diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 1fb2615..871dbe2 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -274,18 +274,19 @@ The project is very active – currently > 2000 commits. ### Generic ZSH * [A Beautifully Productive Terminal Experience](https://mikebuss.com/2014/02/02/a-beautiful-productive-terminal-experience/) - Tutorial using a combination of [iTerm 2](https://www.iterm2.com/#/section/home), [ZSH](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z_shell), [Prezto](https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto), [Tmux](https://tmux.github.io), and [Tmuxinator](https://github.com/tmuxinator/tmuxinator) to make for an extremely productive developer workflow. -* [https://commandlinepoweruser.com](https://commandlinepoweruser.com/) - Wes Bos' videos introducing ZSH and oh-my-zsh. -* [https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/zsh](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/zsh) - Arch Linux's ZSH introduction. Not Arch or Linux-specific. +* [Arch Linux's ZSH introduction](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/zsh) - Not actually Arch or Linux-specific. +* [commandlinepoweruser.com](https://commandlinepoweruser.com/) - Wes Bos' videos introducing ZSH and oh-my-zsh. * [Outrageously Useful Tips To Master Your Z Shell](http://reasoniamhere.com/2014/01/11/outrageously-useful-tips-to-master-your-z-shell/) covers some of the features that ZSH has that Bash doesn't, and using oh-my-zsh. * [The Text Triumvirate](http://www.drbunsen.org/the-text-triumvirate/) - Seth Brown's tutorial on combining ZSH, [tmux](https://tmux.github.io) and vim. -* [xVanjaZ](https://github.com/xVanjaZ/xVanjaZ-ZSH-Theme) - wrote a quick setup document for oh-my-zsh beginners showing how to use the [spaceship](https://github.com/denysdovhan/spaceship-prompt.git) prompt, syntax highlighting at the prompt, autosuggestion and a custom iTerm 2 theme. * [Why ZSH is Cooler than your Shell](https://www.slideshare.net/jaguardesignstudio/why-zsh-is-cooler-than-your-shell-16194692) - slideshare presentation. +* [xVanjaZ](https://github.com/xVanjaZ/xVanjaZ-ZSH-Theme) - wrote a quick setup document for oh-my-zsh beginners showing how to use the [spaceship](https://github.com/denysdovhan/spaceship-prompt.git) prompt, syntax highlighting at the prompt, autosuggestion and a custom iTerm 2 theme. * [ZSH Pony](https://github.com/mika/zsh-pony) - Covers customizing ZSH without a framework. * [ZSH tips by Christian Schneider](http://strcat.de/zsh/#tipps) - An exhaustive list of ZSH tips by Christian Schneider. ### Antigen -* [https://mgdm.net/weblog/zsh-antigen/](https://mgdm.net/weblog/zsh-antigen/) - Michael Maclean's article about switching from oh-my-zsh to antigen. +* [belak/zsh-utils](https://github.com/belak/zsh-utils) - A minimal set of ZSH plugins designed to be low-friction and low-complexity. +* [mgdm.net/weblog/zsh-antigen/](https://mgdm.net/weblog/zsh-antigen/) - Michael Maclean's article about switching from oh-my-zsh to antigen. * [Oh-my-zsh is the Disease and Antigen is the Vaccine](https://joshldavis.com/2014/07/26/oh-my-zsh-is-a-disease-antigen-is-the-vaccine/) - Josh Davis' introduction to Antigen. ### Oh-My-Zsh @@ -954,7 +955,7 @@ If you're using [Antigen](https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen), you can test th * [arrow-minimal](https://github.com/maxim-usikov/arrow-minimal.zsh-theme) - A minimal ZSH theme with `git` decorations. * [asciigit](https://github.com/cemsbr/asciigit) - An ASCII-only theme for `git` users who don't want to use fonts with extra glyphs. * [asq](https://github.com/AugustoQueiroz/asq-theme) - Based on [theunraveler](https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/wiki/Themes#theunraveler). -* [astral](https://github.com/alphabetum/astral) - Theme for dark backgrounds with zen mode. +* [astral](https://github.com/xwmx/astral) - Theme for dark backgrounds with zen mode. Works well with the zsh-users [zsh-syntax-highlighting](https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting) plugin. * [astro](https://github.com/iplaces/astro-zsh-theme/blob/master/README.md) - Based on the [`ys`](http://blog.ysmood.org/my-ys-terminal-theme/) and [robbyrussell](https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/wiki/Themes#robbyrussell) themes. * [async](https://github.com/mje-nz/zsh-themes) - Shows current directory, `git` state, return value of last command if it had an error code, number of background jobs, execution time of long-running commands, current python virtualenv. * [aterminal](https://github.com/guiferpa/aterminal) - Displays Nodejs, NPM, Docker, Go, Python, Elixir and Ruby information in the prompt.