Add modules of 'echasnovski/mini.nvim'.

This commit is contained in:
Evgeni Chasnovski 2021-11-18 13:03:51 +02:00 committed by Thomas Versteeg
parent b65d7d39cc
commit c3db393921

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@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ Neovim supports a wide variety of UI's.
- [andersevenrud/compe-tmux]( - A nvim-cmp source for Tmux. - [andersevenrud/compe-tmux]( - A nvim-cmp source for Tmux.
- [David-Kunz/cmp-npm]( - A nvim-cmp source for NPM. - [David-Kunz/cmp-npm]( - A nvim-cmp source for NPM.
- [lukas-reineke/cmp-under-comparator]( - A nvim-cmp function for better sorting. - [lukas-reineke/cmp-under-comparator]( - A nvim-cmp function for better sorting.
- [mini.completion]( - Module of [echasnovski/mini.nvim]( for asynchronous two-stage completion. Supports showing completion item info and independent function signature.
### Markdown ### Markdown
@ -189,6 +190,7 @@ Neovim supports a wide variety of UI's.
- [nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects]( - Create your own textobjects using tree-sitter queries. - [nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects]( - Create your own textobjects using tree-sitter queries.
- [RRethy/nvim-treesitter-textsubjects]( - Location and syntax aware text objects which _do what you mean_. - [RRethy/nvim-treesitter-textsubjects]( - Location and syntax aware text objects which _do what you mean_.
- [blackCauldron7/surround.nvim]( - A surround text object plugin for Neovim written in Lua. - [blackCauldron7/surround.nvim]( - A surround text object plugin for Neovim written in Lua.
- [mini.surround]( - Module of [echasnovski/mini.nvim]( for working with text surroundings (add, delete, replace, find, highlight). Fully supports dot-repeat.
### Terminal integration ### Terminal integration
@ -229,6 +231,7 @@ Neovim supports a wide variety of UI's.
- [camspiers/snap]( - An extensible fuzzy finder. Similar to Telescope, and optimized for performance, especially when grepping in large codebases. - [camspiers/snap]( - An extensible fuzzy finder. Similar to Telescope, and optimized for performance, especially when grepping in large codebases.
- [ibhagwan/fzf-lua]( - The Lua version of `fzf.vim`, high-performance and fully async, supports `nvim-web-devicons`, git indicators, LSP, quickfix/location lists and more. Also supports [`skim`]( as its fzf binary. - [ibhagwan/fzf-lua]( - The Lua version of `fzf.vim`, high-performance and fully async, supports `nvim-web-devicons`, git indicators, LSP, quickfix/location lists and more. Also supports [`skim`]( as its fzf binary.
- [jvgrootveld/telescope-zoxide]( - Telescope integration for [zoxide](, a smart directory picker that tracks your usage. - [jvgrootveld/telescope-zoxide]( - Telescope integration for [zoxide](, a smart directory picker that tracks your usage.
- [mini.fuzzy]( - Module of [echasnovski/mini.nvim]( with functions to perform fuzzy matching of one string to others along with fast Telescope sorter.
### Note Taking ### Note Taking
@ -254,6 +257,7 @@ Neovim supports a wide variety of UI's.
- [norcalli/nvim-base16.lua]( - Programmatic Lua library for setting base16 themes in Neovim. - [norcalli/nvim-base16.lua]( - Programmatic Lua library for setting base16 themes in Neovim.
- [rktjmp/lush.nvim]( - Define Neovim themes as a DSL in Lua, with real-time feedback. - [rktjmp/lush.nvim]( - Define Neovim themes as a DSL in Lua, with real-time feedback.
- [Iron-E/nvim-highlite]( - A colorscheme template that is "lite" on logic for the developer. - [Iron-E/nvim-highlite]( - A colorscheme template that is "lite" on logic for the developer.
- [mini.base16]( - Module of [echasnovski/mini.nvim]( with fast implementation of base16 theme for manually supplied palette.
### Colorscheme ### Colorscheme
@ -321,6 +325,7 @@ Tree-sitter is a new system coming in Neovim 0.5 that incrementally parses your
- [olimorris/onedarkpro.nvim]( - One Dark Pro theme for Neovim, written in Lua and based on the VS Code theme. Includes dark and light themes with completely customisable colors, styles and highlights. - [olimorris/onedarkpro.nvim]( - One Dark Pro theme for Neovim, written in Lua and based on the VS Code theme. Includes dark and light themes with completely customisable colors, styles and highlights.
- [rmehri01/onenord.nvim]( - A Neovim theme that combines the Nord and Atom One Dark color palettes for a more vibrant programming experience. - [rmehri01/onenord.nvim]( - A Neovim theme that combines the Nord and Atom One Dark color palettes for a more vibrant programming experience.
- [RishabhRD/gruvy]( - Gruvbuddy without colorbuddy using Lush. - [RishabhRD/gruvy]( - Gruvbuddy without colorbuddy using Lush.
- [minischeme]( - Color scheme of [echasnovski/mini.nvim]( which is a variant of base16 with accent colors chosen according to optimal perceptual uniformity.
#### Lua Colorscheme #### Lua Colorscheme
@ -333,6 +338,7 @@ These colorschemes may not specialize in Tree-sitter directly but are written in
### Utility ### Utility
- [famiu/bufdelete.nvim]( - Delete Neovim buffers without losing your window layout. - [famiu/bufdelete.nvim]( - Delete Neovim buffers without losing your window layout.
- [mini.bufremove]( - Module of [echasnovski/mini.nvim]( for buffer removing (unshow, delete, wipeout) while saving window layout.
- [jghauser/mkdir.nvim]( - Automatically create missing directories when saving files. - [jghauser/mkdir.nvim]( - Automatically create missing directories when saving files.
- [matbme/JABS.nvim]( - Pretty and minimal buffer switcher window. - [matbme/JABS.nvim]( - Pretty and minimal buffer switcher window.
- [clojure-vim/jazz.nvim]( - Acid + Impromptu = Jazz. - [clojure-vim/jazz.nvim]( - Acid + Impromptu = Jazz.
@ -390,6 +396,7 @@ These colorschemes may not specialize in Tree-sitter directly but are written in
- [johann2357/nvim-smartbufs]( - Smart buffer management in Neovim. - [johann2357/nvim-smartbufs]( - Smart buffer management in Neovim.
- [kdheepak/tabline.nvim]( - A "buffer and tab" tabline. - [kdheepak/tabline.nvim]( - A "buffer and tab" tabline.
- [noib3/cokeline.nvim]( - A Neovim bufferline for people with addictive personalities. - [noib3/cokeline.nvim]( - A Neovim bufferline for people with addictive personalities.
- [mini.tabline]( - Module of [echasnovski/mini.nvim]( for minimal tabline showing listed buffers in case of one tab and falling back to default otherwise.
### Statusline ### Statusline
@ -404,6 +411,7 @@ These colorschemes may not specialize in Tree-sitter directly but are written in
- [Famiu/feline.nvim]( - A minimal, stylish and customizable statusline for Neovim written in Lua. - [Famiu/feline.nvim]( - A minimal, stylish and customizable statusline for Neovim written in Lua.
- [windwp/windline.nvim]( - The next generation statusline for Neovim. Animation statusline. - [windwp/windline.nvim]( - The next generation statusline for Neovim. Animation statusline.
- [konapun/vacuumline.nvim]( - A galaxyline configuration inspired by airline. - [konapun/vacuumline.nvim]( - A galaxyline configuration inspired by airline.
- [mini.statusline]( - Module of [echasnovski/mini.nvim]( for minimal and fast statusline. Supports content change depending on window width.
### Statusline component ### Statusline component
@ -413,11 +421,13 @@ These colorschemes may not specialize in Tree-sitter directly but are written in
- [yamatsum/nvim-cursorline]( - A plugin for Neovim that highlights cursor words and lines. - [yamatsum/nvim-cursorline]( - A plugin for Neovim that highlights cursor words and lines.
- [xiyaowong/nvim-cursorword]( - Part of nvim-cursorline. Highlight the word under the cursor. - [xiyaowong/nvim-cursorword]( - Part of nvim-cursorline. Highlight the word under the cursor.
- [mini.cursorword]( - Module of [echasnovski/mini.nvim]( for automatic highlighting of word under cursor (displayed after customizable delay).
### Startup ### Startup
- [glepnir/dashboard-nvim]( - A minimalist dashboard for Neovim, inspired by doom-emacs. - [glepnir/dashboard-nvim]( - A minimalist dashboard for Neovim, inspired by doom-emacs.
- [goolord/alpha-nvim]( - A fast and highly customizable greeter like [vim-startify]( for Neovim. - [goolord/alpha-nvim]( - A fast and highly customizable greeter like [vim-startify]( for Neovim.
- [mini.starter]( - Module of [echasnovski/mini.nvim]( for start screen. Displayed items are fully customizable, item selection can be done using prefix query with instant visual feedback.
- [henriquehbr/nvim-startup.lua]( - Displays Neovim startup time. - [henriquehbr/nvim-startup.lua]( - Displays Neovim startup time.
### Indent ### Indent
@ -479,6 +489,7 @@ These colorschemes may not specialize in Tree-sitter directly but are written in
- [winston0410/commented.nvim]( - A commenting plugin that supports counts and multiple comment patterns and much more. - [winston0410/commented.nvim]( - A commenting plugin that supports counts and multiple comment patterns and much more.
- [s1n7ax/nvim-comment-frame]( - Adds a comment frame based on the source file. - [s1n7ax/nvim-comment-frame]( - Adds a comment frame based on the source file.
- [danymat/neogen]( - A better annotation generator. Supports multiple languages and annotation conventions. - [danymat/neogen]( - A better annotation generator. Supports multiple languages and annotation conventions.
- [mini.comment]( - Module of [echasnovski/mini.nvim]( for per-line commenting. Fully supports dot-repeat.
### Collaborative Editing ### Collaborative Editing
@ -494,6 +505,7 @@ These colorschemes may not specialize in Tree-sitter directly but are written in
- [tjdevries/train.nvim]( - Train yourself with vim motions and make your own train tracks. - [tjdevries/train.nvim]( - Train yourself with vim motions and make your own train tracks.
- [phaazon/hop.nvim]( - Hop is an EasyMotion-like plugin allowing you to jump anywhere in a document with as few keystrokes as possible. - [phaazon/hop.nvim]( - Hop is an EasyMotion-like plugin allowing you to jump anywhere in a document with as few keystrokes as possible.
- [ggandor/lightspeed.nvim]( - A Sneak-like plugin offering unparalleled navigation speed via ahead-of-time displayed labels, that eliminate the pause between entering the search pattern and selecting the target. - [ggandor/lightspeed.nvim]( - A Sneak-like plugin offering unparalleled navigation speed via ahead-of-time displayed labels, that eliminate the pause between entering the search pattern and selecting the target.
- [mini.jump]( - Module of [echasnovski/mini.nvim]( for smarter jumping to a single character.
- [mfussenegger/nvim-ts-hint-textobject]( - Region selection with hints on the AST nodes of a document powered by treesitter. - [mfussenegger/nvim-ts-hint-textobject]( - Region selection with hints on the AST nodes of a document powered by treesitter.
### Code Runner ### Code Runner
@ -540,6 +552,7 @@ These colorschemes may not specialize in Tree-sitter directly but are written in
- [windwp/nvim-ts-autotag]( - Use treesitter to autoclose and autorename xml,html,jsx tag. - [windwp/nvim-ts-autotag]( - Use treesitter to autoclose and autorename xml,html,jsx tag.
- [windwp/nvim-autopairs]( - A minimalist autopairs for Neovim written by Lua. - [windwp/nvim-autopairs]( - A minimalist autopairs for Neovim written by Lua.
- [steelsojka/pears.nvim]( - Auto pair plugin for Neovim. - [steelsojka/pears.nvim]( - Auto pair plugin for Neovim.
- [mini.pairs]( - Module of [echasnovski/mini.nvim]( for autopairs which has minimal defaults and functionality to do per-key mapping.
- [monaqa/dial.nvim]( - Extended increment/decrement. - [monaqa/dial.nvim]( - Extended increment/decrement.
- [p00f/nvim-ts-rainbow]( - Rainbow :rainbow: parentheses for Neovim using tree-sitter :rainbow:. - [p00f/nvim-ts-rainbow]( - Rainbow :rainbow: parentheses for Neovim using tree-sitter :rainbow:.
- [AckslD/nvim-revJ.lua]( - Neovim Lua plugin for doing the opposite of join-line (J) for arguments. - [AckslD/nvim-revJ.lua]( - Neovim Lua plugin for doing the opposite of join-line (J) for arguments.
@ -557,6 +570,7 @@ These colorschemes may not specialize in Tree-sitter directly but are written in
- [Allendang/nvim-expand-expr]( - Expand and repeat expression to multiple lines. - [Allendang/nvim-expand-expr]( - Expand and repeat expression to multiple lines.
- [h-hg/fcitx.nvim]( - Switching and restoring fcitx state for each buffer seperately. - [h-hg/fcitx.nvim]( - Switching and restoring fcitx state for each buffer seperately.
- [McAuleyPenney/tidy.nvim]( - Clear trailing whitespace and empty lines at end of file on every save. - [McAuleyPenney/tidy.nvim]( - Clear trailing whitespace and empty lines at end of file on every save.
- [mini.trailspace]( - Module of [echasnovski/mini.nvim]( for automatic highlighting of trailing whitespace with functionality to remove it.
### Formatting ### Formatting
@ -587,6 +601,7 @@ These colorschemes may not specialize in Tree-sitter directly but are written in
### Session ### Session
- [rmagatti/auto-session]( - A small automated session manager for Neovim. - [rmagatti/auto-session]( - A small automated session manager for Neovim.
- [mini.sessions]( - Module of [echasnovski/mini.nvim]( for session management (read, write, delete).
### Test ### Test