--- - name: Preflight ansible.builtin.include_tasks: preflight.yml tags: - node_exporter_install - node_exporter_configure - node_exporter_run - name: Install ansible.builtin.include_tasks: file: install.yml apply: become: true when: ( not __node_exporter_is_installed.stat.exists ) or ( (__node_exporter_current_version_output.stderr_lines | length > 0) and (__node_exporter_current_version_output.stderr_lines[0].split(" ")[2] != node_exporter_version) ) or ( (__node_exporter_current_version_output.stdout_lines | length > 0) and (__node_exporter_current_version_output.stdout_lines[0].split(" ")[2] != node_exporter_version) ) or ( node_exporter_binary_local_dir | length > 0 ) tags: - node_exporter_install - name: SELinux ansible.builtin.include_tasks: file: selinux.yml apply: become: true when: ansible_selinux.status == "enabled" tags: - node_exporter_configure - name: Configure ansible.builtin.include_tasks: file: configure.yml apply: become: true tags: - node_exporter_configure - name: Ensure Node Exporter is enabled on boot become: true ansible.builtin.systemd: daemon_reload: true name: node_exporter enabled: true state: started when: - not ansible_check_mode tags: - node_exporter_run