZSH.
* [predawn-shell](https://github.com/jamiewilson/predawn-shell) - Theme for dark terminal themes.
* [prezto-cloud-prompt](https://github.com/klaude/prezto-cloud-prompt) - Prezto port of oh-my-zsh's cloud prompt.
* [prezto-lambda](https://github.com/nixolas1/prezto-lambda) - Lambda theme (for prezto).
@ -907,9 +908,9 @@ If you're using [Antigen](https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen), you can test th
* [purity](https://github.com/pmbenjamin/purity) - Inspired by robbyrussell theme + pure prompt.
* [qoomon](https://github.com/qoomon/zsh-theme-qoomon) - Optimized for dark backgrounds, includes `git` information. Theme repo includes iTerm 2 and Terminal color settings.
* [racotecnic](https://github.com/elboletaire/zsh-theme-racotecnic) - Based on af-magic and posh-git.
* [radium](https://github.com/dimitardimitrov/radium) - Designed for dark terminals, (works best with [Solarized](https://github.com/altercation/solarized) iTerm2 theme) (prezto).
* [radium](https://github.com/dimitardimitrov/radium) - Designed for dark terminals, (works best with [Solarized](https://github.com/altercation/solarized) iTerm 2 theme) (prezto).
* [rafiki](https://github.com/akabiru/rafiki-zsh) - Adds emojis to your zsh terminal.
* [raincoat](https://github.com/ginfuru/RainCoat) - A simple omz-compatible theme with a corresponding iTerm2 color scheme.
* [raincoat](https://github.com/ginfuru/RainCoat) - A simple omz-compatible theme with a corresponding iTerm 2 color scheme.
* [random-emoji](https://gist.github.com/oshybystyi/2c30543cd48b2c9ecab0) - Random emoji.
* [refined](https://github.com/octarect/refined.zsh) - A ZSH theme focused on simpleness and usefulness.
* [remiii](https://github.com/Remiii/remiii.zsh-theme) - Based on agnoster, optimized for [solarized](https://github.com/altercation/solarized) terminal themes.
@ -961,7 +962,7 @@ If you're using [Antigen](https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen), you can test th
* [wade](https://github.com/wadehammes/wade.zsh-theme) - Mashup of the popular ZSH themes '[Agnoster](https://gist.github.com/agnoster/3712874)' and '[Fishy](https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/blob/master/themes/fishy.zsh-theme)', with some visual tweaks.
* [wang-iterm-zsh](https://github.com/0532/wang-iterm-zsh) - Based on the 0532 theme.
* [webicons](https://github.com/Jmclerck/webicons.zsh-theme) - Includes git status, node and yarn versions in prompt.
* [wild-cherry](https://github.com/mashaal/wild-cherry) - A fairy-tale inspired theme for ZSH, iTerm, Sublime, Atom, & Mou.
* [wild-cherry](https://github.com/mashaal/wild-cherry) - A fairy-tale inspired theme for ZSH, iTerm 2, Sublime, Atom, & Mou.
* [work-line](https://github.com/afnizarnur/work-line) - Theme with nice emojis.
* [wynwyn](https://github.com/thaffenden/wynwyn.zsh-theme) - A theme that aims to show you the information you need when you need it. `wynwyn` takes inspiration from the default theme `avit` and the excellent [Spaceship prompt](https://github.com/denysdovhan/spaceship-prompt).
* [xremix](https://github.com/xremix/oh-my-zsh-xremix-theme) - An oh-my-zsh shell theme based on the Jreese theme plugin.
Reference in a new issue