- [ ] This document is covered by the [BSD License](https://github.com/unixorn/awesome-zsh-plugins/blob/master/LICENSE), and I agree to contribute this PR under the terms of the license. This is for the list submission, not for the project(s) you're adding, I don't care what license the plugins have as long as they have something.
- [ ] I have signed off my commits. You can use `git commit --amend --no-edit --signoff` to amend an existing commit, and you can find more details about signing off commits on the DCO GitHub action page [here](https://probot.github.io/apps/dco/)
- [ ] Any added themes have a screenshot, a readme, and a license file in their repository.
- [ ] I have stripped leading and trailing **zsh-**, **zsh-plugin** and/or **oh-my-zsh-** substrings from the link name. This makes it easier to find plugins/themes/completions by name by preventing big clusters in the **O** and **Z** sections of the list.