diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index f9eb357..e160a28 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -498,6 +498,7 @@ These frameworks make customizing your zsh setup easier. * [tmux-fork](https://github.com/sharktamer/zsh-tmux) Standalone fork of the oh-my-zsh tmux plugin * [tmux-rename](https://github.com/sei40kr/zsh-tmux-rename) - Rename [tmux](https://tmux.github.io) windows automatically. * [tmux-simple](https://github.com/TBSliver/zsh-plugin-tmux-simple) - Simple plugin for using [tmux](https://tmux.github.io) with ZSH. +* [tmux-vim-integration](https://github.com/jsahlen/tmux-vim-integration.plugin.zsh) - Open files in a running Vim (or NeoVim) session, from an adjacent Tmux pane * [tmux-zsh-vim-titles](https://github.com/MikeDacre/tmux-zsh-vim-titles) - Create unified terminal titles for tmux, ZSH, and Vim/NVIM, modular. * [travis](https://github.com/denolfe/zsh-travis) - Opens the Travis CI page for the current repo if one exists. * [tsm](https://github.com/RobertAudi/tsm) - Adds a [tmux](https://tmux.github.io) Session Manager.