Mohamed El Mouctar Haidara 389e6ffda3
Initial support for mermaidjs (#144)
Co-authored-by: haidaraM <>
2023-05-13 14:41:07 +02:00

296 lines
7.6 KiB

import pytest
from ansible.errors import AnsibleOptionsError
from ansible.release import __version__ as ansible_version
from ansibleplaybookgrapher import __prog__, __version__
from ansibleplaybookgrapher.cli import PlaybookGrapherCLI
@pytest.mark.parametrize("help_option", ["-h", "--help"])
def test_cli_help(help_option, capfd):
Test for the help option : -h, --help
:param help_option:
:param capfd:
args = [__prog__, help_option]
cli = PlaybookGrapherCLI(args)
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as exception_info:
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert "Make graphs from your Ansible Playbooks." in out
def test_cli_version(capfd):
Test version printing
cli = PlaybookGrapherCLI([__prog__, "--version"])
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as exception_info:
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert out == f"{__prog__} {__version__} (with ansible {ansible_version})\n"
"save_dot_file_option, expected",
[(["--"], False), (["-s"], True), (["--save-dot-file"], True)],
ids=["default", "save-dot-file-short-option", "save-dot-file-long-option"],
def test_cli_save_dot_file(save_dot_file_option, expected):
Test for the save dot file option: -s, --save-dot-file
:param save_dot_file_option:
:param expected:
args = [__prog__] + save_dot_file_option + ["playbook.yml"]
cli = PlaybookGrapherCLI(args)
assert cli.options.save_dot_file == expected
"output_filename_option, expected",
(["--"], "playbook"),
(["-o", "output"], "output"),
(["--output-file-name", "output"], "output"),
ids=["default", "output-filename-short-option", "output-filename-long-option"],
def test_cli_output_filename(output_filename_option, expected):
Test for the output filename option: -o, --output-file-name
:param output_filename_option:
:param expected:
args = [__prog__] + output_filename_option + ["playbook.yml"]
cli = PlaybookGrapherCLI(args)
assert cli.options.output_filename == expected
def test_cli_output_filename_multiple_playbooks():
Test for the output filename when using multiple playbooks
args = [__prog__] + ["playbook.yml", "second-playbook.yml", "third-playbook.yaml"]
cli = PlaybookGrapherCLI(args)
assert cli.options.output_filename == "playbook-second-playbook-third-playbook"
"include_role_tasks_option, expected",
[(["--"], False), (["--include-role-tasks"], True)],
ids=["default", "include"],
def test_cli_include_role_tasks(include_role_tasks_option, expected):
Test for the include role tasks option: --include-role-tasks
:param include_role_tasks_option:
:param expected:
args = [__prog__] + include_role_tasks_option + ["playboook.yml"]
cli = PlaybookGrapherCLI(args)
assert cli.options.include_role_tasks == expected
"tags_option, expected",
(["--"], ["all"]),
(["-t", "tag1"], ["tag1"]),
(["-t", "tag1", "-t", "tag2"], ["tag1", "tag2"]),
(["-t", "tag1,tag2"], ["tag1", "tag2"]),
ids=["no_tags_provided", "one-tag", "multiple-tags", "multiple-tags2"],
def test_cli_tags(tags_option, expected):
:param tags_option:
:param expected:
args = [__prog__] + tags_option + ["playbook.yml"]
cli = PlaybookGrapherCLI(args)
# Ansible uses a set to construct the tags list. It may happen that the order of tags changes between two runs. As
# the order of tags doesn't matter, I sorted them to avoid the test to fail
assert sorted(cli.options.tags) == sorted(expected)
"skip_tags_option, expected",
(["--"], []),
(["--skip-tags", "tag1"], ["tag1"]),
(["--skip-tags", "tag1", "--skip-tags", "tag2"], ["tag1", "tag2"]),
(["--skip-tags", "tag1,tag2"], ["tag1", "tag2"]),
def test_skip_tags(skip_tags_option, expected):
:param skip_tags_option:
:param expected:
args = [__prog__] + skip_tags_option + ["playbook.yml"]
cli = PlaybookGrapherCLI(args)
# Ansible uses a set to construct the tags list. It may happen that the order of tags changes between two runs. As
# the order of tags doesn't matter, I sorted them to avoid the test to fail
assert sorted(cli.options.skip_tags) == sorted(expected)
def test_cli_no_playbook():
Test with no playbook provided
args = [__prog__]
cli = PlaybookGrapherCLI(args)
with pytest.raises((AnsibleOptionsError, SystemExit)) as exception_info:
def test_cli_multiple_playbooks():
Test with multiple playbooks provided
args = [__prog__, "playbook1.yml", "playbook2.yml"]
cli = PlaybookGrapherCLI(args)
assert cli.options.playbook_filenames == ["playbook1.yml", "playbook2.yml"]
"verbosity, verbosity_number",
[("--", 0), ("-v", 1), ("-vv", 2), ("-vvv", 3)],
ids=["no_verbose", "simple_verbose", "double_verbose", "triple_verbose"],
def test_cli_verbosity_options(verbosity, verbosity_number):
Test verbosity options
args = [__prog__, verbosity, "playbook1.yml"]
cli = PlaybookGrapherCLI(args)
assert cli.options.verbosity == verbosity_number
def test_cli_open_protocol_custom_formats():
The provided format should be converted to a dict
formats_str = '{"file": "{path}", "folder": "{path}"}'
args = [
cli = PlaybookGrapherCLI(args)
assert cli.options.open_protocol_custom_formats == {
"file": "{path}",
"folder": "{path}",
}, "The formats should be converted to json"
def test_cli_open_protocol_custom_formats_not_provided():
The custom formats must be provided when the protocol handler is set to custom
args = [__prog__, "--open-protocol-handler", "custom", "playbook1.yml"]
cli = PlaybookGrapherCLI(args)
with pytest.raises(AnsibleOptionsError) as exception_info:
assert (
"you must provide the formats to use with --open-protocol-custom-formats"
in exception_info.value.message
"formats, expected_message",
["invalid_json", "JSONDecodeError"],
["{}", "The field 'file' or 'folder' is missing"],
def test_cli_open_protocol_custom_formats_invalid_inputs(
formats, expected_message, capsys
The custom formats must be a valid json data
args = [
cli = PlaybookGrapherCLI(args)
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as exception_info:
error_msg = capsys.readouterr().err
assert expected_message in error_msg