import pytest from ansible.utils.display import Display from ansibleplaybookgrapher.cli import PlaybookGrapherCLI from ansibleplaybookgrapher.graph_model import ( BlockNode, CompositeNode, Node, RoleNode, TaskNode, ) from ansibleplaybookgrapher.parser import PlaybookParser from tests import FIXTURES_DIR_PATH def get_all_tasks(nodes: list[Node]) -> list[TaskNode]: """Recursively Get all tasks from a list of nodes :param nodes: :return: """ tasks = [] for n in nodes: if isinstance(n, CompositeNode): tasks.extend(n.get_all_tasks()) else: tasks.append(n) return tasks @pytest.mark.parametrize("grapher_cli", [["example.yml"]], indirect=True) def test_example_parsing(grapher_cli: PlaybookGrapherCLI, display: Display) -> None: """Test the parsing of example.yml :param grapher_cli: :param display: :return: """ parser = PlaybookParser(grapher_cli.options.playbook_filenames[0]) playbook_node = parser.parse() assert len(playbook_node.plays()) == 1 assert playbook_node.location.path == str(FIXTURES_DIR_PATH / "example.yml") assert playbook_node.location.line == 1 assert playbook_node.location.column == 1 assert ( playbook_node.index is None ), "The index of the playbook should be None (it has no parent)" play_node = playbook_node.plays()[0] assert play_node.location.path == str(FIXTURES_DIR_PATH / "example.yml") assert play_node.location.line == 2 assert play_node.index == 1 pre_tasks = play_node.pre_tasks assert len(pre_tasks) == 2 assert pre_tasks[0].index == 1, "The index of the first pre_task should be 1" assert pre_tasks[1].index == 2, "The index of the second pre_task should be 2" tasks = play_node.tasks assert len(tasks) == 4 for task_counter, task in enumerate(tasks): assert ( task.index == task_counter + len(pre_tasks) + 1 ), "The index of the task should start after the pre_tasks" post_tasks = play_node.post_tasks assert len(post_tasks) == 2 for post_task_counter, task in enumerate(post_tasks): assert ( task.index == post_task_counter + len(pre_tasks) + len(tasks) + 1 ), "The index of the post task should start after the pre_tasks and tasks" @pytest.mark.parametrize("grapher_cli", [["with_roles.yml"]], indirect=True) def test_with_roles_parsing(grapher_cli: PlaybookGrapherCLI) -> None: """Test the parsing of with_roles.yml :param grapher_cli: :return: """ parser = PlaybookParser(grapher_cli.options.playbook_filenames[0]) playbook_node = parser.parse() assert len(playbook_node.plays()) == 1 play_node = playbook_node.plays()[0] assert play_node.index == 1 assert len(play_node.roles) == 2 fake_role = play_node.roles[0] assert isinstance(fake_role, RoleNode) assert not fake_role.include_role assert fake_role.location.path == str(FIXTURES_DIR_PATH / "roles" / "fake_role") assert fake_role.location.line is None assert fake_role.location.column is None assert fake_role.index == 3 for task_counter, task in enumerate(fake_role.tasks): assert ( task.index == task_counter + 1 ), "The index of the task in the role should start at 1" display_some_facts = play_node.roles[1] for task_counter, task in enumerate(display_some_facts.tasks): assert ( task.index == task_counter + 1 ), "The index of the task in the role the should start at 1" @pytest.mark.parametrize("grapher_cli", [["include_role.yml"]], indirect=True) def test_include_role_parsing( grapher_cli: PlaybookGrapherCLI, capsys: pytest.CaptureFixture, ) -> None: """Test parsing of include_role :param grapher_cli: :return: """ parser = PlaybookParser( grapher_cli.options.playbook_filenames[0], include_role_tasks=True, ) playbook_node = parser.parse() assert len(playbook_node.plays()) == 1 play_node = playbook_node.plays()[0] tasks = play_node.tasks assert len(tasks) == 6 # Since we use some loops inside the playbook, a warning should be displayed assert ( "Looping on tasks or roles are not supported for the moment" in capsys.readouterr().err ), "A warning should be displayed regarding loop being not supported" # first include_role using a block block_include_role = tasks[0] assert isinstance(block_include_role, BlockNode) include_role_1 = block_include_role.tasks[0] assert isinstance(include_role_1, RoleNode) assert include_role_1.include_role assert include_role_1.location.path == str(FIXTURES_DIR_PATH / "include_role.yml") assert ( include_role_1.location.line == 10 ), "The first include role should be at line 9" assert ( len(include_role_1.tasks) == 0 ), "We don't support adding tasks from include_role with loop" assert include_role_1.has_loop(), "The first include role has a loop" # first task assert tasks[1].name == "(1) Debug" assert tasks[1].when == '[when: ansible_os == "ubuntu"]' # second include_role include_role_2 = tasks[2] assert isinstance(include_role_2, RoleNode) assert include_role_2.include_role assert len(include_role_2.tasks) == 3 assert not include_role_2.has_loop(), "The second include role doesn't have a loop" # second task assert tasks[3].name == "(3) Debug 2" # third include_role include_role_3 = tasks[4] assert tasks[4].when == "[when: x is not defined]" assert isinstance(include_role_3, RoleNode) assert include_role_3.include_role assert len(include_role_3.tasks) == 3 assert not include_role_3.has_loop(), "The second include role doesn't have a loop" # fourth include_role include_role_4 = tasks[5] assert isinstance(include_role_4, RoleNode) assert include_role_4.include_role assert ( len(include_role_4.tasks) == 0 ), "We don't support adding tasks from include_role with loop" assert include_role_4.has_loop(), "The third include role has a loop" @pytest.mark.parametrize("grapher_cli", [["with_block.yml"]], indirect=True) def test_block_parsing(grapher_cli: PlaybookGrapherCLI) -> None: """The parsing of a playbook with blocks :param grapher_cli: :return: """ parser = PlaybookParser( grapher_cli.options.playbook_filenames[0], include_role_tasks=True, ) playbook_node = parser.parse() assert len(playbook_node.plays()) == 1 play_node = playbook_node.plays()[0] pre_tasks = play_node.pre_tasks tasks = play_node.tasks post_tasks = play_node.post_tasks total_pre_tasks = get_all_tasks(pre_tasks) total_tasks = get_all_tasks(tasks) total_post_tasks = get_all_tasks(post_tasks) assert ( len(total_pre_tasks) == 4 ), f"The play should contain 4 pre tasks but we found {len(total_pre_tasks)} pre task(s)" assert ( len(total_tasks) == 7 ), f"The play should contain 3 tasks but we found {len(total_tasks)} task(s)" assert ( len(total_post_tasks) == 2 ), f"The play should contain 2 post tasks but we found {len(total_post_tasks)} post task(s)" # Check pre tasks assert isinstance( pre_tasks[0], RoleNode, ), "The first edge should have a RoleNode as destination" pre_task_block = pre_tasks[1] assert isinstance( pre_task_block, BlockNode, ), "The second edge should have a BlockNode as destination" assert pre_task_block.location.path == str(FIXTURES_DIR_PATH / "with_block.yml") assert pre_task_block.location.line == 7 # Check tasks task_1 = tasks[0] assert isinstance(task_1, TaskNode) assert == "Install tree" # Check the second task: the first block first_block = tasks[1] assert isinstance(first_block, BlockNode) assert == "Install Apache" assert len(first_block.tasks) == 4 assert first_block.index == 4 for task_counter, task in enumerate(first_block.tasks): assert ( task.index == task_counter + 1 ), "The index of the task in the block should start at 1" assert first_block.tasks[0].name == "Install some packages" assert first_block.tasks[0].has_loop(), "The task has a 'with_items'" # Check the second block (nested block) nested_block = first_block.tasks[2] assert isinstance(nested_block, BlockNode) assert len(nested_block.tasks) == 2 assert nested_block.tasks[0].name == "get_url" assert nested_block.tasks[1].name == "command" assert nested_block.index == 3 for task_counter, task in enumerate(nested_block.tasks): assert ( task.index == task_counter + 1 ), "The index of the task in the block should start at 1" # Check the post task assert post_tasks[0].name == "Debug" assert post_tasks[0].index == 6 @pytest.mark.parametrize("grapher_cli", [["multi-plays.yml"]], indirect=True) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ( "group_roles_by_name", "roles_number", "nb_fake_role", "nb_display_some_facts", "nb_nested_include_role", ), [(False, 8, 1, 1, 1), (True, 3, 3, 3, 1)], ids=["no_group", "group"], ) def test_roles_usage_multi_plays( grapher_cli: PlaybookGrapherCLI, roles_number: int, group_roles_by_name: bool, nb_fake_role: int, nb_display_some_facts: int, nb_nested_include_role: int, ) -> None: """Test the role_usages method for multiple plays referencing the same roles :param grapher_cli: :param roles_number: The number of uniq roles in the graph :param group_roles_by_name: flag to enable grouping roles or not :param nb_fake_role: number of usages for the role fake_role :param nb_display_some_facts: number of usages for the role display_some_facts :param nb_nested_include_role: number of usages for the role nested_include_role :return: """ parser = PlaybookParser( grapher_cli.options.playbook_filenames[0], include_role_tasks=True, group_roles_by_name=group_roles_by_name, ) playbook_node = parser.parse() roles_usage = playbook_node.roles_usage() expectation = { "fake_role": nb_fake_role, "display_some_facts": nb_display_some_facts, "nested_include_role": nb_nested_include_role, } assert roles_number == len( roles_usage, ), "The number of unique roles should be equal to the number of usages" for role, plays in roles_usage.items(): assert all( ("play_") for node in plays), ), "All nodes IDs should be play" nb_plays_for_the_role = len(plays) assert ( expectation.get( == nb_plays_for_the_role ), f"The role '{}' is used {nb_plays_for_the_role} times but we expect {expectation.get(}" @pytest.mark.parametrize("grapher_cli", [["group-roles-by-name.yml"]], indirect=True) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "group_roles_by_name", [(False,), (True,)], ids=["no_group", "group"], ) def test_roles_usage_single_play( grapher_cli: PlaybookGrapherCLI, group_roles_by_name: bool, ) -> None: """Test the role_usages method for a single play using the same roles multiple times. The role usage should always be one regardless of the number of usages :return: """ parser = PlaybookParser( grapher_cli.options.playbook_filenames[0], include_role_tasks=True, group_roles_by_name=group_roles_by_name, ) playbook_node = parser.parse() roles_usage = playbook_node.roles_usage() for plays in roles_usage.values(): assert len(plays) == 1, "The number of plays should be equal to 1" @pytest.mark.parametrize("grapher_cli", [["roles_dependencies.yml"]], indirect=True) def test_roles_dependencies(grapher_cli: PlaybookGrapherCLI) -> None: """Test if the role dependencies in meta/main.yml are included in the graph. :return: """ parser = PlaybookParser( grapher_cli.options.playbook_filenames[0], include_role_tasks=True, ) playbook_node = parser.parse() roles = playbook_node.plays()[0].roles assert len(roles) == 1, "Only one explicit role is called inside the playbook" role_with_dependencies = roles[0] tasks = role_with_dependencies.tasks expected_tasks = 5 dependant_role_name = "fake_role" assert ( len(tasks) == expected_tasks ), f"There should be {expected_tasks} tasks in the graph" # The first 3 tasks are coming from the dependency for task_from_dependency in tasks[:3]: assert ( dependant_role_name in ), f"The task name should include the dependant role name '{dependant_role_name}'"