from ..actions.client import BoundAction from ..core.client import BoundModelBase, ClientEntityBase, GetEntityByNameMixin from ..core.domain import add_meta_to_result from .domain import Image class BoundImage(BoundModelBase): model = Image def __init__(self, client, data): from ..servers.client import BoundServer created_from = data.get("created_from") if created_from is not None: data["created_from"] = BoundServer( client._client.servers, created_from, complete=False ) bound_to = data.get("bound_to") if bound_to is not None: data["bound_to"] = BoundServer( client._client.servers, {"id": bound_to}, complete=False ) super().__init__(client, data) def get_actions_list(self, sort=None, page=None, per_page=None, status=None): # type: (Optional[List[str]], Optional[int], Optional[int], Optional[List[str]]) -> PageResult[BoundAction, Meta] """Returns a list of action objects for the image. :param status: List[str] (optional) Response will have only actions with specified statuses. Choices: `running` `success` `error` :param sort: List[str] (optional) Specify how the results are sorted. Choices: `id` `id:asc` `id:desc` `command` `command:asc` `command:desc` `status` `status:asc` `status:desc` `progress` `progress:asc` `progress:desc` `started` `started:asc` `started:desc` `finished` `finished:asc` `finished:desc` :param page: int (optional) Specifies the page to fetch :param per_page: int (optional) Specifies how many results are returned by page :return: (List[:class:`BoundAction `], :class:`Meta `) """ return self._client.get_actions_list( self, sort=sort, page=page, per_page=per_page, status=status ) def get_actions(self, sort=None, status=None): # type: (Optional[List[str]], Optional[List[str]]) -> List[BoundAction] """Returns all action objects for the image. :param status: List[str] (optional) Response will have only actions with specified statuses. Choices: `running` `success` `error` :param sort: List[str] (optional) Specify how the results are sorted. Choices: `id` `id:asc` `id:desc` `command` `command:asc` `command:desc` `status` `status:asc` `status:desc` `progress` `progress:asc` `progress:desc` `started` `started:asc` `started:desc` `finished` `finished:asc` `finished:desc` :return: List[:class:`BoundAction `] """ return self._client.get_actions(self, status=status, sort=sort) def update(self, description=None, type=None, labels=None): # type: (Optional[str], Optional[str], Optional[Dict[str, str]]) -> BoundImage """Updates the Image. You may change the description, convert a Backup image to a Snapshot Image or change the image labels. :param description: str (optional) New description of Image :param type: str (optional) Destination image type to convert to Choices: snapshot :param labels: Dict[str, str] (optional) User-defined labels (key-value pairs) :return: :class:`BoundImage ` """ return self._client.update(self, description, type, labels) def delete(self): # type: () -> bool """Deletes an Image. Only images of type snapshot and backup can be deleted. :return: bool """ return self._client.delete(self) def change_protection(self, delete=None): # type: (Optional[bool]) -> BoundAction """Changes the protection configuration of the image. Can only be used on snapshots. :param delete: bool If true, prevents the snapshot from being deleted :return: :class:`BoundAction ` """ return self._client.change_protection(self, delete) class ImagesClient(ClientEntityBase, GetEntityByNameMixin): results_list_attribute_name = "images" def get_actions_list( self, image, # type: Image sort=None, # type: Optional[List[str]] page=None, # type: Optional[int] per_page=None, # type: Optional[int] status=None, # type: Optional[List[str]] ): # type: (...) -> PageResults[List[BoundAction], Meta] """Returns a list of action objects for an image. :param image: :class:`BoundImage ` or :class:`Image ` :param status: List[str] (optional) Response will have only actions with specified statuses. Choices: `running` `success` `error` :param sort: List[str] (optional) Specify how the results are sorted. Choices: `id` `id:asc` `id:desc` `command` `command:asc` `command:desc` `status` `status:asc` `status:desc` `progress` `progress:asc` `progress:desc` `started` `started:asc` `started:desc` `finished` `finished:asc` `finished:desc` :param page: int (optional) Specifies the page to fetch :param per_page: int (optional) Specifies how many results are returned by page :return: (List[:class:`BoundAction `], :class:`Meta `) """ params = {} if sort is not None: params["sort"] = sort if status is not None: params["status"] = status if page is not None: params["page"] = page if per_page is not None: params["per_page"] = per_page response = self._client.request( url=f"/images/{}/actions", method="GET", params=params, ) actions = [ BoundAction(self._client.actions, action_data) for action_data in response["actions"] ] return add_meta_to_result(actions, response, "actions") def get_actions( self, image, # type: Image sort=None, # type: Optional[List[str]] status=None, # type: Optional[List[str]] ): # type: (...) -> List[BoundAction] """Returns all action objects for an image. :param image: :class:`BoundImage ` or :class:`Image ` :param status: List[str] (optional) Response will have only actions with specified statuses. Choices: `running` `success` `error` :param sort: List[str] (optional) Specify how the results are sorted. Choices: `id` `command` `status` `progress` `started` `finished` . You can add one of ":asc", ":desc" to modify sort order. ( ":asc" is default) :return: List[:class:`BoundAction `] """ return super().get_actions(image, sort=sort, status=status) def get_by_id(self, id): # type: (int) -> BoundImage """Get a specific Image :param id: int :return: :class:`BoundImage PageResults[List[BoundImage]] """Get all images :param name: str (optional) Can be used to filter images by their name. :param label_selector: str (optional) Can be used to filter servers by labels. The response will only contain servers matching the label selector. :param bound_to: List[str] (optional) Server Id linked to the image. Only available for images of type backup :param type: List[str] (optional) Choices: system snapshot backup :param architecture: List[str] (optional) Choices: x86 arm :param status: List[str] (optional) Can be used to filter images by their status. The response will only contain images matching the status. :param sort: List[str] (optional) Choices: id id:asc id:desc name name:asc name:desc created created:asc created:desc :param include_deprecated: bool (optional) Include deprecated images in the response. Default: False :param page: int (optional) Specifies the page to fetch :param per_page: int (optional) Specifies how many results are returned by page :return: (List[:class:`BoundImage `], :class:`Meta `) """ params = {} if name is not None: params["name"] = name if label_selector is not None: params["label_selector"] = label_selector if bound_to is not None: params["bound_to"] = bound_to if type is not None: params["type"] = type if architecture is not None: params["architecture"] = architecture if sort is not None: params["sort"] = sort if page is not None: params["page"] = page if per_page is not None: params["per_page"] = per_page if status is not None: params["status"] = per_page if include_deprecated is not None: params["include_deprecated"] = include_deprecated response = self._client.request(url="/images", method="GET", params=params) images = [BoundImage(self, image_data) for image_data in response["images"]] return self._add_meta_to_result(images, response) def get_all( self, name=None, # type: Optional[str] label_selector=None, # type: Optional[str] bound_to=None, # type: Optional[List[str]] type=None, # type: Optional[List[str]] architecture=None, # type: Optional[List[str]] sort=None, # type: Optional[List[str]] status=None, # type: Optional[List[str]] include_deprecated=None, # type: Optional[bool] ): # type: (...) -> List[BoundImage] """Get all images :param name: str (optional) Can be used to filter images by their name. :param label_selector: str (optional) Can be used to filter servers by labels. The response will only contain servers matching the label selector. :param bound_to: List[str] (optional) Server Id linked to the image. Only available for images of type backup :param type: List[str] (optional) Choices: system snapshot backup :param architecture: List[str] (optional) Choices: x86 arm :param status: List[str] (optional) Can be used to filter images by their status. The response will only contain images matching the status. :param sort: List[str] (optional) Choices: id name created (You can add one of ":asc", ":desc" to modify sort order. ( ":asc" is default)) :param include_deprecated: bool (optional) Include deprecated images in the response. Default: False :return: List[:class:`BoundImage `] """ return super().get_all( name=name, label_selector=label_selector, bound_to=bound_to, type=type, architecture=architecture, sort=sort, status=status, include_deprecated=include_deprecated, ) def get_by_name(self, name): # type: (str) -> BoundImage """Get image by name Deprecated: Use get_by_name_and_architecture instead. :param name: str Used to get image by name. :return: :class:`BoundImage ` """ return super().get_by_name(name) def get_by_name_and_architecture(self, name, architecture): # type: (str, str) -> BoundImage """Get image by name :param name: str Used to identify the image. :param architecture: str Used to identify the image. :return: :class:`BoundImage ` """ response = self.get_list(name=name, architecture=[architecture]) entities = getattr(response, self.results_list_attribute_name) entity = entities[0] if entities else None return entity def update(self, image, description=None, type=None, labels=None): # type:(Image, Optional[str], Optional[str], Optional[Dict[str, str]]) -> BoundImage """Updates the Image. You may change the description, convert a Backup image to a Snapshot Image or change the image labels. :param image: :class:`BoundImage ` or :class:`Image ` :param description: str (optional) New description of Image :param type: str (optional) Destination image type to convert to Choices: snapshot :param labels: Dict[str, str] (optional) User-defined labels (key-value pairs) :return: :class:`BoundImage ` """ data = {} if description is not None: data.update({"description": description}) if type is not None: data.update({"type": type}) if labels is not None: data.update({"labels": labels}) response = self._client.request( url=f"/images/{}", method="PUT", json=data ) return BoundImage(self, response["image"]) def delete(self, image): # type: (Image) -> bool """Deletes an Image. Only images of type snapshot and backup can be deleted. :param :class:`BoundImage ` or :class:`Image ` :return: bool """ self._client.request(url=f"/images/{}", method="DELETE") # Return allays true, because the API does not return an action for it. When an error occurs a APIException will be raised return True def change_protection(self, image, delete=None): # type: (Image, Optional[bool]) -> BoundAction """Changes the protection configuration of the image. Can only be used on snapshots. :param image: :class:`BoundImage ` or :class:`Image ` :param delete: bool If true, prevents the snapshot from being deleted :return: :class:`BoundAction ` """ data = {} if delete is not None: data.update({"delete": delete}) response = self._client.request( url="/images/{image_id}/actions/change_protection".format( ), method="POST", json=data, ) return BoundAction(self._client.actions, response["action"])