mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 12:28:26 +00:00
585 lines
31 KiB
585 lines
31 KiB
"Common": {
"AppName": "WebTools-NG",
"Home": {
"About": "@:Common.AppName provides different tool modules to help with Plex Server management.",
"Modules": "Currently available tool modules are:",
"Name": "Home",
"Title": "Welcome to @:Common.AppName",
"LangUpdateTitle": "Language update",
"LangUpdateMsg": "{0} Language has been updated on the translation site",
"LangUpdateMsg2": "Please go to Language option and select '{0}'"
"Language": {
"Description": "@:Common.Language.Name allows you to change language used by this app",
"Name": "Language",
"btnForce": "Force download",
"LangMissing": "My language is missing from above",
"LangMissing1": "if your language is missing in list above, then unfortunately nobody has translated it, yet.",
"LangMissing2": "If so, we urge you to not only help us, but also your fellow countryfolk using Plex.",
"LangMissing3": "Please visit the link below to sign up as a translator!",
"LangMissing4": "Doing so, will also list you in the about page ;)",
"LangSpelling": "I found a bad translation",
"LangSpelling1": "If so, we urge you to join the translation site as well.",
"LangProcent": "What does the number after the language mean?",
"LangProcent1": "The number indicates how complete the translation is",
"LangProcent2": "If not on 100%, then we need your help",
"LangForce": "What does the '@:Common.Language.btnForce' button do?",
"LangForce1": "It updates your translations with the latest version available",
"Join": "Become a translator"
"Login": {
"SignIn": "Sign in with plex.tv",
"UseCred": "Use your regular Plex credentials",
"Note": "3rd-party Auth is not supported!",
"Username": "Username",
"UsernamePrompt": "Enter your plex.tv Username or Email",
"Password": "Password",
"PasswordPrompt": "Enter your plex.tv password",
"UsernameSave": "Remember Username",
"LoginBtn": "Sign in",
"twoFA": "2Factor Authentication verification code",
"twoFAPrompt": "If using 2FA, enter your code here, else leave as blank (optional)",
"Missing2FACode": "Please enter the verification code",
"LoginConnectErrToken": "Could not connect to plex.tv with a Token",
"LoginConnectErr": "Could not connect to plex.tv!",
"UseToken": "Use your Plex Token",
"TokenPrompt": "Enter your plex.tv Token",
"Token": "X-Plex-Token",
"TitleUsr": "User",
"TitleToken": "Token"
"SelServer": "Select Server",
"Menu": {
"File": {
"menuFile": "File",
"menuOpenLogDir": "Open Log Directory",
"menuQuit": "Quit"
"Edit": {
"menuEdit": "Edit",
"menuUndo": "Undo",
"menuRedo": "Redo",
"menuCut": "Cut",
"menuCopy": "Copy",
"menuPaste": "Paste",
"menuDelete": "Delete",
"menuSelectAll": "Select All"
"View": {
"menuView": "View",
"menuReload": "Reload",
"menuForceReload": "Force Reload",
"menuToggleDeveloperTools": "Toggle Developer Tools",
"menuActualSize": "Actual Size",
"menuZoomIn": "Zoom In",
"menuZoomOut": "Zoom Out",
"menuToggleFullScreen": "Toggle Full Screen"
"Help": {
"menuHelp": "Help",
"menuForum": "Forums",
"menuGithub": "Github",
"menuManual": "Help Wiki",
"menuAbout": "About WebTools",
"menuAboutText": {
"menuAboutVersion": "Version",
"menuAboutPlatform": "Platform",
"menuAboutArchitecture": "Architecture"
"Sidebar": {
"NavSections": {
"Tools": "Tools",
"Options": "Options"
"ET": {
"Settings": "Settings",
"Custom": "Custom Levels"
"About": {
"NavTitle": "About Us"
"Home": {
"NavTitle": "Home"
"Language": {
"NavTitle": "Language"
"Theme": {
"NavTitle": "Theme"
"Reset": {
"NavTitle": "Factory Reset"
"Settings": {
"NavTitle": "Global Settings"
"PMS": {
"Settings": "Server Settings",
"Butler": "Butler scheduled tasks",
"LibMapping": "Library Mapping"
"Ok": "OK",
"Reload": "Reload",
"Update": {
"Title": "Update detected",
"Body": "{0} was released on Github on: {1}.",
"Body2": "Click here for more info",
"Skip": "Hide notification and skip this version"
"Copy": "Copy",
"ExportDir": "Select Export Directory",
"Browse": "Browse",
"ErrorNoOutDirMsg": "You need to define an output directory in the global settings page first",
"ErrorNoOutDirTitle": "No output directory defined",
"ReleaseNoteTitle": "Release Note",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"PPReq": "{0} needs a valid Plex pass to work",
"Status": {
"Name": {
"Global": {
"Status": "Status",
"Chuncks": "Chunks",
"Item": "Item",
"Items": "Items",
"Info": "Info",
"OutFile": "Output File",
"StartTime": "Start Time",
"EndTime": "End Time",
"TimeElapsed": "Time Elapsed",
"RunningTime": "Running time",
"LibsToProcess": "Libraries to process",
"CurrentLib": "Current Library"
"Msg": {
"Processing_Lib_1_2": "Processing library ({0} of {1}) - {2}",
"CollectUserInfo": "Collecting user info...Please wait",
"ProcessItem_1_2": "Processing: ({1} - {2}) - {0}",
"Idle": "Idle",
"Processing": "Processing",
"GatheringLibs": "Gathering libraries to process",
"ProcessItem_0_1": "Processing item {count} of {total}",
"Finished": "Job finished"
"DateTime": {
"Full": "full",
"Long": "long",
"Medium": "medium",
"Short": "short"
"Settings": {
"Return": "Return",
"Global": {
"Info": "The global settings are divided into the following:",
"ttLibmap": "Define mapped/mounted drives for your Plex Media Server Libraries",
"ttPMS": "General settings for accessing a Plex Media Server",
"ttExport": "Define format for an exported file",
"ttGeneral": "Define general settings for @:Common.AppName"
"General": {
"Name": "General Settings",
"Description": "@:Common.Settings.General.Name allows you to set general preferences for @:Common.AppName"
"LibMapping": {
"Name": "Library Mapping",
"Description": "@:Common.Settings.LibMapping.Name allows you to map the defined Library folder paths to match a path for this workstation",
"ClickToDefine": "Click to define",
"SelectMapDirPath": "Select mapped path",
"ttSelectLibrary": "Here you select the library to map"
"PMS": {
"Name": "PMS Settings",
"Description": "@:Common.Settings.PMS.Name allows you to set preferences for accessing a Plex Media Server"
"Export": {
"Name": "Export Settings",
"Description": "@:Common.Settings.Export.Name allows you to set preferences for exporting a file"
"Modules": {
"ET": {
"Description": "@:Modules.ET.Name allows you to export detail information about the media in your libraries",
"Name": "ExportTools",
"ErrorServer": "No server",
"Settings": {
"Settings": "Settings",
"Description": "Here you can define the settings for @:Modules.ET.Name",
"ArraySep": "Delimiter for multiple data in the same field",
"ColumnSep": "Delimiter between columns in CSV file (Use 9 for TAB)",
"TimeOut": "Timeout when requesting info from PMS in sec (Global setting)",
"OrgTitleNull": "Default \"Original Title\" to \"Title\", if empty",
"SortTitleNull": "Default \"Sort Title\" to \"Title\", if empty",
"AutoXLSCol": "Autosize column (xlsx only)",
"AutoXLSRow": "Autosize row (xlsx only)",
"ExportToExcel": "Export to xlsx",
"NotAvailIndicator": "What to use if a field can't be found",
"QualifierCSV": "Qualifier to use with a text based field for CSV (Use space for none)",
"Posters_Dimensions": "Poster width * height",
"Posters_Dimensions_TT": "Enter the Poster width*height for 'Export Posters'. Comma separated values for multiple exports are permitted. E.G. `75*75, 1024*768` Note: dimensions might be altered slightly in order to preserve the aspect ratio of the posters",
"Art_Dimensions": "Art width * height",
"Art_Dimensions_TT": "Enter the Art width*height for 'Export Art'. Comma separated values for multiple exports are permitted E.G. `75*75, 1024*768`. Note: dimensions might be altered slightly in order to preserve the aspect ratio of the art",
"ExportToCSV": "Export to csv",
"ChReturn": "Replace Return character with",
"ChReturn_TT": "Leave blank to not replace",
"ChNewLine": "Replace NewLine character with",
"ChNewLine_TT": "Leave blank to not replace",
"suggestedFileNoExtra": "For suggested filename, strip extra info from filenames so only essential info is kept",
"suggestedUseOrigenTitle": "When suggesting file or foldername, use original title",
"MoviesUseId": "Default Id for suggested folder and filename for movies",
"ttMoviesUseId": "If exporting Suggested Filename or Folder for movies, default to selected naming if available. Fallback to IMDB if not",
"ShowsUseId": "Default Id for suggested folder and filename for shows",
"ttShowsUseId": "If exporting Suggested Filename or Folder for shows, default to selected naming if available. Fallback to TMDB if not",
"Name": "@:Modules.ET.Name Settings",
"Note": "Note: * Click here for general settings regarding export *",
"Return": "Return to @:Modules.ET.Name",
"NoTimeStamp": "Don't add a timestamp to export file name",
"NoItemRange": "Don't add item range to export file name",
"ArtPostersOrigen": "Export Art and Posters in original size",
"ExportPostersArtsTree": "Export Art and Posters in a folder tree",
"FindMissingNoSpecials": "Ignore specials in 'Find missing episodes'"
"LevelInfo": "Export level determines which data is going to be exported.",
"SelectLevel": "Select level",
"BuildInLevels": "*** Built-in levels ***",
"NoLevelFound": "N/A",
"Status": {
"Idle": "Idle",
"Status": "Status",
"Processing-Chunk": "Processing chunk {current} of {total}",
"StartExport": "Starting to Export",
"GetSectionItems": "Fetching {totalSize} items in chunks of {chunck}",
"CreateExlsFile": "Creating Excel file",
"ProcessItem": "Processing item {count} of {total}",
"Names": {
"Status": "Status",
"Chuncks": "Chunks",
"Items": "Items",
"Info": "Info",
"OutFile": "Output File",
"StartTime": "Start time",
"EndTime": "End Time",
"TimeElapsed": "Time Elapsed",
"RunningTime": "Running time"
"Finished": "Export finished",
"Running": "Export in progress"
"ErrorBadSepTitle": "Column separator issue",
"ErrorBadSep": "Column separator can only be one character",
"ErrorNoServerSelectedTitle": "No server selected",
"ErrorNoServerSelectedMsg": "You need to select a server to export from",
"Custom": {
"Title": "Custom levels",
"Description": "A custom level allows you to create your own export levels",
"NewCustomLevel": "< Define new level >",
"CustomLevels": "*** Custom levels ***",
"DeleteLevel": "Do you want to delete the selected level?",
"NewLevelTitle": "Enter name for the new level",
"NewLevelName": "< Enter name for new level >",
"NewLevelSaveTxt": "Save",
"CustomLevel": "Custom Level",
"btnDelete": "Delete level",
"btnSave": "Save level",
"confirmDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete {0}",
"Delete": "Delete",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"availFields": "Available fields:",
"customFields": "Custom fields:",
"AlertSaved": "Custom level saved",
"TT-ETEditLevel": "Here you select the level to create/delete/edit",
"optCustExpType": {
"AudioAlbum": "Audio Album",
"AudioArtist": "Audio Artist",
"AudioTrack": "Audio Track",
"Libraries": "Libraries",
"Movies": "Movies",
"Photos": "Photos",
"PlaylistAudio": "Playlist Audio",
"PlaylistVideo": "Playlist Video",
"PlaylistPhoto": "Playlist Photo",
"TVEpisodes": "TV Episodes",
"TVSeries": "TV Shows"
"SelCustType": "Select type to customize",
"TT-CustType": "Here you select the type of export you want to customize"
"RadioPlayListsInfo": "Playlist Info",
"RadioLibraryInfo": "Library Info",
"TT-ETPType": "Here you select the type of playlist you want to export",
"optExpType": {
"lblBtnExportMedia": "Export Media",
"lblExportLevel": "Export Level",
"lblMainExp": "Select Export Type",
"lblSecExp": "Select Sub Type",
"lblSelectSelection": "Select Media Library",
"MainMovie": "Movie",
"MainTV": "TV",
"MainAudio": "Audio",
"MainPhoto": "Photo",
"MainPlaylist": "Playlist",
"MainLibrary": "Library",
"SecAudioAlbum": "Audio Album",
"SecAudioArtist": "Audio Artist",
"SecAudioTrack": "Audio Track",
"SecLibraries": "Libraries",
"SecMovies": "Movies",
"SecPhotos": "Photos",
"SecPlaylistAudio": "Audio",
"SecPlaylistVideo": "Video",
"SecPlaylistPhoto": "Photo",
"SecTVEpisodes": "TV Episodes",
"SecTVSeries": "TV Shows",
"ttExpLevel": "Here you select the values you want to export",
"ttExpLibrary": "Here you select the library to export",
"ttExpTypeSec": "Here you select the sub type",
"ttExpType": "Here you select the type of library you want to export",
"SecPlaylists": "Playlists",
"itemStart": "The starting item (Normally 0)",
"itemEnd": "The ending item (Normally the last item in the library)",
"startStopDesc": "Here you have the option to define what item to start exporting with,",
"startStopDesc2": "as well as what item to stop at.",
"startStopDesc3": "Use this to split export files into smaller chunks (files) if needed.",
"startStopDesc4": "We default to export everything.",
"startStopStartingItem": "Item to start with",
"startStopEndingItem": "Item to end with",
"startStopTitle": "Limit Export"
"ErrorNoOutputFormatTitle": "No output format selected",
"ErrorNoOutputFormatMsg": "You need to select an output format in the @:Modules.ET.Name settings, like csv or xlsx",
"FolderNameOK": "** Folder named correctly **",
"FileNameOK": "** File named correctly **",
"ttSettings": "Settings for @:Modules.ET.Name module",
"ExportPostersArts": "Posters and Art",
"ExportPostersArtsTree": "tree",
"ExportPostersArtsFlat": "flat"
"About": {
"Description": "@:Modules.About.Name",
"Name": "About us and credits",
"MainDevelopers": "Main Developers",
"Devdane22": "Tommy (aka dane22), a Plex community member (ukdtom on GitHub)",
"DevCPSO": "Casper (aka CPSO), a Plex community member (CPSO on GitHub)",
"TranslationBetaTestersTitle": "Translators and Beta Testers",
"TranslationBetaTestersText": "A huge thanks goes out to all the people who helped in translating and testing @:Common.AppName",
"PlexPoCredits": "And many thanks to the authors/developers and staff at Plex. We are eternally grateful for your dedication, talent and hard work! And to our friends at POEditor.com, who provide a free translation site because we are an Open-Source project.",
"NavTitle": "About Us",
"WikiDevelopers": "The Wiki was developed by:",
"Wikitrumpy81": "Andy M (aka trumpy81 on GitHub)",
"Credits": "Credits",
"API-Credit": "Huge thanks also goes to {0} for providing a beautiful API for free, since we are a non profit project.",
"API-SignUp": "Please consider signing up",
"API-SignupHere": "here",
"POE-Credit": "And to our friends at POEditor.com, who provide a free translation site because we are an Open-Source project.",
"POE-SignUp": "You can help translating our work",
"Plex-Credit": "Many thanks to the authors/developers and staff at Plex. We are eternally grateful for your dedication, talent and hard work!",
"PMS-Download": "You can download Plex Media server"
"GlobalSettings": {
"Title": "Global Settings",
"Description": "Here you configure the global settings, which influence all modules",
"TimeOut": "Timeout when requesting info from PMS in sec",
"LogLevelFile": "Log level to use (Change only if asked by the devs)",
"LogLevelConsole": "Console log level (Only used when developing)",
"LogSize": "Size of logfile, before rollover",
"RestartNeeded": "When changing this setting, a restart is needed",
"FactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
"FactoryResetWarning": "Factory Reset will reset this app to the defaults, as when first installed",
"BetaTester": "Subscribe to Beta updates",
"TTBetaTester": "When selected, you'll be notified when a new beta version is available",
"Update": "Subscribe to updates (If false, beta updates will also be disabled)",
"TTUpdate": "When selected, you'll be notified when a new update is available",
"True": "True",
"False": "False",
"FactoryResetConfirmTitle": "Confirm Factory Reset",
"FactoryResetConfirmBody": "Doing a Factory Reset will erase all your settings, as it was when first installed.",
"FactoryResetConfirmBody2": "After doing a Factory Reset, you must close and restart {0}",
"FactoryResetBtnCancel": "Cancel",
"FactoryResetBtnOk": "Do a Factory Reset",
"TTContainerSize": "Amount of items to fetch from the server. Warning: Increasing this will add stress to the server",
"ContainerSizeMovie": "Amount of movies (Default: 30)",
"ContainerSizeShow": "Amount of shows (Default: 30)",
"ContainerSizeEpisode": "Amount of episodes (Default: 30)",
"ContainerSizeArtist": "Amount of artists (Default: 30)",
"ContainerSizeAlbum": "Amount of albums (Default: 30)",
"ContainerSizeTrack": "Amount of tracks (Default: 30)",
"ContainerSizePhoto": "Amount of photos (Default: 30)",
"ContainerSizePlaylist": "Amount of playlist (Default: 30)",
"ContainerSizeLibraries": "Amount of libraries (Default: 30)",
"ContainerSizePlaylists": "Amount of playlists (Default: 30)",
"LocalDateTime": "Select Date/Time format",
"DateStyle": "Date Style",
"TimeStyle": "Time Style"
"PMS": {
"Name": "Plex Media Server",
"Description": "@:Modules.PMS.Name modules allow you to manage your server",
"ErrorNoServerSelectedTitle": "No server selected",
"ErrorNoServerSelectedMsg": "You need to select a server on the top of the screen",
"Settings": {
"Settings": "Server Settings",
"Description": "Here you can define the settings for the selected server",
"SelectSettingsSelection": "Select Settings Group",
"TTSelectSettingsSelection": "Here you select the group that the setting you want to alter is in",
"OnlyHidden": "Show only hidden settings",
"OnlyAdvanced": "Show only advanced settings",
"Undefined": "undefined",
"tblCaption": "Settings - click row to change",
"tblName": "Name",
"tblLabel": "Label",
"tblSummary": "Summary",
"tblDefault": "Default",
"tblValue": "Value",
"tblType": "Type",
"newSettingTitle": "Enter the new setting for: {0}",
"curSetting": "Current Setting",
"defSetting": "Default Setting",
"newSettingValueTXT": "<Enter new value>",
"Notice": "Note: When changing a server setting you might need to restart the server afterwards",
"varning": "Change at your own risk. Any change can lead to malfunction of your plex server",
"SettingsFilter": "Filter settings",
"TTSettingsFilter": "Here you apply a filter for the settings",
"AllSettings": "Show all settings",
"ExportAllSettings": "Export all settings to CSV",
"ExportGroupSettings": "Export selected group settings to CSV",
"Name": "Server Settings"
"Export": {
"Items": {
"Category": "Category",
"Name": "Name",
"Label": "Label",
"Summary": "Summary",
"Type": "Type",
"Default": "Default",
"Value": "Value"
"ExportDoneBody": "Check {0}",
"ExportDoneTitle": "Export finished",
"Butler": {
"Title": "Butler Scheduled Tasks",
"Description": "Here you can kickstart a scheduled task",
"SelectTask": "Select the scheduled task to run now",
"TTSelectTask": "Here you select among the scheduled tasks that can be started now",
"BackupDatabase": "Backup your database",
"BuildGracenoteCollections": "Build Gracenote Collections",
"CheckForUpdates": "Check for updates",
"CleanOldBundles": "Clean old bundles",
"CleanOldCacheFiles": "Clean old Cache Files",
"DeepMediaAnalysis": "Deep Media Analysis",
"GenerateAutoTags": "Generate Auto Tags",
"GenerateChapterThumbs": "Generate Chapter Thumbs",
"GenerateMediaIndexFiles": "Generate Media Index Files",
"OptimizeDatabase": "Optimize Database",
"RefreshLibraries": "Refresh Libraries",
"RefreshLocalMedia": "Refresh Local Media",
"RefreshPeriodicMetadata": "Refresh Periodic Metadata",
"UpgradeMediaAnalysis": "Upgrade Media Analysis",
"RunTask": "Run selected task",
"TaskStarted": "The selected task has been started",
"TaskDetails": "To follow progress, see Plex WebClient Dashboard",
"Name": "Butler Scheduled Tasks"
"DVR": {
"Name": "DVR",
"Description": "@:Modules.PMS.DVR.Name module allows you to backup and restore your DVR settings",
"selDVR": "Select DVR to backup",
"ttselDVR": "Here you select the DVR you want to make a backup of",
"lblBtnBackup": "Backup",
"lblBtnRestore": "Restore",
"BackupDone": "DVR has been saved",
"selRestoreFile": "Select DVR file to restore",
"confirmRestore": "Confirm restore",
"restoreMsg": "Are you sure you want to restore the DVR named: '{0}'",
"selAlredyPresentMsg": "The selected DVR: '{0}' already exist on your PMS. So we will abort",
"selAlredyPresentTitle": "Aborting",
"selMissingDevice": "The selected backup file is missing devices",
"selDeviceAlreadyUsed": "The device is already in use with an existing DVR"
"Select": "To use a module select it in the side menu",
"ViewState": {
"Name": "View state Copy",
"Description": "@:Modules.PMS.ViewState.Name module allows you to copy a list of viewed media from one user to another user on the same server. Note: It's important, that both users have access to the media",
"selSourceUsr": "Select User to copy from",
"ttSelSourceUsr": "Here you select the user you want to copy view states from",
"selTargetUsr": "Select User to copy to",
"ttSelTargetUsr": "Here you select the user you want to copy view states to",
"Owner": "Server owner",
"Managed": "Managed User",
"lblBtnCopy": "Copy",
"genRep": "Generate a report"
"FindMedia": {
"Name": "Find Media",
"Description": "@:Modules.PMS.FindMedia.Name module allows you to search both filesystem and Plex database to locate media missing from either of them",
"RunTask": "Run",
"TTSelectLibrary": "Select library to check for missing media",
"MissingMapTitle": "Missing a mapped path",
"MissingMapDesc": "One or more paths for the library are not defined. Goto '@:Common.Menu.Sidebar.Settings.NavTitle' and select '@:Common.Settings.LibMapping.Name' to correct",
"ttSettings": "Settings for @:Modules.PMS.FindMedia.Name module",
"ScanningFS": "Scanning File System",
"ScanningLib": "Scanning Library",
"Settings": {
"Name": "Find Media Settings",
"Description": "@:Modules.PMS.FindMedia.Name settings allow you to customize how @:Modules.PMS.FindMedia.Name works",
"Note": "Note: After changing a setting, please restart @:Common.AppName",
"Ext": "Comma separated file extensions to look for",
"ignoreDirs": "Comma separated list of directories to skip",
"Return": "Save & Return",
"Reset": "Reset to factory defaults",
"IgnoreHidden": "Ignore Hidden files/directories on Linux/Mac",
"IgnoreExtras": "Ignore local extras",
"NoteLibMap": "Note: * Click here for general settings regarding @:Common.Menu.Sidebar.PMS.LibMapping *"
"PlexTV": {
"Name": "Plex.TV",
"Description": "@:Modules.PlexTV.Name module allows you get details about users you are sharing with",
"SelUsr": "Select User",
"TT-User": "Here you select the user to get more info about",
"UsrID": "User ID",
"UsrEMail": "User email address",
"UsrName": "User name",
"UsrRestricted": "User Restricted",
"UsrThumb": "Link to User thumbnail",
"UsrHome": "Is the user part of your Home",
"UsrStatus": "User invite status",
"UsrTitle": "User title",
"ExportUsr": "Export user to CSV",
"ExportAllUsr": "Export all users to CSV",
"UsrFriendlyName": "User friendly name"
"Download": {
"Name": "Download",
"Description": "The @:Modules.Download.Name module allows you to download media, as well as local assets, from servers where you have been granted download rights",
"Disabled": "Disabled",
"SelSrv": "Select server",
"ShowQueue": "Show Queue",
"mediaInfo": {
"title": "Title",
"file": "File",
"type": "Type",
"status": "Status",
"size": "Size",
"serverName": "Server",
"libName": "Library",
"sourceUri": "Uri",
"targetDir": "Target Directory",
"targetFile": "Target File"
"Queue": {
"btnStartQueue": "Start Queue",
"btnStopQueue": "Stop Queue",
"Name": "@:Modules.Download.Name Queue",
"Description": "Here you see and edit the items queued for download"
} |