#!/bin/bash DIR=$(dirname "$0") PLAYBOOK_DIR=$DIR/.. header() { clear cat << "EndOfMessage" ._____. .__ _____ ____ _____|__\_ |__ | | ____ ____ _____ ______ \__ \ / \ / ___/ || __ \| | _/ __ \ ______ / \\__ \ / ___/ / __ \| | \\___ \| || \_\ \ |_\ ___/ /_____/ | | \/ __ \_\___ \ (____ /___| /____ >__||___ /____/\___ > |___| (____ /____ > \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ a n s i b l e - n a s https://github.com/davestephens/ansible-nas EndOfMessage sleep 5 } log() { printf "${TIME_FORMAT} %b\n" "$*"; } fatal_error() { printf "${TIME_FORMAT} \e[41mERROR:\033[0m %b\n" "$*" >&2; exit 1 } test_needs() { command -v $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || fatal_error "Testing Ansible-NAS requires $1 but it's not installed. Please install it and try again." } testing_init() { log "Checking Vagrant installation" test_needs vagrant log "Copy all.yml.dist to test.yml" cp -f $PLAYBOOK_DIR/group_vars/all.yml.dist $PLAYBOOK_DIR/tests/test.yml } header testing_init log "Starting Vagrant and running playbook" vagrant up log "Vagrant up completed, you can connect to the VM at When you've finished testing, run 'vagrant destroy' to kill the VM."