
52 lines
3.5 KiB

ambient_is_ssid "WIFIonICE" "WIFI@DB"; or exit
# Some ICEs use the SSID "WIFI@DB", but that's also used at stations in Germany.
# We can tell if we're on a train if resolves to a private IP addr.
string match '172.*' (ambient_resolve4 >/dev/null; or exit
# Also double-check that the API returns valid JSON, also not the case at stations.
set train_status (curl -s
echo $train_status | jq type >/dev/null 2>&1; or exit
echo $train_status | jq -r '{
"AMBIENT_DE_ICE_CONNECTIVITY_STATE": (.connectivity.currentState),
"AMBIENT_DE_ICE_SERVICE_LEVEL": (.servicelevel),
"AMBIENT_DE_ICE_SERVER_TIME": (.serverTime / 1000 | round | todate),
} | to_entries | map(select(.value != null)) | map(.key + "=" + (.value | tostring)) | join("\n")'
curl -s | jq -r '{
"AMBIENT_DE_ICE_TRIP_DATE": .trip.tripDate,
"AMBIENT_DE_ICE_VZN": .trip.vzn,
"AMBIENT_DE_ICE_ACTUAL_POSITION": .trip.actualPosition,
} + if .trip.stops then {
"AMBIENT_DE_ICE_STOP_FIRST": (.trip.stops | first),
"AMBIENT_DE_ICE_STOP_FIRST_DEPART_SCHEDULED": ((.trip.stops | first).timetable.scheduledDepartureTime / 1000 | round | todate),
"AMBIENT_DE_ICE_STOP_FIRST_DEPART_ACTUAL": ((.trip.stops | first).timetable.actualDepartureTime/ 1000 | round | todate),
"AMBIENT_DE_ICE_STOP_FIRST_DEPART_DELAY": (.trip.stops | first).timetable.departureDelay,
"AMBIENT_DE_ICE_STOP_LAST": (.trip.stops | last),
"AMBIENT_DE_ICE_STOP_LAST_ARRIVE_SCHEDULED": ((.trip.stops | last).timetable.scheduledArrivalTime / 1000 | round | todate),
"AMBIENT_DE_ICE_STOP_LAST_ARRIVE_ACTUAL": ((.trip.stops | last).timetable.actualArrivalTime/ 1000 | round | todate),
"AMBIENT_DE_ICE_STOP_LAST_ARRIVE_DELAY": (.trip.stops | last).timetable.arrivalDelay,
"AMBIENT_DE_ICE_STOP_NEXT": ([.trip.stops[] | select(.info.passed == false)] | first),
"AMBIENT_DE_ICE_STOP_NEXT_DEPART_SCHEDULED": (([.trip.stops[] | select(.info.passed == false)] | first).timetable.scheduledDepartureTime / 1000 | round | todate),
"AMBIENT_DE_ICE_STOP_NEXT_DEPART_ACTUAL": (([.trip.stops[] | select(.info.passed == false)] | first).timetable.actualDepartureTime/ 1000 | round | todate),
"AMBIENT_DE_ICE_STOP_NEXT_DEPART_DELAY": ([.trip.stops[] | select(.info.passed == false)] | first).timetable.departureDelay,
"AMBIENT_DE_ICE_STOP_NEXT_ARRIVE_SCHEDULED": (([.trip.stops[] | select(.info.passed == false)] | first).timetable.scheduledArrivalTime / 1000 | round | todate),
"AMBIENT_DE_ICE_STOP_NEXT_ARRIVE_ACTUAL": (([.trip.stops[] | select(.info.passed == false)] | first).timetable.actualArrivalTime/ 1000 | round | todate),
"AMBIENT_DE_ICE_STOP_NEXT_ARRIVE_DELAY": ([.trip.stops[] | select(.info.passed == false)] | first).timetable.arrivalDelay,
} else {} end | to_entries | map(select(.value != null)) | map(.key + "=" + (.value | tostring)) | join("\n")'