diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 42f1403..0d99dff 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ Tree-sitter is a new system introduced in Neovim 0.5 that incrementally parses y - [maxmx03/fluoromachine.nvim](https://github.com/maxmx03/fluoromachine.nvim) - Synthwave x Fluoromachine port. - [dasupradyumna/midnight.nvim](https://github.com/dasupradyumna/midnight.nvim) - A modern black Neovim theme with comfortable color contrast for a pleasant visual experience, with LSP and Tree-sitter support. - [sonjiku/yawnc.nvim](https://github.com/sonjiku/yawnc.nvim) - Theming using pywal, with a Base16 twist. -- [sekke276/dark_flat.nvim](https://github.com/sekke276/dark_flat.nvim) - A Neovim colorscheme written in Lua ported from Dark Flat iTerm2 theme, with LSP and Tree-sitter support. +- [uncleTen276/dark_flat.nvim](https://github.com/uncleTen276/dark_flat.nvim) - A Neovim colorscheme written in Lua ported from Dark Flat iTerm2 theme, with LSP and Tree-sitter support. - [zootedb0t/citruszest.nvim](https://github.com/zootedb0t/citruszest.nvim) - A colorscheme that features a combination of bright and juicy colors reminiscent of various citrus fruits, with LSP and Tree-sitter support. - [2nthony/vitesse.nvim](https://github.com/2nthony/vitesse.nvim) - Vitesse theme Lua port. - [xero/miasma.nvim](https://github.com/xero/miasma.nvim) - A dark pastel color scheme inspired by the woods. Built using lush and supports Tree-sitter, diagnostics, CMP, Git-Signs, Telescope, Which-key, Lazy, and more.