diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index e045589..ab5793a 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -866,7 +866,8 @@ Here are a few good sources for Nerd Fonts and Powerline-compatible fonts: - [git-is-clean](https://github.com/aubreypwd/zsh-plugin-git-is-clean) - This function will return true or false depending on if it finds out your `git` repo is dirty or not. - [git-it-on](https://github.com/peterhurford/git-it-on.zsh) - Adds ability to open a folder in your current branch on GitHub. - [git-lfs](https://github.com/nekofar/zsh-git-lfs) - Adds short aliases for the `git-lfs` commands. -- [git-plugin](https://github.com/rcruzper/zsh-git-plugin) - Adds some functions for `git`. +- [git-plugin (dark-kitt)](https://github.com/dark-kitt/zsh-git-plugin) - `git` integration that displays the current directory and `git` branch. +- [git-plugin (rcruzper)](https://github.com/rcruzper/zsh-git-plugin) - Adds some functions for `git`. - [git-prompt-enhanced](https://github.com/LFabre/zsh-git-prompt-enhanced) - Provides a more granular information about a `git` repository. - [git-prompt-useremail](https://github.com/mroth/git-prompt-useremail) - Adds prompt reminders for `git` user.email. - [git-prune (diazod)](https://github.com/diazod/git-prune) - Allows you to delete all branches that are already merged in your local `git` repository and/or that were merged in your remote origin `git` repository. @@ -1070,6 +1071,7 @@ Here are a few good sources for Nerd Fonts and Powerline-compatible fonts: - [npm (trystan2k)](https://github.com/trystan2k/zsh-npm-plugin) - Adds `npm` aliases. Based on the Oh-My-Zsh [npm](https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/tree/master/plugins/npm) plugin. - [npm (zfben)](https://github.com/zfben/zsh-npm) - Use `n` as `npm` aliases with `noglob` prefix and more. Based on the Oh-My-Zsh [npm](https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/tree/master/plugins/npm) plugin. - [npms](https://github.com/torifat/npms) - Utility powered by [fzf](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf) for using npm scripts interactively. Requires [fzf](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf) and [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/). +- [nvim-appname](https://github.com/mehalter/zsh-nvim-appname) - Maintain multiple Neovim configurations with `NVIM_APPNAME` with full tab completion of available flags, available neovim applications, and neovim arguments/flags. Requires neovim v0.9+ - [nvim-switcher](https://github.com/dacarey/zsh-nvim-switcher)- Manages switching between `nvim` distributinons such as [Lazyvim](https://www.lazyvim.org/), [kickstart](https://github.com/nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim) or a home made configuration. - [nvm-auto-use](https://github.com/tomsquest/nvm-auto-use.zsh) - Calls `nvm use` automatically whenever you enter a directory that contains an `.nvmrc` file with a string telling `nvm` which node to use. - [nvm-lazy](https://github.com/davidparsson/zsh-nvm-lazy) - Plugin for lazy loading of oh-my-zsh's **nvm*- plugin. It supports lazy-loading `nvm` for more than one binary/entrypoint, with the defaults being `nvm`, `node` and `npm`. @@ -1689,6 +1691,7 @@ If you're using [Antigen](https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen), you can test th - [alien-minimal](https://github.com/eendroroy/alien-minimal) - Minimalist ZSH theme with `git` status displayed. - [alien](https://github.com/eendroroy/alien) - Powerline-esque ZSH theme that shows `git` decorations and the exit code of the last command. Faster than many other prompts because it determines the `git` decorations asynchronously in a background process. - [almel](https://github.com/Ryooooooga/almel) - Inspired by [agnoster](https://github.com/agnoster/agnoster-zsh-theme), written in Rust. Includes `git` status, user@host, last command exit status and working directory decorations +- [aloy](https://github.com/karetsu/aloy) - Fork of [@elenapan's](https://github.com/elenapan/dotfiles) lena ZSH theme. extended to give a little more information in it. It also includes the 'magic enter' from subnixr's [minimal](https://github.com/subnixr/minimal) where hitting enter without any further commands prints out some useful `ls`, `git` and current working directory information. - [alp](https://github.com/zrut747/alp/) - A simple theme with decorations for current directory, root status, username and host. - [alpharized](https://github.com/NicoSantangelo/Alpharized) - Optimized to work with [solarized](http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized) dark terminals. It's a modified version of the [avit theme](https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/blob/master/themes/avit.zsh-theme). - [amoyly](https://github.com/Br1an6/amoyly.zsh-theme) - An elegant and comfortable-reading theme based on [Agnoster](https://gist.github.com/agnoster/3712874).