mirror of
synced 2024-11-10 06:24:16 +00:00
chore: clean up (#541)
* chore: move `CONTRIBUTING` to root This file is not read enough because it's a bit hidden. * feat(ci): lint using case-police * style: lint using case-police * chore: replace GitHub Discussions with Discord * chore: clean up IDE extensions * chore: clean up plugins * chore: clean up tools
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3 changed files with 29 additions and 134 deletions
@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ jobs:
fetch-depth: 0
- run: npx awesome-lint
- run: npx case-police "./README.md"
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- 💙 [Website](https://tailwindcss.com) - Official Tailwind CSS website.
- 💙 [Repository](https://github.com/tailwindcss/tailwindcss) - Official Tailwind CSS repository.
- 💙 [Discussions](https://github.com/tailwindcss/tailwindcss/discussions) - Official place to connect with other community members about Tailwind.
- 💙 [Tailwind UI](https://tailwindui.com) - Component library made with Tailwind CSS.
- 💙 [Headless UI](https://github.com/tailwindlabs/headlessui) - Completely unstyled, fully accessible UI components.
- 💙 [Heroicons](https://heroicons.com/) - Beautiful, hand-crafted SVG icons.
- 💙 [Play](https://play.tailwindcss.com/) - Advanced online playground for Tailwind CSS.
- 💙 [Discord](https://tailwindcss.com/discord) - Official Discord server to connect with other community members about Tailwind CSS.
- [Tailwind Weekly](https://tailwindweekly.com/) - Weekly newsletter about all things Tailwind CSS.
## IDE Extensions
**Legend**: 💙 Official resource
- 💙 [IntelliSense for Code](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss) - IntelliSense extension for Visual Studio Code.
- [Styled Snippets for Code](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=muhajirframe.tailwind-styled-snippets) - Snippet extension for Visual Studio Code.
- [Headwind for Code](https://github.com/heybourn/headwind) - Class sorter extension for Visual Studio Code.
- [Shades for Code](https://github.com/bourhaouta/vscode-tailwindshades) - Color palette generator extension for Visual Studio Code.
- [IntelliSense for Neovim](https://github.com/iamcco/coc-tailwindcss) - IntelliSense extension for Neovim.
- 💙 [IntelliSense for Code](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss) - Provides IntelliSense in Visual Studio Code.
- [LSP support for Emacs](https://github.com/merrickluo/lsp-tailwindcss) - LSP support for Emacs.
- [Tailwind CSS Explorer for Code](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=PeterMekhaeil.vscode-tailwindcss-explorer) - Explore the classes available in your project's Tailwind CSS setup.
- [Tailwind CSS Highlight](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ellreka.tailwindcss-highlight) - Highlight utilities extension for Visual Studio Code.
- [CSS to TailwindCSS converter for Code](https://github.com/Jackardios/vscode-css-to-tailwindcss) - CSS to Tailwind CSS converter extension for Visual Studio Code.
- [Tailwind CSS Highlight](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ellreka.tailwindcss-highlight) - Highlights utility classes in Visual Studio Code.
- [CSS to TailwindCSS converter for Code](https://github.com/Jackardios/vscode-css-to-tailwindcss) - Converts CSS to Tailwind CSS in Visual Studio Code.
## Plugins
**Legend**: 💙 Official plugin · 🎨 Theming · 💼 Utilities · 🧬 Variants · 🧩 Components · 🛑 Deprecated
- 💙🧩 [Typography](https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss-typography) - Adds a `prose` class for beautiful typographic defaults.
- 💙💼 [Aspect Ratio](https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss-aspect-ratio) - Adds composable aspect ratio utilities.
- 💙💼 [Container queries](https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss-container-queries) - Provides utilities for container queries.
- 💙 [Forms](https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss-forms) - Adds better default styles to form elements.
- 🎨🧬 [Theming](https://github.com/innocenzi/tailwindcss-theming) - Theming using CSS variables, with dark mode support.
- 🎨🧬 [Theme Variants](https://github.com/JakeNavith/tailwindcss-theme-variants) - Adds theme variants based on media queries and/or CSS selectors.
- 🎨🧬 [Multi Theme](https://github.com/estevanmaito/tailwindcss-multi-theme) - Adds theme variants based on a single `theme` property.
- 🎨🧬 [Theme Swapper](https://github.com/crswll/tailwindcss-theme-swapper) - Theming using CSS variables, with media queries support.
- 🎨🧬 [Themeable](https://github.com/upupming/tailwindcss-themeable) - Adds multiple themes support for Tailwind CSS.
- 🎨🧬 [Themer](https://github.com/RyanClementsHax/tailwindcss-themer) - Adds theming support for Tailwind CSS with CSS variables and variants.
- 🎨🧩 [Tailwind Elements](https://tailwind-elements.com/) - Extends Tailwind CSS with 500+ interactive components (datepickers, modals, forms, tables, darkmode).
- 🎨🧩 [Tailwind Elements](https://github.com/mdbootstrap/TW-Elements/) - Extends Tailwind CSS with 500+ interactive components (datepickers, modals, forms, tables, darkmode).
- 🎨🧩 [CSS Variables](https://github.com/mertasan/tailwindcss-variables) - Exports custom CSS variables.
- 🎨💼 [Accent](https://github.com/enjidev/tailwindcss-accent) - Adds `accent` colors for more dynamic and flexible color utilization.
- 💼🧬 [Radix](https://github.com/ecklf/tailwindcss-radix) - Adds utilities and variants for styling Radix UI state.
- 💼 [Custom Native](https://github.com/SirNavith/tailwindcss-custom-native) - Leverages Tailwind CSS's configuration to allow the creation of utilities.
- 💼 [Image Rendering](https://github.com/hacknug/tailwindcss-image-rendering) - Adds `image-rendering` utilities.
- 💼 [Elevation](https://github.com/jonaskay/tailwindcss-elevation) - Adds [Material UI `elevation`](https://material.io/design/environment/elevation.html) utilities.
- 💼 [Writing Mode](https://github.com/magicspon/tailwindcss-writing-mode) - Adds `writing-mode` utilities.
- 💼 [Hyphens](https://github.com/vivgui/tailwindcss-hyphens) - Adds `hyphens` utilities.
- 💼 [Border Gradients](https://github.com/cossssmin/tailwindcss-border-gradients) - Adds `border-image` gradient utilities.
- 💼 [RFS](https://github.com/aerni/tailwindcss-rfs) - Adds [`RFS`](https://github.com/twbs/rfs) utilities.
- 💼 [List Reset](https://github.com/opdavies/tailwindcss-list-reset) - Adds back the `list-reset` class that was removed prior to Tailwind CSS 1.0.
- 💼 [Fluid](https://github.com/bradlc/tailwindcss-fluid) - Adds fluid sizing utilities.
- 💼 [Typography](https://github.com/benface/tailwindcss-typography) - Adds typography utilities.
- 💼 [Triangle After](https://github.com/chrisrowe/tailwindcss-triangle-after) - Adds CSS triangles utilities.
- 💼 [Scrims](https://github.com/brettgullan/tailwindcss-scrims) - Adds scrims utilities.
- 💼 [Truncate Multiline](https://github.com/jhta/tailwindcss-truncate-multiline) - Adds utilities to truncate multi-line text elements.
- 💼 [CSS Logical Properties](https://github.com/omarkhatibco/tailwind-css-logical-properties) - Generate utilities for CSS Logical Properties.
- 💼 [Tooltip Arrows After](https://github.com/gvital3230/tailwindcss-tooltip-arrow-after) - Adds CSS utilities for tooltip arrows with configurable border and background.
- 💼 [Bidirectional](https://github.com/20lives/tailwindcss-rtl) - Adds utilities for creating multilingual bidirectional layouts.
- 💼 [Bidirectional](https://github.com/yassinebridi/tailwind-direction) - Replace the core utilities to be bi-direction compatible.
- 💼 [Background SVG](https://github.com/AndersNielsen85/tailwindcss-bg-svg) - Inject SVGs as background images with color variants.
- 💼 [Background Unsplash](https://github.com/shorwood/tailwindcss-unsplash) - Apply [unsplash.com](https://unsplash.com) images as background.
- 💼 [Brand Colors](https://github.com/praveenjuge/tailwindcss-brand-colors) - Adds various brand colors for background, border and text.
- 💼 [Bootstrap Grid](https://github.com/karolis-sh/tailwind-bootstrap-grid) - Generates Bootstrap's style flexbox grid system.
- 💼 [Leading Trim](https://github.com/stormwarning/tailwindcss-capsize) - Adds utilities to trim text whitespace, using [Capsize](https://github.com/seek-oss/capsize).
- 💼 [Scrollbar Hide](https://github.com/reslear/tailwind-scrollbar-hide) - Adds `scrollbar-hide` class for visual hide scrollbar.
- 💼 [Downwind CSS Easings](https://github.com/downwindcss/easings) - Extends `transition-timing-function` utilities.
- 💼 [Content Placeholder](https://github.com/javisperez/tailwindcontentplaceholder) - Adds utilities for content placeholder images.
- 💼 [No Scrollbar](https://github.com/redwebcreation/tailwindcss-no-scrollbar) - Exposes `scrollbar-none` to visually hide a scrollbar.
- 💼 [Fluid Type](https://github.com/davidhellmann/tailwindcss-fluid-type) - Adds fluid type (`font-size`) utilities.
- 💼 [Grid Areas](https://github.com/SavvyWombat/tailwindcss-grid-areas) - Adds `grid-areas` and `grid-area` utilities.
- 💼 [Full Bleed Background and Borders](https://github.com/dgknca/tailwindcss-full-bleed) - Provides utilities for extended backgrounds and borders.
- 💼 [Full bleed background and borders](https://github.com/dgknca/tailwindcss-full-bleed) - Provides utilities for extended backgrounds and borders.
- 💼 [CSS Filter Order](https://github.com/joshdavenport/tailwindcss-filter-order) - Adds `filter-order` utilities for changing the order of filters in the generated CSS.
- 💼 [TailwindCSS 3D](https://github.com/sambauers/tailwindcss-3d) - Adds 3D `transform` utilities and animations.
- 💼 [Tailwind CSS 3D](https://github.com/sambauers/tailwindcss-3d) - Adds 3D `transform` utilities and animations.
- 💼 [Claymorphism](https://github.com/dulltackle/tailwindcss-claymorphism) - Adds `clay` utilities for creating claymorphism style.
- 🧬 [Touch](https://github.com/SteadfastCollective/tailwindcss-touch) - Adds `touch` variants.
- 🧬 [Localized](https://github.com/hdodov/tailwindcss-localized) - Adds variants based on the HTML `lang` attribute, to use utilities only with certain languages.
- 🧬 [Padded Radius](https://github.com/locksten/tailwindcss-padded-radius) - Adds variants for matching nested border radii.
- 🧬 [Fluid](https://github.com/soberwp/tailwindcss-fl) - Generates `fl:` variants.
- 🧬 [Pseudo selectors](https://github.com/Microwawe/tailwindcss-pseudo-selectors) - Adds variants for the pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements that Tailwind CSS doesn't have by default.
- 🧬 [Container Queries](https://github.com/dgknca/tailwindcss-container-query) - Adds CSS Container Query variants.
- 🧬 [FormKit](https://github.com/formkit/formkit/tree/master/packages/tailwindcss) - Adds variants for input and form states for FormKit.
- 🧬 [Htmx](https://github.com/aniftyco/tailwind-htmx) - Adds variants for styling on [htmx](https://htmx.org/reference/#classes) events.
- 🧩 [Debug Screens](https://github.com/jorenvanhee/tailwindcss-debug-screens) - Adds a component that shows the currently active screen (responsive breakpoint).
- 🧩 [Heropatterns](https://github.com/AndreaMinato/tailwind-heropatterns) - Adds [Hero Patterns](https://www.heropatterns.com) components.
- 🧩 [Responsive Embed](https://github.com/drdogbot7/tailwindcss-responsive-embed) - Adds a `responsive-embed` component.
- 🧩 [Bootstrap Tables](https://github.com/drehimself/tailwindcss-tables) - Adds table components based on Bootstrap's tables.
- 🧩 [Card](https://github.com/NathanHeffley/tailwindcss-card) - Adds card components.
- 🧩 [Skip link](https://github.com/opdavies/tailwindcss-skip-link) - Adds a _Skip to main content_ accessible component.
- 🧩 [Colors to CSS Variables](https://github.com/n1kk/tailwind-color-vars) - Exports color configuration to CSS Custom Properties.
- 🧩 [CSS Variables](https://github.com/omarkhatibco/tailwind-css-variables) - Exports configuration to CSS Custom Properties.
- 🧩 [CSS Variables](https://github.com/mertasan/tailwindcss-variables) - Exports custom CSS variables (Dark Mode supported).
- 🧩 [Perspective](https://github.com/Kamona-WD/tailwindcss-perspective) - Adds `perspective` utilities.
- 🧩 [Debug screens](https://github.com/jorenvanhee/tailwindcss-debug-screens) - Adds a component that shows the currently active screen (responsive breakpoint).
<summary>🛑 *The plugins below offer functionalities that are now fully or partially implemented in Tailwind CSS.*</summary>
<summary>🛑 *Below are official plugins which functionalities are either deprecated or (partially) implemented in core.*</summary>
- 🛑💼 [benface's gradients](https://github.com/benface/tailwindcss-gradients) - Adds gradient utilities.
- 🛑💼 [lorisleiva's gradients](https://github.com/lorisleiva/tailwindcss-plugins/tree/master/gradients) - Adds background gradient utilities.
- 🛑💼 [Visually Hidden](https://github.com/webdna/tailwindcss-visuallyhidden) - Adds screen reader utilities.
- 🛑💼 [Object Fit](https://github.com/hendrikeng/tailwindcss-object-fit) - Adds `object-fit` utilities.
- 🛑💼 [Object Position](https://github.com/hacknug/tailwindcss-object-position) - Adds `object-position` utilities.
- 🛑💼 [Accessibility](https://github.com/jack-pallot/tailwindcss-accessibility) - Adds screen reader utilities.
- 🛑💼 [Layout](https://github.com/benface/tailwindcss-layout) - Adds some layout utilities.
- 🛑💼 [Grid](https://github.com/chrisrowe/tailwindcss-grid) - Adds CSS grids utilities.
- 🛑💼 [Transforms](https://github.com/benface/tailwindcss-transforms) - Adds `transform` utilities.
- 🛑💼 [benface's transitions](https://github.com/benface/tailwindcss-transitions) - Adds configurable transition utilities, with or without CSS variables.
- 🛑💼 [webdna's transitions](https://github.com/webdna/tailwindcss-transition) - Adds configurable transition utilities.
- 🛑💼 [glhd's transitions](https://github.com/glhd/tailwindcss-plugins) - Adds basic transition utilities.
- 🛑💼 [Cursor Extended](https://github.com/hacknug/tailwindcss-cursor-extended) - Extends `cursor` utilities.
- 🛑💼 [Font Variant Numeric](https://github.com/philippbosch/tailwindcss-font-variant-numeric) - Adds `font-variant-numeric` utilities.
- 🛑💼 [Filters](https://github.com/benface/tailwindcss-filters) - Adds `filter` utilities.
- 🛑💼 [CSS Filters](https://github.com/Larsklopstra/tailwindcss-css-filters) - Adds `filter` and `backdrop-filter` utilities with defaults.
- 🛑💼 [Blend Mode](https://github.com/hacknug/tailwindcss-blend-mode) - Adds `blend-mode` utilities.
- 🛑💼 [Colorize](https://github.com/philippbosch/tailwindcss-colorize) - Adds `filter` utilities.
- 🛑💼 [Scroll Snap](https://github.com/innocenzi/tailwindcss-scroll-snap) - Adds `scroll-snap` utilities.
- 🛑💼 [Scroll Behavior](https://github.com/lukewarlow/tailwind-scroll-behavior) - Adds `scroll-smooth` and `scroll-auto` classes to control smooth scrolling.
- 🛑💼 [Accent Color](https://github.com/lukewarlow/tailwind-accent-color) - Adds accent color utilities.
- 🛑💼 [Text Indent](https://github.com/hacknug/tailwindcss-text-indent) - Adds `text-indent` utilities.
- 🛑💼 [Text Decoration Color](https://github.com/ahmadawais/tailwind-text-decoration-color) - Adds `text-decoration-color` utilities.
- 🛑💼 [Downwind CSS Text Decoration](https://github.com/downwindcss/text-decoration) - Adds composable `text-decoration` utilities.
- 🛑💼 [Capitalize first letter](https://github.com/riderx/capitalize-first-tailwind) - Adds `capitalize-first` utilities.
- 🛑💼 [Aspect Ratio](https://github.com/webdna/tailwindcss-aspect-ratio) - Adds `aspect-ratio` utilities.
- 🛑💼 [Shadow Outline Colors](https://github.com/octoper/tailwindcss-shadow-outline-colors) - Adds `box-shadow` utilities based on configured colors.
- 🛑💼 [Alpha](https://github.com/bradlc/tailwindcss-alpha) - Adds alpha color variant utilities.
- 🛑💼💙 [Line Clamp](https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss-line-clamp) - Provides utilities for visually truncating text after a fixed number of lines.
- 🛑🧬 [Direction](https://github.com/RonMelkhior/tailwindcss-dir) - Adds `RTL` and `LTR` variants.
- 🛑🧬 [Important](https://github.com/chasegiunta/tailwindcss-important) - Adds an `important` variant.
- 🛑🧬🎨 [Prefers Dark Mode](https://github.com/javifm86/tailwindcss-prefers-dark-mode) - Adds variants based on the `prefers-color-scheme` media query.
- 🛑🧬🎨 [Dark Mode](https://github.com/danestves/tailwindcss-darkmode) - Adds `dark` variants based on CSS classes.
- 🛑🧬🎨 [Dark Mode](https://github.com/ChanceArthur/tailwindcss-dark-mode) - Adds `dark` variants based on the `prefers-color-scheme` media query.
- 🛑🧬 [CSS Alpha Colors](https://github.com/soueuls/tailwind-color-alpha) - Adds opacity variants to existing colors.
- 🛑🧬 [Pseudo](https://github.com/Log1x/tailwindcss-pseudo) - Adds custom variants to Tailwind CSS's configuration.
- 🛑🧩 [Spinner](https://github.com/aniftyco/tailwindcss-spinner) - Adds a spinner component.
- 🛑🧩 [Spaced Items](https://github.com/n1kk/tailwindcss-spaced-items) - Adds `spaced` components that add fixed margins to all container items.
- 🛑🧩💙 [Custom Forms](https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss-custom-forms) - Adds better default styles to form elements.
- 🛑💙💼 [Aspect Ratio](https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss-aspect-ratio) - Adds composable aspect ratio utilities.
## Tools
**Legend**: 🌍 Accessible online · 🔼 Conversion or upgrade tool · 🔧 Generator · 🅰 Typing/enforcement · 💼 Plugins/Tools/Extensions for external services · 🎨 Color-related · 🚀 Framework
**Legend**: 🌍 Accessible online · 🔼 Conversion or upgrade tool · 🔧 Generator · 🅰 Typing/enforcement · 💼 Plugins/Tools/Extensions for external services · 🎨 Color-related · 🚀 Framework · 💰 Paid plans
- 💙💼 [Prettier plugin](https://github.com/tailwindlabs/prettier-plugin-tailwindcss) - Official Tailwind CSS plugin for Prettier.
- 🎨🌍🔧 [Ui Colors](https://uicolors.app/create) - Color palette generator for Tailwind CSS.
- 🎨🌍🔧 [Tailwind Color Shades](https://javisperez.github.io/tailwindcolorshades) - Color shades generator for Tailwind CSS.
- 🎨🌍🔧 [Palette generator](https://adevade.github.io/color-scheme-generator) - Color palette generator that outputs Tailwind CSS configuration files.
- 🎨🌍🔧 [Tailwind Colors](https://tailwind-colors.meidev.co) - Color configuration generator for Tailwind CSS.
@ -189,75 +117,41 @@
- 🎨🌍🔧 [Hypercolor](https://hypercolor.dev/) - Collection of pre-configured Tailwind CSS gradients with directional options.
- 🎨🌍🔧 [Palettolithic](https://palettolithic.com) - Generates harmonius color palettes based on one color.
- 🎨🌍🔧 [Tailwind Gradient Generator](https://tailwindcomponents.com/gradient-generator) - Create perfect Tailwind CSS gradients with zero lines of code.
- 🎨🌍🔧 [Ui Colors](https://uicolors.app/create) - Color palette generator for Tailwind CSS.
- 🎨🌍🔧 [Tints](https://www.tints.dev/) - Color palette penerator and API for Tailwind CSS.
- 🎨🌍💼 [Tailwind CSS v2 colors](https://www.figma.com/community/file/905719775911766776) - Figma library with Tailwind CSS v2 colors.
- 🎨🔧💼 [Colorkraken](https://github.com/Bouhoum/colorkraken) - Color shades generator for Tailwind CSS.
- 🎨🔧💼 [babel-plugin-tailwind-dark](https://github.com/wowlusitong/babel-plugin-tailwind-dark) - A Babel plugin to add custom dark class when compiling your code using Babel.
- 🌍🔧💼 [Twind](https://github.com/tw-in-js/twind) - Compiler functions that turn Tailwind's classes into CSS at run, serve and build time.
- 🌍🔧 [GPT-3 Tailwind CSS code generator](http://gpt-tailwind.com/) - OpenAI GPT-3 powered Tailwind CSS code generator.
- 🌍🔧 [tail-animista](https://tail-animista.vercel.app) - Configurable custom animation utilities generator for Tailwind CSS.
- 🌍🔧 [brands-tail-color](https://brands-tail-color.vercel.app/) - Configuration generator using various brands' colors.
- 🌍🔧 [Windframe](https://www.devwares.com/windframe/) - Tailwind CSS drag and drop builder to rapidly build and prototype websites.
- 🌍 [Typography Playground](https://tailwind-typography-playground.vercel.app/) - Tool for trying different Google Fonts combinations with the Tailwind CSS Typography Plugin.
- 🌍💙 [Play](https://play.tailwindcss.com/) - Advanced online playground for Tailwind CSS.
- 🌍 [Updrafts.app](https://updrafts.app/) - Advanced online no-code drag and drop editor for Tailwind CSS.
- 🌍 [Typography playground](https://tailwind-typography-playground.vercel.app/) - Tool for trying different Google Fonts combinations with the Tailwind CSS typography plugin.
- 🌍 [Flowrift](https://flowrift.com) - Beautifully designed Tailwind CSS UI blocks.
- 🔼🌍🔧 [Tailwindhelper](https://www.tailwindhelper.com/) - Visualize Tailwind CSS classes and unit converter.
- 🔼🌍 [Tailwind Automatic Prefix Applicator](https://github.vue.tailwind-prefix.cbass.dev) - Tailwind classes' prefixer tool.
- 🔼🌍 [Prefixer](https://github.vue.tailwind-prefix.cbass.dev) - Tailwind classes' prefixer tool.
- 🔼🌍 [CSS to Tailwind CSS Converter](https://transform.tools/css-to-tailwind) - Converts CSS to Tailwind CSS by suggesting classes that best match.
- 🔼 [Tailwindo](https://github.com/awssat/tailwindo) - Bootstrap to Tailwind CSS converter.
- 🔼 [Tailupgrade](https://github.com/virkillz/tailupgrade) - Conversion tool for upgrading HTML files from Tailwind CSS v0.x to v1.0.
- 🔼 [Tailwind Shift](https://github.com/awssat/tailwind-shift) - Upgrade tool for upgrading from Tailwind CSS v0.7 to v1.0.
- 🔼 [RustyWind](https://github.com/avencera/rustywind) - CLI tool for sorting Tailwind CSS classes.
- 🔼 [Windy](https://usewindy.com) - Browser extension to convert HTML elements to Tailwind CSS.
- 🚀 [Maizzle](https://maizzle.com/) - Framework for rapid email prototyping with Tailwind CSS.
- 🅰 [react-native-tailwindcss](https://github.com/TVke/react-native-tailwindcss) - React Native typing system.
- 💼 [Gatsby Plugin](https://github.com/muhajirframe/gatsby-plugin-tailwindcss) - Tailwind CSS integration for Gatsby.
- 💼 [Gridsome Plugin](https://github.com/brandonpittman/gridsome-plugin-tailwindcss) - Tailwind CSS integration for Gridsome.
- 💼 [Alfred Workflow](https://github.com/clnt/alfred-tailwindcss-docs) - Fast Tailwind CSS documentation search application.
- 💼 [ng-tailwindcss](https://github.com/tehpsalmist/ng-tailwindcss) - CLI tool for integrating Tailwind CSS into Angular-CLI projects.
- 💼 [vue-cli-plugin-tailwind](https://github.com/forsartis/vue-cli-plugin-tailwind) - Vue CLI plugin that adds Tailwind CSS to a project.
- 💼 [Tailwind CSS Figma Kit](https://github.com/ecklf/tailwindcss-figma-kit) - Figma Kit for Tailwind CSS.
- 💼 [Tailwind CSS Figma UI Design Kit](https://flowbite.com/figma/) - Figma UI Design Kit for Tailwind CSS.
- 💼 [Tailwind CSS Figma Plugin](https://github.com/ecklf/tailwindcss-figma-plugin) - Figma plugin that integrates Tailwind CSS.
- 💼 [@nuxtjs/tailwindcss](https://github.com/nuxt-community/tailwindcss-module) - Tailwind CSS module for NuxtJS with PurgeCSS and modern CSS (preset env 1).
- 💼 [preact-cli-tailwind](https://github.com/agneym/preact-cli-tailwind) - Tailwind CSS integration for Preact.
- 💼 [tailwind-classes-sorter](https://github.com/Acidic9/tailwind-classes-sorter) - NPM library which provides a utility to sort Tailwind CSS classes.
- 💼 [prettier-plugin-tailwind](https://github.com/Acidic9/prettier-plugin-tailwind) - Prettier plugin that sorts class lists.
- 💼 [tailwindcss-rails](https://github.com/rails/tailwindcss-rails) - Gem for using Tailwind CSS with Rails' asset pipeline.
- 💼🔧 [Zeplin Config & Class generator](https://extensions.zeplin.io/5ae2d20017c57fd249c9876f) - Zeplin extension that generates Tailwind configurations.
- 💼🔧 [@tailwindcssinjs/macro](https://github.com/Arthie/tailwindcssinjs) - Babel macro that transforms Tailwind CSS classes into objects for CSS-in-JS libraries.
- 💼🔧 [twin.macro](https://github.com/ben-rogerson/twin.macro) - Use Tailwind classes within any CSS-in-JS library.
- 💼🔧 [tailwindcss-webpack-plugin](https://github.com/await-ovo/tailwindcss-webpack-plugin) - Out-of-the-box Tailwind CSS, supports "Design in Devtools" mode and visualizes Tailwind CSS configuration.
- 💼🔧 [tailwindcss-vite-plugin](https://github.com/await-ovo/tailwindcss-webpack-plugin/tree/main/packages/vite-plugin) - Vite plugin for Tailwind CSS, supports "Design in Devtools" mode and visualizes Tailwind CSS configuration.
- 💼🔧 [tailwindcss-webpack-plugin](https://github.com/await-ovo/tailwindcss-webpack-plugin) - Out-of-the-box Tailwind CSS, supports "Design in DevTools" mode and visualizes Tailwind CSS configuration.
- 💼🔧 [tailwindcss-vite-plugin](https://github.com/await-ovo/tailwindcss-webpack-plugin/tree/main/packages/vite-plugin) - Vite plugin for Tailwind CSS, supports "Design in DevTools" mode and visualizes Tailwind CSS configuration.
- 💼🔧 [Tailwind Config Viewer](https://github.com/rogden/tailwind-config-viewer) - Local UI tool for visualizing your Tailwind CSS configuration file.
- 💼🔧 [Laravel Form Components](https://github.com/pascalbaljetmedia/laravel-form-components) - Blade form components using Tailwind CSS Custom Forms.
- 💼 [@ngneat/tailwind](https://github.com/ngneat/tailwind) - Tailwind CSS integration for Angular.
- 💼 [Gust](https://www.getgust.com) - Drag and drop page builder for WordPress.
- 💼 [clb](https://github.com/crswll/clb) - clb (class list builder) is a utility function that builds a class list based on a [Stitches](https://stitches.dev/) like API.
- 💼 [react-with-class](https://github.com/antomics/react-with-class) - Utility function for creating primitive React components with a set of classes, props or variants.
- 💼🌍 [Inspect Flow](https://inspectflow.io) - The complete developer tool for Tailwind CSS.
- 💼 [twined-components](https://github.com/lowfront/twined-components) - Extended component of a styled-components that prioritizes class names for use in Tailwind CSS.
- 💼 [Tails Devtools](https://github.com/vechai/tails-devtools) - All-in-one browser extension for Tailwind CSS.
- 💼 [Impulse.dev](https://impulse.dev) – UI editor for Tailwind CSS and React that edits your code.
- 💼 [Tails DevTools](https://github.com/vechai/tails-devtools) - All-in-one browser extension for Tailwind CSS.
- 💼 [Impulse.dev](https://github.com/impulse-oss/impulse) – UI editor for Tailwind CSS and React that edits your code.
- 💼 [Tailiscope.nvim](https://github.com/danielvolchek/tailiscope.nvim) - Tailwind CSS cheat sheet integrated in Neovim.
- 💼🌍 [Supertweak](https://supertweak.dev) - Visual devtools for Tailwind CSS.
- 💼 [Tailscan](https://tailscan.com) - Ultimate devtools for Tailwind CSS v3 with ability to inspect and convert CSS to Tailwind CSS classes.
- 💼 [Raycast Extension](https://www.raycast.com/vimtor/tailwindcss) - Search classes, documentation and colors in Raycast Launcher.
- 💼 [DivMagic](https://divmagic.com) - Copy any web element and style as Tailwind CSS component.
- 🔧 [re-tailwind](https://github.com/phthhieu/re-tailwind) - ReasonML utility that generates Tailwind classes.
- 🔧 [Protoship Codegen](https://protoship.io) - Code generator that creates Tailwind CSS based HTML & CSS from Sketch designs.
- 🔧 [create-tailwind-plugin](https://github.com/Landish/create-tailwind-plugin) - Plugin scaffolder for Tailwind CSS.
- 🔧 [EasyWind](https://github.com/avencera/easywind) - Tailwind CSS project generator, compiler/watcher and livereload server, all in one.
- 🚀 [Maizzle](https://maizzle.com/) - Framework for rapid email prototyping with Tailwind CSS.
- 🌍 [Tailwind Cheat Sheet](http://nerdcave.com/tailwind-cheat-sheet) - Tailwind CSS class names cheat sheet.
- 🌍 [Tailwind Cheat Sheet](https://github.com/LeCoupa/awesome-cheatsheets/blob/master/frontend/tailwind.css) - Tailwind CSS class names in one single file.
- 🌍 [Tailwind Cheat Sheet](https://umeshmk.github.io/Tailwindcss-cheatsheet) - Tailwind CSS class names, variants and directives cheat sheet.
- 🌍 [Tailwind Cheat Sheet](https://tailwindcomponents.com/cheatsheet) - Tailwind CSS class names in a searchable page.
- 🌍 [Tailwind Cheat Sheet](https://flowbite.com/tools/tailwind-cheat-sheet/) - Tailwind CSS utility class names in a searchable interface.
- 🌍🔧 [Loopple Builder](https://www.loopple.com/theme/soft-ui-dashboard-tailwind) - Dashboard drag-and-drop builder for Tailwind CSS.
- 🌍🔧 [Tailwind Grid Generator](https://www.tailwindgen.com/) - Drag and drop Tailwind CSS grid generator.
- 🌍🔧 [Tailwind Box Shadows Generator](https://manuarora.in/boxshadows) - Box Shadows generator.
- 💰🌍🔧 [Windframe](https://www.devwares.com/windframe/) - Tailwind CSS drag and drop builder to rapidly build and prototype websites.
## UI Libraries, Components & Templates
**Legend**: 💙 Official resource · 📚 Library · 🧩 Components · 📁 Templates
@ -321,7 +215,7 @@
- 📁 [Resume](https://github.com/mohusman360/mohusman360.github.io) - Simple resume with Tailwind CSS.
- 📁 [Simple Light](https://github.com/cruip/tailwind-landing-page-template) - Free landing page template built with React & Tailwind CSS.
- 📁 [V-Dashboard](https://github.com/wobsoriano/v-dashboard) - Dashboard starter template built with Vue 3 and Tailwind CSS.
- 📁 [Petra](https://github.com/Smuice-com/Free-Nuxtjs-Tailwindcss-landing-page-template) - Free landing page template built with Nuxt.js & Tailwind CSS.
- 📁 [Petra](https://github.com/Smuice-com/free-nuxtjs-tailwindcss-landing-page-template) - Free landing page template built with Nuxt.js & Tailwind CSS.
- 📁 [Tailmin](https://github.com/otezz/tailmin) - Admin dashboard built with Vue.js and Tailwind CSS.
- 📁 [OhMySMTP Templates](https://github.com/ohmysmtp/templates) - Set of Transactional HTML Email Templates, built with Maizzle
- 📁 [Material Tailwind Kit React](https://www.creative-tim.com/product/material-tailwind-kit-react) - Free Tailwind CSS and React UI kit.
@ -358,12 +252,12 @@
- 🚀 [Gatsby Starter Opinionated](https://github.com/mjsarfatti/gatsby-starter-tailwind-opinionated) - Gatsby starter using Tailwind CSS and opinionated goodies.
- 🚀 [Create React App Boilerplate](https://github.com/kriswep/cra-tailwindcss) - CRA boilerplate using Tailwind CSS.
- 🚀 [Create React App with PurgeCSS + Autoprefixer + CSSNano](https://github.com/saadeghi/create-react-app-tailwindcss) - CRA boilerplate using CSS Nano.
- 🚀 [Dogpatch](https://github.com/jack-pallot/dogpatch) - WordPress starter using Webpack, Vue, Babel and Tailwind CSS.
- 🚀 [Dogpatch](https://github.com/jack-pallot/dogpatch) - WordPress starter using webpack, Vue, Babel and Tailwind CSS.
- 🚀 [Next.js Starter](https://github.com/oddstronaut/tailwind-next) - Next.js boilerplate using Tailwind CSS.
- 🚀 [Sapper & Svelte Starter](https://github.com/EricPKerr/sapper-tailwindcss-starter) - Svelte boilerplate using Sapper, Tailwind CSS, Purge CSS, Prettier and ESLint.
- 🚀 [Netlify Lambda Starter](https://github.com/HugoDF/netlify-lambda-tailwind-static-starter) - Netlify Lambda boilerplate using Tailwind CSS.
- 🚀 [Hugo Theme Starter with Tailwind CSS](https://github.com/dirkolbrich/hugo-theme-tailwindcss-starter) - Hugo theme starter using Tailwind CSS.
- 🚀 [Eleventy Web Starter](https://github.com/scottishstoater/jamstack-web-starter) - Starter kit using Eleventy, Tailwind CSS, Webpack and PostCSS.
- 🚀 [Eleventy Web Starter](https://github.com/scottishstoater/jamstack-web-starter) - Starter kit using Eleventy, Tailwind CSS, webpack and PostCSS.
- 🚀 [Nanoc Starter](https://github.com/arkency/nanoc-parcel-tailwind-starter) - Nanoc starter using Tailwind CSS.
- 🚀 [PostCSS and Browsersync Boilerplate](https://github.com/saadeghi/tailwindcss-postcss-browsersync-boilerplate) - Boilerplate using CSS Nano.
- 🚀 [ParcelJS + TypeScript Boilerplate](https://github.com/saadeghi/tailwindcss-parceljs-typescript-boilerplate) - Boilerplate using Tailwind CSS, ParcelJS bundler and TypeScript.
@ -403,7 +297,7 @@
- 🔧 [Tailwind CSS with Phoenix 1.4](https://equimper.com/blog/how-to-setup-tailwindcss-in-phoenix-1.4) - How to setup Tailwind CSS in Phoenix 1.4.
- 🔧 [Extend Tailwind CSS](https://web-crunch.com/how-to-extend-tailwind-css) - How to Extend Tailwind CSS.
- 🎬 [Rebuilding Laravel.io](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrRRMBaz5Z0) - Rebuilding Laravel.io with Tailwind CSS.
- 🎬 [Rebuilding Coinbase](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gX_ApBeSpQ) - Rebuilding Coinbase with Tailwind CSS [see the [Codepen](https://codepen.io/adamwathan/pen/RxWrZr)].
- 🎬 [Rebuilding Coinbase](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gX_ApBeSpQ) - Rebuilding Coinbase with Tailwind CSS [see the [CodePen](https://codepen.io/adamwathan/pen/RxWrZr)].
- 🎬 [Rebuilding Twitter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pg_5Ni1_bg4) - Rebuilding Twitter with Tailwind CSS [see the [CodePen](https://codepen.io/drehimself/full/vpeVMx)].
- 🎬 [Rebuilding YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxQKnqmNKv0) - Rebuilding YouTube with Tailwind CSS.
- 🎬 [Rebuilding Netlify](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JhTaENzfZQ&t=1263s) - Rebuilding Netlify with Tailwind CSS.
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