#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Fetch and bundles the hcloud package inside the collection. Fetch the desired version `HCLOUD_VERSION` from https://github.com/hetznercloud/hcloud-python `HCLOUD_SOURCE_URL` using git, apply some code modifications to comply with ansible, move the modified files at the vendor location `HCLOUD_VENDOR_PATH`. """ from __future__ import annotations import logging import re from argparse import ArgumentParser from pathlib import Path from shutil import move, rmtree from subprocess import check_call from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from textwrap import dedent logger = logging.getLogger("vendor") HCLOUD_SOURCE_URL = "https://github.com/hetznercloud/hcloud-python" HCLOUD_VERSION = "v2.0.1" HCLOUD_VENDOR_PATH = "plugins/module_utils/vendor/hcloud" def apply_code_modifications(source_path: Path): for file in source_path.rglob("*.py"): content = file.read_text() content_orig = content # Wrap requests imports content = re.sub( r"import requests", dedent( r""" try: import requests except ImportError: requests = None """ ).strip(), content, ) # Wrap dateutil imports content = re.sub( r"from dateutil.parser import isoparse", dedent( r""" try: from dateutil.parser import isoparse except ImportError: isoparse = None """ ).strip(), content, ) # Remove requests.Response typings content = re.sub( r": requests\.Response", r"", content, ) if content != content_orig: logger.info("Applied code modifications on %s", file) file.write_text(content) def main(check: bool = False) -> int: with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: tmp_dir_path = Path(tmp_dir) logger.info("Created temporary directory %s", tmp_dir_path) check_call(["git", "clone", "--depth=1", "--branch", HCLOUD_VERSION, HCLOUD_SOURCE_URL, tmp_dir_path]) logger.info("Cloned the source files in %s", tmp_dir_path) apply_code_modifications(tmp_dir_path / "hcloud") logger.info("Applied code modifications on the source files") rmtree(HCLOUD_VENDOR_PATH) move(tmp_dir_path / "hcloud", HCLOUD_VENDOR_PATH) logger.info("Bundled the modified sources files in the collection") if check: check_call(["git", "diff", "--exit-code", "--", HCLOUD_VENDOR_PATH]) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)-8s: %(message)s") parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--check", action="store_true", default=False) args = parser.parse_args() raise SystemExit(main(check=args.check))