Craig Jarvis 4033bfb60d Added timezone to the all.yml file. Updated some containers to use it
Not all containers can use the TZ as an ENV. Updated the ones that can.
2018-11-13 09:30:13 +11:00

269 lines
6.1 KiB

### Ansible NAS Features
# Set these options to true or false to toggle specific features
# BitTorrent
# If you plan to use Transmission with OpenVPN, you'll need to copy group_vars/vpn_credentials.yml.dist
# to group_vars/vpn_credentials.yml, then update it with your own settings.
transmission_with_openvpn_enabled: false
transmission_enabled: false
# Plex
plex_enabled: false
tautulli_enabled: false
# Emby
emby_enabled: false
# Media Sourcing
sonarr_enabled: false
sickrage_enabled: false
couchpotato_enabled: false
radarr_enabled: false
# System Management
portainer_enabled: true
glances_enabled: true
stats_enabled: false
# Backup & Restore
duplicati_enabled: true
nextcloud_enabled: false
nginx_enabled: true # if you enable nginx, you'll need to map ports 80 and 443 on your router to your Ansible-NAS
# IRC bouncer
znc_enabled: false
### General
# Sets the hostname of your Ansible NAS
ansible_nas_hostname: bender
# Sets the timezone for your Ansible NAS
# You can find a list here
# Don't use the ones marked as Deprecated
ansible_nas_timezone: Etc/UTC
# Update all apt packages when playbook is run
keep_packages_updated: false
# Will be added to the docker group to give user command line access to docker
ansible_nas_user: david
# Your email address, used for LetsEncrypt SSL certs
### Docker
# Where you want Docker to store its images and container data.
docker_home: /mnt/Volume2/docker
# Docker storage driver, see
# You'll need to change this if your docker_home isn't on zfs and Docker won't start (you'll probably want overlay2 instead)
docker_storage_driver: zfs
### Samba
# The location where all shares will be created by default. Can be overridden on a per-share basis.
# This path will be mounted to backup containers, Duplicati
samba_shares_root: /mnt/Volume3
# Where stuff downloaded will be stored
downloads_root: "{{ samba_shares_root }}/downloads"
# Where your movies are stored
movies_root: "{{ samba_shares_root }}/movies"
# Where your TV episodes are stored
tv_root: "{{ samba_shares_root }}/tv"
# Where torrent files are stored (picked up by Transmission for downloading)
torrents_root: "{{ samba_shares_root }}/torrents"
# The account used when Samba shares are accessed. Shouldn't need to change this unless you want to
# mess with Samba user permissions.
samba_guest_account: nobody
# Shares you want published over Samba.
- name: downloads
comment: 'Stuff downloaded'
guest_ok: yes
public: yes
writable: yes
path: "{{ downloads_root }}"
- name: movies
comment: 'Movies'
guest_ok: yes
public: yes
writable: yes
path: "{{ movies_root }}"
- name: tv
comment: 'TV Episodes'
guest_ok: yes
public: yes
writable: yes
path: "{{ tv_root }}"
- name: dump
comment: 'File dump'
guest_ok: yes
public: yes
writable: yes
path: "{{ samba_shares_root }}/dump"
- name: games
comment: 'Games'
guest_ok: yes
public: yes
writable: yes
path: "{{ samba_shares_root }}/games"
- name: photos
comment: 'Pictures'
guest_ok: yes
public: yes
writable: yes
path: "{{ samba_shares_root }}/photos"
### Nextcloud
# Used by the nginx container to determine what hostname to retrieve an SSL cert for
# Ensure that this DNS name is registered and points to your external IP address
###### You shouldn't need to edit anything below this point ######
### Transmission
transmission_config_directory: "{{ docker_home }}/transmission/config"
transmission_download_directory: "{{ downloads_root }}"
transmission_watch_directory: "{{ torrents_root }}"
transmission_user_id: 0
transmission_group_id: 0
transmission_local_network: ""
### Plex
plex_config_directory: "{{ docker_home }}/plex/config"
plex_movies_directory: "{{ movies_root }}"
plex_tv_directory: "{{ tv_root }}"
plex_user_id: 0
plex_group_id: 0
### Emby
emby_config_directory: "{{ docker_home }}/emby/config"
emby_movies_directory: "{{ movies_root }}"
emby_tv_directory: "{{ tv_root }}"
emby_user_id: 0
emby_group_id: 0
### Tautulli
tautulli_config_directory: "{{ docker_home }}/tautulli/config"
tautulli_user_id: 0
tautulli_group_id: 0
### Duplicati
duplicati_data_directory: "{{ docker_home }}/duplicati/config"
### Sonarr
sonarr_data_directory: "{{ docker_home }}/sonarr/config"
sonarr_tv_directory: "{{ tv_root }}"
sonarr_download_directory: "{{ downloads_root }}"
sonarr_user_id: 0
sonarr_group_id: 0
### Radarr
radarr_movies_directory: "{{ movies_root }}"
radarr_download_directory: "{{ downloads_root }}"
radarr_data_directory: "{{ docker_home }}/radarr"
radarr_user_id: 0
radarr_group_id: 0
### Couchpotato
couchpotato_config_directory: "{{ docker_home }}/couchpotato/config"
couchpotato_movies_directory: "{{ movies_root }}"
couchpotato_downloads_directory: "{{ downloads_root }}"
couchpotato_torrents_directory: "{{ torrents_root }}"
couchpotato_user_id: 0
couchpotato_group_id: 0
### Sickrage
sickrage_config_directory: "{{ docker_home }}/sickrage/config"
sickrage_tv_directory: "{{ tv_root }}"
sickrage_downloads_directory: "{{ downloads_root }}"
sickrage_user_id: 0
sickrage_group_id: 0
### OpenVPN
openvpn_config_directory: "{{ docker_home }}/openvpn"
### Portainer
portainer_data_directory: "{{ docker_home }}/portainer/config"
### ZNC
znc_data_directory: "{{ docker_home }}/znc"
znc_user_id: 0
znc_group_id: 0
### Stats
telegraf_data_directory: "{{ docker_home }}/telegraf"
influxdb_data_directory: "{{ docker_home }}/influxdb"
grafana_data_directory: "{{ docker_home }}/grafana"
stat_collection_interval: 15s
### Nextcloud
nextcloud_data_directory: "{{ docker_home }}/nextcloud"
### nginx
nginx_data_directory: "{{ docker_home }}/nginx"