mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 15:06:58 +00:00
610 lines
33 KiB
610 lines
33 KiB
"Common": {
"AppName": "WebTools-NG",
"Home": {
"About": "@:Common.AppName provides different tool modules to help with Plex Server management.",
"Modules": "Currently available tool modules are:",
"Name": "Home",
"Title": "Welcome to @:Common.AppName",
"LangUpdateTitle": "Language update",
"LangUpdateMsg": "{0} Language has been updated on the translation site",
"LangUpdateMsg2": "Please go to Language option and select '{0}'"
"Language": {
"Description": "@:Common.Language.Name allows you to change language used by this app",
"Name": "Language",
"btnForce": "Force download",
"LangMissing": "My language is missing from above",
"LangMissing1": "if your language is missing in list above, then unfortunately nobody has translated it, yet.",
"LangMissing2": "If so, we urge you to not only help us, but also your fellow countryfolk using Plex.",
"LangMissing3": "Please visit the link below to sign up as a translator!",
"LangMissing4": "Doing so, will also list you in the about page ;)",
"LangSpelling": "I found a bad translation",
"LangSpelling1": "If so, we urge you to join the translation site as well.",
"LangProcent": "What does the number after the language mean?",
"LangProcent1": "The number indicates how complete the translation is",
"LangProcent2": "If not on 100%, then we need your help",
"LangForce": "What does the '@:Common.Language.btnForce' button do?",
"LangForce1": "It updates your translations with the latest version available",
"Join": "Become a translator"
"Login": {
"SignIn": "Sign in with plex.tv",
"UseCred": "Use your regular Plex credentials",
"Note": "3rd-party Auth is not supported!",
"Username": "Username",
"UsernamePrompt": "Enter your plex.tv Username or Email",
"Password": "Password",
"PasswordPrompt": "Enter your plex.tv password",
"UsernameSave": "Remember Username",
"LoginBtn": "Sign in",
"twoFA": "2Factor Authentication verification code",
"twoFAPrompt": "If using 2FA, enter your code here, else leave as blank (optional)",
"Missing2FACode": "Please enter the verification code",
"LoginConnectErrToken": "Could not connect to plex.tv with a Token",
"LoginConnectErr": "Could not connect to plex.tv!",
"UseToken": "Use your Plex Token",
"TokenPrompt": "Enter your plex.tv Token",
"Token": "X-Plex-Token",
"TitleUsr": "User",
"TitleToken": "Token"
"SelServer": "Select Server",
"Menu": {
"File": {
"menuFile": "File",
"menuOpenLogDir": "Open Log Directory",
"menuQuit": "Quit"
"Edit": {
"menuEdit": "Edit",
"menuUndo": "Undo",
"menuRedo": "Redo",
"menuCut": "Cut",
"menuCopy": "Copy",
"menuPaste": "Paste",
"menuDelete": "Delete",
"menuSelectAll": "Select All"
"View": {
"menuView": "View",
"menuReload": "Reload",
"menuForceReload": "Force Reload",
"menuToggleDeveloperTools": "Toggle Developer Tools",
"menuActualSize": "Actual Size",
"menuZoomIn": "Zoom In",
"menuZoomOut": "Zoom Out",
"menuToggleFullScreen": "Toggle Full Screen"
"Help": {
"menuHelp": "Help",
"menuForum": "Forums",
"menuGithub": "Github",
"menuManual": "Help Wiki",
"menuAbout": "About WebTools",
"menuAboutText": {
"menuAboutVersion": "Version",
"menuAboutPlatform": "Platform",
"menuAboutArchitecture": "Architecture"
"Sidebar": {
"NavSections": {
"Tools": "Tools",
"Options": "Options"
"ET": {
"Settings": "Settings",
"Custom": "Custom Levels"
"About": {
"NavTitle": "About Us"
"Home": {
"NavTitle": "Home"
"Language": {
"NavTitle": "Language"
"Theme": {
"NavTitle": "Theme"
"Reset": {
"NavTitle": "Factory Reset"
"Settings": {
"NavTitle": "Global Settings"
"PMS": {
"Settings": "Server Settings",
"Butler": "Butler scheduled tasks",
"LibMapping": "Library Mapping"
"Ok": "OK",
"Reload": "Reload",
"Update": {
"Title": "Update detected",
"Body": "{0} was released on Github on: {1}.",
"Body2": "Click here for more info",
"Skip": "Hide notification and skip this version"
"Copy": "Copy",
"ExportDir": "Select Export Directory",
"Browse": "Browse",
"ErrorNoOutDirMsg": "You need to define an output directory in the global settings page first",
"ErrorNoOutDirTitle": "No output directory defined",
"ReleaseNoteTitle": "Release Note",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"Status": {
"Name": {
"Global": {
"Status": "Status",
"Chuncks": "Chunks",
"Item": "Item",
"Items": "Items",
"Info": "Info",
"OutFile": "Output File",
"StartTime": "Start Time",
"EndTime": "End Time",
"TimeElapsed": "Time Elapsed",
"RunningTime": "Running time",
"LibsToProcess": "Libraries to process",
"CurrentLib": "Current Library",
"Downloaded": "Downloaded",
"Downloading": "Downloading"
"Msg": {
"Processing_Lib_1_2": "Processing library ({0} of {1}) - {2}",
"CollectUserInfo": "Collecting user info...Please wait",
"ProcessItem_1_2": "Processing: ({1} - {2}) - {0}",
"Idle": "Idle",
"Processing": "Processing",
"GatheringLibs": "Gathering libraries to process",
"ProcessItem_0_1": "Processing item {count} of {total}",
"Finished": "Job finished",
"Downloading": ": {title}",
"Downloaded": "{current} bytes of {total}. {procent}% completed",
"Target": "Target file is {file}"
"DateTime": {
"Full": "full",
"Long": "long",
"Medium": "medium",
"Short": "short"
"Settings": {
"Return": "Return",
"Global": {
"Info": "The global settings are divided into the following:",
"ttLibmap": "Define mapped/mounted drives for your Plex Media Server Libraries",
"ttPMS": "General settings for accessing a Plex Media Server",
"ttExport": "Define format for an exported file",
"ttGeneral": "Define general settings for @:Common.AppName"
"General": {
"Name": "General Settings",
"Description": "@:Common.Settings.General.Name allows you to set general preferences for @:Common.AppName"
"LibMapping": {
"Name": "Library Mapping",
"Description": "@:Common.Settings.LibMapping.Name allows you to map the defined Library folder paths to match a path for this workstation",
"ClickToDefine": "Click to define",
"SelectMapDirPath": "Select mapped path",
"ttSelectLibrary": "Here you select the library to map"
"PMS": {
"Name": "PMS Settings",
"Description": "@:Common.Settings.PMS.Name allows you to set preferences for accessing a Plex Media Server"
"Export": {
"Name": "Export Settings",
"Description": "@:Common.Settings.Export.Name allows you to set preferences for exporting a file"
"PPReq": "{0} needs a valid Plex pass to work"
"Modules": {
"ET": {
"Description": "@:Modules.ET.Name allows you to export detail information about the media in your libraries",
"Name": "ExportTools",
"ErrorServer": "No server",
"Settings": {
"Settings": "Settings",
"Description": "Here you can define the settings for @:Modules.ET.Name",
"ArraySep": "Delimiter for multiple data in the same field",
"ColumnSep": "Delimiter between columns in CSV file (Use 9 for TAB)",
"TimeOut": "Timeout when requesting info from PMS in sec (Global setting)",
"OrgTitleNull": "Default \"Original Title\" to \"Title\", if empty",
"SortTitleNull": "Default \"Sort Title\" to \"Title\", if empty",
"AutoXLSCol": "Autosize column (xlsx only)",
"AutoXLSRow": "Autosize row (xlsx only)",
"ExportToExcel": "Export to xlsx",
"NotAvailIndicator": "What to use if a field cannot be found",
"QualifierCSV": "Qualifier to use with a text based field for CSV (Use space for none)",
"Posters_Dimensions": "Poster width * height",
"Posters_Dimensions_TT": "Enter the Poster width*height for 'Export Posters'. Comma separated values for multiple exports are permitted. E.G. `75*75, 1024*768` Note: dimensions might be altered slightly in order to preserve the aspect ratio of the posters",
"Art_Dimensions": "Art width * height",
"Art_Dimensions_TT": "Enter the Art width*height for 'Export Art'. Comma separated values for multiple exports are permitted E.G. `75*75, 1024*768`. Note: dimensions might be altered slightly in order to preserve the aspect ratio of the art",
"ExportToCSV": "Export to csv",
"ChReturn": "Replace Return character with",
"ChReturn_TT": "Leave blank to not replace",
"ChNewLine": "Replace NewLine character with",
"ChNewLine_TT": "Leave blank to not replace",
"suggestedFileNoExtra": "For suggested filename, strip extra info from filenames so only essential info is kept",
"suggestedUseOrigenTitle": "When suggesting file or foldername, use original title",
"MoviesUseId": "Default Id for suggested folder and filename for movies",
"ttMoviesUseId": "If exporting Suggested Filename or Folder for movies, default to selected naming if available. Fallback to IMDB if not",
"ShowsUseId": "Default Id for suggested folder and filename for shows",
"ttShowsUseId": "If exporting Suggested Filename or Folder for shows, default to selected naming if available. Fallback to TMDB if not",
"Name": "@:Modules.ET.Name Settings",
"Note": "Note: * Click here for general settings regarding export *",
"Return": "Return to @:Modules.ET.Name",
"NoTimeStamp": "Don't add a timestamp to export file name",
"NoItemRange": "Don't add item range to export file name",
"ArtPostersOrigen": "Export Art and Posters in original size",
"ExportPostersArtsTree": "Export Art and Posters in a folder tree",
"FindMissingNoSpecials": "Ignore specials in 'Find missing episodes'"
"LevelInfo": "Export level determines which data is going to be exported.",
"SelectLevel": "Select level",
"BuildInLevels": "*** Built-in levels ***",
"NoLevelFound": "N/A",
"Status": {
"Idle": "Idle",
"Status": "Status",
"Processing-Chunk": "Processing chunk {current} of {total}",
"StartExport": "Starting to Export",
"GetSectionItems": "Fetching {totalSize} items in chunks of {chunck}",
"CreateExlsFile": "Creating Excel file",
"ProcessItem": "Processing item {count} of {total}",
"Names": {
"Status": "Status",
"Chuncks": "Chunks",
"Items": "Items",
"Info": "Info",
"OutFile": "Output File",
"StartTime": "Start time",
"EndTime": "End Time",
"TimeElapsed": "Time Elapsed",
"RunningTime": "Running time"
"Finished": "Export finished",
"Running": "Export in progress"
"ErrorBadSepTitle": "Column separator issue",
"ErrorBadSep": "Column separator can only be one character",
"ErrorNoServerSelectedTitle": "No server selected",
"ErrorNoServerSelectedMsg": "You need to select a server to export from",
"Custom": {
"Title": "Custom levels",
"Description": "A custom level allows you to create your own export levels",
"NewCustomLevel": "< Define new level >",
"CustomLevels": "*** Custom levels ***",
"DeleteLevel": "Do you want to delete the selected level?",
"NewLevelTitle": "Enter name for the new level",
"NewLevelName": "< Enter name for new level >",
"NewLevelSaveTxt": "Save",
"CustomLevel": "Custom Level",
"btnDelete": "Delete level",
"btnSave": "Save level",
"confirmDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete {0}",
"Delete": "Delete",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"availFields": "Available fields:",
"customFields": "Custom fields:",
"AlertSaved": "Custom level saved",
"TT-ETEditLevel": "Here you select the level to create/delete/edit",
"optCustExpType": {
"AudioAlbum": "Audio Album",
"AudioArtist": "Audio Artist",
"AudioTrack": "Audio Track",
"Libraries": "Libraries",
"Movies": "Movies",
"Photos": "Photos",
"PlaylistAudio": "Playlist Audio",
"PlaylistVideo": "Playlist Video",
"PlaylistPhoto": "Playlist Photo",
"TVEpisodes": "TV Episodes",
"TVSeries": "TV Shows"
"SelCustType": "Select type to customize",
"TT-CustType": "Here you select the type of export you want to customize"
"RadioPlayListsInfo": "Playlist Info",
"RadioLibraryInfo": "Library Info",
"TT-ETPType": "Here you select the type of playlist you want to export",
"optExpType": {
"lblBtnExportMedia": "Export Media",
"lblExportLevel": "Export Level",
"lblMainExp": "Select Export Type",
"lblSecExp": "Select Sub Type",
"lblSelectSelection": "Select Media Library",
"MainMovie": "Movie",
"MainTV": "TV",
"MainAudio": "Audio",
"MainPhoto": "Photo",
"MainPlaylist": "Playlist",
"MainLibrary": "Library",
"SecAudioAlbum": "Audio Album",
"SecAudioArtist": "Audio Artist",
"SecAudioTrack": "Audio Track",
"SecLibraries": "Libraries",
"SecMovies": "Movies",
"SecPhotos": "Photos",
"SecPlaylistAudio": "Audio",
"SecPlaylistVideo": "Video",
"SecPlaylistPhoto": "Photo",
"SecTVEpisodes": "TV Episodes",
"SecTVSeries": "TV Shows",
"ttExpLevel": "Here you select the values you want to export",
"ttExpLibrary": "Here you select the library to export",
"ttExpTypeSec": "Here you select the sub type",
"ttExpType": "Here you select the type of library you want to export",
"SecPlaylists": "Playlists",
"itemStart": "The starting item (Normally 0)",
"itemEnd": "The ending item (Normally the last item in the library)",
"startStopDesc": "Here you have the option to define what item to start exporting with,",
"startStopDesc2": "as well as what item to stop at.",
"startStopDesc3": "Use this to split export files into smaller chunks (files) if needed.",
"startStopDesc4": "We default to export everything.",
"startStopStartingItem": "Item to start with",
"startStopEndingItem": "Item to end with",
"startStopTitle": "Limit Export"
"ErrorNoOutputFormatTitle": "No output format selected",
"ErrorNoOutputFormatMsg": "You need to select an output format in the @:Modules.ET.Name settings, like csv or xlsx",
"FolderNameOK": "** Folder named correctly **",
"FileNameOK": "** File named correctly **",
"ttSettings": "Settings for @:Modules.ET.Name module",
"ExportPostersArts": "Posters and Art",
"ExportPostersArtsTree": "tree",
"ExportPostersArtsFlat": "flat"
"About": {
"Description": "@:Modules.About.Name",
"Name": "About us and credits",
"MainDevelopers": "Main Developers",
"Devdane22": "Tommy (aka dane22), a Plex community member (ukdtom on GitHub)",
"DevCPSO": "Casper (aka CPSO), a Plex community member (CPSO on GitHub)",
"TranslationBetaTestersTitle": "Translators and Beta Testers",
"TranslationBetaTestersText": "A huge thanks goes out to all the people who helped in translating and testing @:Common.AppName",
"PlexPoCredits": "And many thanks to the authors/developers and staff at Plex. We are eternally grateful for your dedication, talent and hard work! And to our friends at POEditor.com, who provide a free translation site because we are an Open-Source project.",
"NavTitle": "About Us",
"WikiDevelopers": "The Wiki was developed by:",
"Wikitrumpy81": "Andy M (aka trumpy81 on GitHub)",
"Credits": "Credits",
"API-Credit": "Huge thanks also goes to {0} for providing a beautiful API for free, since we are a non profit project.",
"API-SignUp": "Please consider signing up",
"API-SignupHere": "here",
"POE-Credit": "And to our friends at POEditor.com, who provide a free translation site because we are an Open-Source project.",
"POE-SignUp": "You can help translate our work",
"Plex-Credit": "Many thanks to the authors/developers and staff at Plex. We are eternally grateful for your dedication, talent and hard work!",
"PMS-Download": "You can download Plex Media server"
"GlobalSettings": {
"Title": "Global Settings",
"Description": "Here you configure the global settings, which influence all modules",
"TimeOut": "Timeout when requesting info from PMS in sec",
"LogLevelFile": "Log level to use (Change only if asked by the devs)",
"LogLevelConsole": "Console log level (Only used when developing)",
"LogSize": "Size of logfile, before rollover",
"RestartNeeded": "When changing this setting, a restart is needed",
"FactoryReset": "Factory Reset",
"FactoryResetWarning": "Factory Reset will reset this app to the defaults, as when first installed",
"BetaTester": "Subscribe to Beta updates",
"TTBetaTester": "When selected, you'll be notified when a new beta version is available",
"Update": "Subscribe to updates (If false, beta updates will also be disabled)",
"TTUpdate": "When selected, you'll be notified when a new update is available",
"True": "True",
"False": "False",
"FactoryResetConfirmTitle": "Confirm Factory Reset",
"FactoryResetConfirmBody": "Doing a Factory Reset will erase all your settings, as it was when first installed.",
"FactoryResetConfirmBody2": "After doing a Factory Reset, you must close and restart {0}",
"FactoryResetBtnCancel": "Cancel",
"FactoryResetBtnOk": "Do a Factory Reset",
"TTContainerSize": "Amount of items to fetch from the server. Warning: Increasing this will add stress to the server",
"ContainerSizeMovie": "Amount of movies (Default: 30)",
"ContainerSizeShow": "Amount of shows (Default: 30)",
"ContainerSizeEpisode": "Amount of episodes (Default: 30)",
"ContainerSizeArtist": "Amount of artists (Default: 30)",
"ContainerSizeAlbum": "Amount of albums (Default: 30)",
"ContainerSizeTrack": "Amount of tracks (Default: 30)",
"ContainerSizePhoto": "Amount of photos (Default: 30)",
"ContainerSizePlaylist": "Amount of playlist (Default: 30)",
"ContainerSizeLibraries": "Amount of libraries (Default: 30)",
"ContainerSizePlaylists": "Amount of playlists (Default: 30)",
"LocalDateTime": "Select Date/Time format",
"DateStyle": "Date Style",
"TimeStyle": "Time Style"
"PMS": {
"Name": "Plex Media Server",
"Description": "@:Modules.PMS.Name module allows you to manage your server",
"ErrorNoServerSelectedTitle": "No server selected",
"ErrorNoServerSelectedMsg": "You need to select a server at the top of the window",
"Settings": {
"Settings": "Server Settings",
"Description": "Here you can define the settings for the selected server",
"SelectSettingsSelection": "Select Settings Group",
"TTSelectSettingsSelection": "Here you select the group that the setting you want to alter is in",
"OnlyHidden": "Show only hidden settings",
"OnlyAdvanced": "Show only advanced settings",
"Undefined": "undefined",
"tblCaption": "Settings - click row to change",
"tblName": "Name",
"tblLabel": "Label",
"tblSummary": "Summary",
"tblDefault": "Default",
"tblValue": "Value",
"tblType": "Type",
"newSettingTitle": "Enter the new setting for: {0}",
"curSetting": "Current Setting",
"defSetting": "Default Setting",
"newSettingValueTXT": "<Enter new value>",
"Notice": "Note: When changing a server setting you might need to restart the server afterwards",
"varning": "Change at your own risk. Any change can lead to malfunction of your plex server",
"SettingsFilter": "Filter settings",
"TTSettingsFilter": "Here you apply a filter for the settings",
"AllSettings": "Show all settings",
"ExportAllSettings": "Export all settings to CSV",
"ExportGroupSettings": "Export selected group settings to CSV",
"Name": "Server Settings"
"Export": {
"Items": {
"Category": "Category",
"Name": "Name",
"Label": "Label",
"Summary": "Summary",
"Type": "Type",
"Default": "Default",
"Value": "Value"
"ExportDoneBody": "Check {0}",
"ExportDoneTitle": "Export finished",
"Butler": {
"Title": "Butler Scheduled Tasks",
"Description": "Here you can kickstart a scheduled task",
"SelectTask": "Select the scheduled task to run now",
"TTSelectTask": "Here you select among the scheduled tasks that can be started now",
"BackupDatabase": "Backup your database",
"BuildGracenoteCollections": "Build Gracenote Collections",
"CheckForUpdates": "Check for updates",
"CleanOldBundles": "Clean old bundles",
"CleanOldCacheFiles": "Clean old Cache Files",
"DeepMediaAnalysis": "Deep Media Analysis",
"GenerateAutoTags": "Generate Auto Tags",
"GenerateChapterThumbs": "Generate Chapter Thumbs",
"GenerateMediaIndexFiles": "Generate Media Index Files",
"OptimizeDatabase": "Optimize Database",
"RefreshLibraries": "Refresh Libraries",
"RefreshLocalMedia": "Refresh Local Media",
"RefreshPeriodicMetadata": "Refresh Periodic Metadata",
"UpgradeMediaAnalysis": "Upgrade Media Analysis",
"RunTask": "Run selected task",
"TaskStarted": "The selected task has been started",
"TaskDetails": "To follow progress, see Plex WebClient Dashboard",
"Name": "Butler Scheduled Tasks"
"DVR": {
"Name": "DVR",
"Description": "@:Modules.PMS.DVR.Name module allows you to backup and restore your DVR settings",
"selDVR": "Select DVR to backup",
"ttselDVR": "Here you select the DVR you want to make a backup of",
"lblBtnBackup": "Backup",
"lblBtnRestore": "Restore",
"BackupDone": "DVR has been saved",
"selRestoreFile": "Select DVR file to restore",
"confirmRestore": "Confirm restore",
"restoreMsg": "Are you sure you want to restore the DVR named: '{0}'",
"selAlredyPresentMsg": "The selected DVR: '{0}' already exist on your PMS. So we will abort",
"selAlredyPresentTitle": "Aborting",
"selMissingDevice": "The selected backup file is missing devices",
"selDeviceAlreadyUsed": "The device is already in use with an existing DVR"
"Select": "To use a module select it in the side menu",
"ViewState": {
"Name": "View state Copy",
"Description": "@:Modules.PMS.ViewState.Name module allows you to copy a list of viewed media from one user to another user on the same server. Note: It's important, that both users have access to the media",
"selSourceUsr": "Select User to copy from",
"ttSelSourceUsr": "Here you select the user you want to copy view states from",
"selTargetUsr": "Select User to copy to",
"ttSelTargetUsr": "Here you select the user you want to copy view states to",
"Owner": "Server owner",
"Managed": "Managed User",
"lblBtnCopy": "Copy",
"genRep": "Generate a report"
"FindMedia": {
"Name": "Find Media",
"Description": "@:Modules.PMS.FindMedia.Name module allows you to search both filesystem and Plex database to locate media missing from either of them",
"RunTask": "Run",
"TTSelectLibrary": "Select library to check for missing media",
"MissingMapTitle": "Missing a mapped path",
"MissingMapDesc": "One or more paths for the library are not defined. Goto '@:Common.Menu.Sidebar.Settings.NavTitle' and select '@:Common.Settings.LibMapping.Name' to correct",
"ttSettings": "Settings for @:Modules.PMS.FindMedia.Name module",
"ScanningFS": "Scanning File System",
"ScanningLib": "Scanning Library",
"Settings": {
"Name": "Find Media Settings",
"Description": "@:Modules.PMS.FindMedia.Name settings allow you to customize how @:Modules.PMS.FindMedia.Name works",
"Note": "Note: After changing a setting, please restart @:Common.AppName",
"Ext": "Comma separated file extensions to look for",
"ignoreDirs": "Comma separated list of directories to skip",
"Return": "Save & Return",
"Reset": "Reset to factory defaults",
"IgnoreHidden": "Ignore Hidden files/directories on Linux/Mac",
"IgnoreExtras": "Ignore local extras",
"NoteLibMap": "Note: * Click here for general settings regarding @:Common.Menu.Sidebar.PMS.LibMapping *"
"PlexTV": {
"Name": "Plex.TV",
"Description": "@:Modules.PlexTV.Name module allows you get details about users you are sharing with",
"SelUsr": "Select User",
"TT-User": "Here you select the user to get more info about",
"UsrID": "User ID",
"UsrEMail": "User email address",
"UsrName": "User name",
"UsrRestricted": "User Restricted",
"UsrThumb": "Link to User thumbnail",
"UsrHome": "Is the user part of your Home",
"UsrStatus": "User invite status",
"UsrTitle": "User title",
"ExportUsr": "Export user to CSV",
"ExportAllUsr": "Export all users to CSV",
"UsrFriendlyName": "User friendly name"
"Download": {
"Name": "Download",
"Description": "The @:Modules.Download.Name module allows you to download media and local assets from servers where you have been granted download rights.",
"Description2": "You MUST also have an active Plex Pass. Server owner imposed bandwidth limits are respected. You can stop/resume the download/s at any time.",
"Disabled": "Disabled",
"SelSrv": "Select server",
"ShowQueue": "Show Queue",
"ttSettings": "Settings for @:Modules.Download.Name module",
"ttServer": "Select the server to download from",
"ttLibrary": "Select the library to download from",
"libCount": "There are {0} Media available for download",
"mediaInfo": {
"title": "Title",
"file": "File",
"type": "Type",
"error": "Error",
"size": "Size",
"serverName": "Server",
"libName": "Library",
"sourceUri": "Uri",
"targetDir": "Target Directory",
"targetFile": "Target File",
"errors": "Errors",
"subtitle": "Subtitle"
"Queue": {
"btnStartQueue": "Start Queue",
"btnStopQueue": "Stop Queue",
"Name": "@:Modules.Download.Name Queue",
"Description": "Here you see and edit the items queued for download",
"ErrorsAboveLimit": "Press Info",
"btnBackToDownloadLabel": "Back to download"
"Settings": {
"Name": "@:Modules.Download.Name Settings",
"Description": "Here you can define the settings for @:Modules.Download.Name, please be respectful and always set the bandwidth limit to the bare minimum.",
"Return": "Return to @:Modules.Download.Name",
"DownloadMaxBandWidth": "Maximum bandwidth to use",
"DownloadMaxErrors": "Maximum errors allowed",
"DownloadTimeout": "Timeout when downloading",
"ttDownloadMaxBandWidth": "Here you select the maximum bandwith to use when downloading. Don't use maximum, unless you want to lose your friend. Also note, that maximum bandwidth can not exceed what the server owner has set",
"ttDownloadMaxErrors": "Maximum errors allowed before showing a warning",
"ttDownloadTimeout": "Timeout in seconds waiting for server response"
} |