2021-05-09 16:12:47 +02:00

130 lines
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import ntpath
import os
import sys
from abc import ABC
from ansible.cli import CLI
from ansible.cli.arguments import option_helpers
from ansible.release import __version__ as ansible_version
from ansible.utils.display import Display
from packaging import version
from ansibleplaybookgrapher import __prog__, __version__
from ansibleplaybookgrapher.grapher import PlaybookGrapher
from ansibleplaybookgrapher.postprocessor import PostProcessor
# At some time, we needed to know if we are using ansible 2.8 because the CLI has been refactored in this PR:
IS_ANSIBLE_2_9_X = version.parse(ansible_version) >= version.parse("2.9")
def get_cli_class():
Utility function to return the class to use as CLI depending on Ansible version.
return PlaybookGrapherCLI
class GrapherCLI(CLI, ABC):
An abstract class to be implemented by the different Grapher CLIs.
def run(self):
super(GrapherCLI, self).run()
loader, inventory, variable_manager = CLI._play_prereqs()
# Looks like the display is a singleton. This instruction will NOT return a new instance.
# This is why we set the verbosity later because someone set it before us.
display = Display()
display.verbosity = self.options.verbosity
grapher = PlaybookGrapher(data_loader=loader, inventory_manager=inventory, variable_manager=variable_manager,
display=display, tags=self.options.tags, skip_tags=self.options.skip_tags,
svg_path = grapher.render_graph(self.options.output_filename, self.options.save_dot_file)
post_processor = PostProcessor(svg_path=svg_path)
display.display(f"The graph has been exported to {svg_path}")
return svg_path
class PlaybookGrapherCLI(GrapherCLI):
The dedicated playbook CLI for Ansible 2.9 and above (for the moment)
def __init__(self, args, callback=None):
super(PlaybookGrapherCLI, self).__init__(args=args, callback=callback)
# We keep the old options as instance attribute for backward compatibility for the grapher CLI.
# From Ansible 2.8, they remove this instance attribute 'options' and use a global context instead.
# But this may change in the future:
self.options = None
def _add_my_options(self):
Add some of my options to the parser
:param parser:
self.parser.prog = __prog__
self.parser.add_argument('-i', '--inventory', dest='inventory', action="append",
help="specify inventory host path or comma separated host list.")
self.parser.add_argument("--include-role-tasks", dest="include_role_tasks", action='store_true', default=False,
help="Include the tasks of the role in the graph.")
self.parser.add_argument("-s", "--save-dot-file", dest="save_dot_file", action='store_true', default=False,
help="Save the dot file used to generate the graph.")
self.parser.add_argument("-o", "--ouput-file-name", dest='output_filename',
help="Output filename without the '.svg' extension. Default: <playbook>.svg")
self.parser.add_argument('--version', action='version',
version="%s %s (with ansible %s)" % (__prog__, __version__, ansible_version))
self.parser.add_argument('playbook_filename', help='Playbook to graph', metavar='playbook')
# Use ansible helper to add some default options also
def init_parser(self, usage="", desc=None, epilog=None):
super(PlaybookGrapherCLI, self).init_parser(usage="%s [options] playbook.yml" % __prog__,
desc="Make graphs from your Ansible Playbooks.", epilog=epilog)
def post_process_args(self, options):
options = super(PlaybookGrapherCLI, self).post_process_args(options)
# init the options
self.options = options
if self.options.output_filename is None:
# use the playbook name (without the extension) as output filename
self.options.output_filename = os.path.splitext(ntpath.basename(self.options.playbook_filename))[0]
return options
def main(args=None):
args = args or sys.argv
cli = get_cli_class()(args)
if __name__ == "__main__":