--- - name: Assert usage of systemd as an init system assert: that: ansible_service_mgr == 'systemd' msg: "This module only works with systemd" - name: Get systemd version command: systemctl --version changed_when: false check_mode: false register: __systemd_version tags: - skip_ansible_lint - name: Set systemd version fact set_fact: prometheus_systemd_version: "{{ __systemd_version.stdout_lines[0].split(' ')[-1] }}" - name: Assert no duplicate config flags assert: that: - prometheus_config_flags_extra['config.file'] is not defined - prometheus_config_flags_extra['storage.tsdb.path'] is not defined - prometheus_config_flags_extra['storage.local.path'] is not defined - prometheus_config_flags_extra['web.listen-address'] is not defined - prometheus_config_flags_extra['web.external-url'] is not defined msg: "Detected duplicate configuration entry. Please check your ansible variables and role README.md." - name: Assert external_labels aren't configured twice assert: that: prometheus_global.external_labels is not defined msg: "Use prometheus_external_labels to define external labels" - name: Set prometheus external metrics path set_fact: prometheus_metrics_path: "/{{ ( prometheus_web_external_url + '/metrics' ) | regex_replace('^(.*://)?(.*?)/') }}" - name: Fail when prometheus_config_flags_extra duplicates parameters set by other variables fail: msg: > Whooops. You are duplicating configuration. Please look at your prometheus_config_flags_extra and check against other variables in defaults/main.yml with_items: - 'storage.tsdb.retention' - 'storage.tsdb.path' - 'storage.local.retention' - 'storage.local.path' - 'config.file' - 'web.listen-address' - 'web.external-url' when: item in prometheus_config_flags_extra.keys() - name: Get all file_sd files from scrape_configs set_fact: file_sd_files: "{{ prometheus_scrape_configs | json_query('[*][].file_sd_configs[*][].files[]') }}" - name: Fail when file_sd targets are not defined in scrape_configs fail: msg: > Oh, snap! `{{ item.key }}` couldn't be found in your scrape configs. Please ensure you provided all targets from prometheus_targets in prometheus_scrape_configs when: not prometheus_config_dir + "/file_sd/" + item.key + ".yml" in file_sd_files # when: not item | basename | splitext | difference(['.yml']) | join('') in prometheus_targets.keys() with_dict: "{{ prometheus_targets }}" - name: Alert when prometheus_alertmanager_config is empty, but prometheus_alert_rules is specified debug: msg: > No alertmanager configuration was specified. If you want your alerts to be sent make sure to specify a prometheus_alertmanager_config in defaults/main.yml. when: - prometheus_alertmanager_config == [] - prometheus_alert_rules != [] - block: - name: Get latest release uri: url: "https://api.github.com/repos/prometheus/prometheus/releases/latest" method: GET return_content: true status_code: 200 body_format: json validate_certs: false user: "{{ lookup('env', 'GH_USER') | default(omit) }}" password: "{{ lookup('env', 'GH_TOKEN') | default(omit) }}" no_log: "{{ not lookup('env', 'ANSIBLE_DEBUG') | bool }}" register: _latest_release until: _latest_release.status == 200 retries: 5 - name: "Set prometheus version to {{ _latest_release.json.tag_name[1:] }}" set_fact: prometheus_version: "{{ _latest_release.json.tag_name[1:] }}" when: - prometheus_version == "latest" - prometheus_binary_local_dir | length == 0 - not prometheus_skip_install - block: - name: "Get checksum list" set_fact: __prometheus_checksums: "{{ lookup('url', 'https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/download/v' + prometheus_version + '/sha256sums.txt', wantlist=True) | list }}" run_once: true - name: "Get checksum for {{ go_arch }} architecture" set_fact: __prometheus_checksum: "{{ item.split(' ')[0] }}" with_items: "{{ __prometheus_checksums }}" when: - "('linux-' + go_arch + '.tar.gz') in item" delegate_to: localhost when: - prometheus_binary_local_dir | length == 0 - not prometheus_skip_install