Clean up markdown in tutorials section

Signed-off-by: Joe Block <>
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Joe Block 2022-02-14 21:18:23 -04:00
parent 04a2e96b24
commit 12a94b50cd

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@ -407,63 +407,63 @@ This section is for full setup dropins - they aren't frameworks, but they're not
### Generic ZSH
* [A Beautifully Productive Terminal Experience]( - Tutorial using a combination of [iTerm 2](, [ZSH](, [Prezto](, [Tmux](, and [Tmuxinator]( to make for an extremely productive developer workflow.
* [Arch Linux's ZSH introduction]( - Not actually Arch or Linux-specific.
* [GH]( - Setup ZSH on debian/Ubuntu-based linuxes. Installs [Powerlevel10k](, [zsh-completions](, [zsh-autosuggestions](, [fast-syntax-highlighting](, and more.
* [How To Make an Awesome Custom Shell with ZSH]( - A beginner-friendly tutorial on how to install and configure a ZSH shell.
* []( - Wes Bos' videos introducing ZSH and oh-my-zsh.
* [Outrageously Useful Tips To Master Your Z Shell]( covers some of the features that ZSH has that Bash doesn't, and using oh-my-zsh.
* [rs-example]( - An example plugin showing how a Rust program can listen to and process commands from ZSH.
* [Why ZSH is Cooler than your Shell]( - slideshare presentation.
* [xVanjaZ]( - wrote a quick setup document for oh-my-zsh beginners showing how to use the [spaceship]( prompt, syntax highlighting at the prompt, autosuggestion and a custom iTerm 2 theme.
* [ZSH for Humans]( - A turnkey configuration for ZSH that aims to work really well out of the box. It combines a curated set of ZSH plugins into a coherent whole that feels like a finished product rather than a DIY starter kit.
* [ZSH Pony]( - Covers customizing ZSH without a framework.
* [ZSH tips by Christian Schneider]( - An exhaustive list of ZSH tips by Christian Schneider.
- [A Beautifully Productive Terminal Experience]( - Tutorial using a combination of [iTerm 2](, [ZSH](, [Prezto](, [Tmux](, and [Tmuxinator]( to make for an extremely productive developer workflow.
- [Arch Linux's ZSH introduction]( - Not actually Arch or Linux-specific.
- [GH]( - Setup ZSH on debian/Ubuntu-based linuxes. Installs [Powerlevel10k](, [zsh-completions](, [zsh-autosuggestions](, [fast-syntax-highlighting](, and more.
- [How To Make an Awesome Custom Shell with ZSH]( - A beginner-friendly tutorial on how to install and configure a ZSH shell.
- []( - Wes Bos' videos introducing ZSH and oh-my-zsh.
- [Outrageously Useful Tips To Master Your Z Shell]( covers some of the features that ZSH has that Bash doesn't, and using oh-my-zsh.
- [rs-example]( - An example plugin showing how a Rust program can listen to and process commands from ZSH.
- [Why ZSH is Cooler than your Shell]( - slideshare presentation.
- [xVanjaZ]( - wrote a quick setup document for oh-my-zsh beginners showing how to use the [spaceship]( prompt, syntax highlighting at the prompt, autosuggestion and a custom iTerm 2 theme.
- [ZSH for Humans]( - A turnkey configuration for ZSH that aims to work really well out of the box. It combines a curated set of ZSH plugins into a coherent whole that feels like a finished product rather than a DIY starter kit.
- [ZSH Pony]( - Covers customizing ZSH without a framework.
- [ZSH tips by Christian Schneider]( - An exhaustive list of ZSH tips by Christian Schneider.
- [ZSH Unplugged]( - Good resource if you want to eliminate using a framework but still easily use plugins.
### Antigen
* [belak/zsh-utils]( - A minimal set of ZSH plugins designed to be low-friction and low-complexity.
* []( - Michael Maclean's article about switching from oh-my-zsh to antigen.
* [Oh-my-zsh is the Disease and Antigen is the Vaccine]( - Josh Davis' introduction to Antigen.
- [belak/zsh-utils]( - A minimal set of ZSH plugins designed to be low-friction and low-complexity.
- []( - Michael Maclean's article about switching from oh-my-zsh to antigen.
- [Oh-my-zsh is the Disease and Antigen is the Vaccine]( - Josh Davis' introduction to Antigen.
### Oh-My-Zsh
* [Getting started with oh-my-zsh]( - A beginners guide to oh-my-zsh by Dien Bui
* [Learn Zsh in 80 Minutes macOS]( - A beginners guide to using Oh My Zsh on macOS by Karl Hadwen
* [Oh-My-Zsh! A Work of CLI Magic]( - Michiel Mulders installation guide for Ubuntu
* [ZSH Gem 24]( - Part of the 2011 ZSH Advent Calendar. Covers oh-my-zsh and zshuery.
- [Getting started with oh-my-zsh]( - A beginners guide to oh-my-zsh by Dien Bui
- [Learn Zsh in 80 Minutes macOS]( - A beginners guide to using Oh My Zsh on macOS by Karl Hadwen
- [Oh-My-Zsh! A Work of CLI Magic]( - Michiel Mulders installation guide for Ubuntu
- [ZSH Gem 24]( - Part of the 2011 ZSH Advent Calendar. Covers oh-my-zsh and zshuery.
### Prezto
* [A Beautifully Productive Terminal Experience]( - Mike Buss' blog post about using Prezto, [Tmux]( & Tmuxinator.
* [Migrate from Oh-My-Zsh to Prezto]( - Jerome Dalbert's blog post on migrating to Prezto.
- [A Beautifully Productive Terminal Experience]( - Mike Buss' blog post about using Prezto, [Tmux]( & Tmuxinator.
- [Migrate from Oh-My-Zsh to Prezto]( - Jerome Dalbert's blog post on migrating to Prezto.
### Zgen
* [rad-shell]( - A fantastically feature rich, lightning-fast shell setup, powered by [ZSH](, [Prezto](, and [Zgen](
- [rad-shell]( - A fantastically feature rich, lightning-fast shell setup, powered by [ZSH](, [Prezto](, and [Zgen](
### Zinit (né zplugin)
* [BlaCk-Void-Zsh]( - :crystal_ball: Awesome, customable Zsh Starter Kit :stars::stars:. Includes powerline, `fzf` integration, Weather and image viewing in some terminals.
* [zinit-configs]( - Real-world configuration files (basically a collection of `.zshrc` files) holding [zinit]( invocations.
- [BlaCk-Void-Zsh]( - :crystal_ball: Awesome, customable Zsh Starter Kit :stars::stars:. Includes powerline, `fzf` integration, Weather and image viewing in some terminals.
- [zinit-configs]( - Real-world configuration files (basically a collection of `.zshrc` files) holding [zinit]( invocations.
### ZSH on Windows
* [superconsole]( - Windows-only.
- [superconsole]( - Windows-only.
* ConEmu/zsh out-of-the-box configured to restore previously opened tabs and shell working directories after ConEmu restart
* Choose between clean and inherited environment when starting new SuperConsole sessions
* Custom colorful scheme, colorful output for various commands
* MSYS2 included, `zsh` and necessary software preinstalled, uses zsh-grml-config
* Uses Antigen for ZSH theme and config management
* Enabled number of ZSH plugins to activate completion, highlighting and history for most comfortable use
* Git-for-Windows repo with proper `git` and git lfs support for MSYS2 environment is configured, `git` client already installed.
* `ssh-agent` for `git` works out-of-box, add your keys to `ConEmu/msys64/ConEmu/msys64/home/user/.ssh` dir
* Non-blocking ZSH prompt status updates thanks to agkozak-zsh-prompt
* Customized for MSYS2 command-not-found handler suggests what package to install
* Sets up `nano` as main editor, enables `nano` syntax highlighting
* Custom helper scripts added to `ConEmu/msys64/3rdparty`
- ConEmu/zsh out-of-the-box configured to restore previously opened tabs and shell working directories after ConEmu restart
- Choose between clean and inherited environment when starting new SuperConsole sessions
- Custom colorful scheme, colorful output for various commands
- MSYS2 included, `zsh` and necessary software preinstalled, uses zsh-grml-config
- Uses Antigen for ZSH theme and config management
- Enabled number of ZSH plugins to activate completion, highlighting and history for most comfortable use
- Git-for-Windows repo with proper `git` and git lfs support for MSYS2 environment is configured, `git` client already installed.
- `ssh-agent` for `git` works out-of-box, add your keys to `ConEmu/msys64/ConEmu/msys64/home/user/.ssh` dir
- Non-blocking ZSH prompt status updates thanks to agkozak-zsh-prompt
- Customized for MSYS2 command-not-found handler suggests what package to install
- Sets up `nano` as main editor, enables `nano` syntax highlighting
- Custom helper scripts added to `ConEmu/msys64/3rdparty`
## Plugins