from __future__ import annotations from typing import TYPE_CHECKING try: from dateutil.parser import isoparse except ImportError: isoparse = None from ..core import BaseDomain, DomainIdentityMixin if TYPE_CHECKING: from ..actions import BoundAction from ..servers import BoundServer, Server from .client import BoundImage class Image(BaseDomain, DomainIdentityMixin): """Image Domain :param id: int ID of the image :param type: str Type of the image Choices: `system`, `snapshot`, `backup`, `app` :param status: str Whether the image can be used or if it’s still being created Choices: `available`, `creating` :param name: str, None Unique identifier of the image. This value is only set for system images. :param description: str Description of the image :param image_size: number, None Size of the image file in our storage in GB. For snapshot images this is the value relevant for calculating costs for the image. :param disk_size: number Size of the disk contained in the image in GB. :param created: datetime Point in time when the image was created :param created_from: :class:`BoundServer `, None Information about the server the image was created from :param bound_to: :class:`BoundServer `, None ID of server the image is bound to. Only set for images of type `backup`. :param os_flavor: str Flavor of operating system contained in the image Choices: `ubuntu`, `centos`, `debian`, `fedora`, `unknown` :param os_version: str, None Operating system version :param architecture: str CPU Architecture that the image is compatible with. Choices: `x86`, `arm` :param rapid_deploy: bool Indicates that rapid deploy of the image is available :param protection: dict Protection configuration for the image :param deprecated: datetime, None Point in time when the image is considered to be deprecated (in ISO-8601 format) :param labels: Dict User-defined labels (key-value pairs) """ __slots__ = ( "id", "name", "type", "description", "image_size", "disk_size", "bound_to", "os_flavor", "os_version", "architecture", "rapid_deploy", "created_from", "status", "protection", "labels", "created", "deprecated", ) def __init__( self, id: int | None = None, name: str | None = None, type: str | None = None, created: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, image_size: int | None = None, disk_size: int | None = None, deprecated: str | None = None, bound_to: Server | BoundServer | None = None, os_flavor: str | None = None, os_version: str | None = None, architecture: str | None = None, rapid_deploy: bool | None = None, created_from: Server | BoundServer | None = None, protection: dict | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, status: str | None = None, ): = id = name self.type = type self.created = isoparse(created) if created else None self.description = description self.image_size = image_size self.disk_size = disk_size self.deprecated = isoparse(deprecated) if deprecated else None self.bound_to = bound_to self.os_flavor = os_flavor self.os_version = os_version self.architecture = architecture self.rapid_deploy = rapid_deploy self.created_from = created_from = protection self.labels = labels self.status = status class CreateImageResponse(BaseDomain): """Create Image Response Domain :param image: :class:`BoundImage ` The Image which was created :param action: :class:`BoundAction ` The Action which shows the progress of the Floating IP Creation """ __slots__ = ("action", "image") def __init__( self, action: BoundAction, image: BoundImage, ): self.action = action self.image = image