{ "Common": { "AppName": "WebTools-NG", "Home": { "About": "@:Common.AppName provides different tool modules to help with Plex Server management.", "Modules": "Currently available tool modules are:", "Name": "Home", "Title": "Welcome to @:Common.AppName", "LangUpdateTitle": "Language update", "LangUpdateMsg": "{0} Language has been updated on the translation site", "LangUpdateMsg2": "Please go to Language option and select '{0}'" }, "Language": { "Description": "@:Common.Language.Name allows you to change language of the app", "Name": "Language", "btnForce": "Force download", "LangMissing": "My language is missing from above", "LangMissing1": "if your language is missing in above list, it means that unfortunately nobody has translated it, yet.", "LangMissing2": "If so, we urge you to not only help us, but also your fellow countryfolk using Plex.", "LangMissing3": "Please visit the link below to sign up as a translator!", "LangMissing4": "Doing so, will also list you in the about page ;)", "LangSpelling": "I found a bad translation", "LangSpelling1": "If so, we urge you to join the translation site as well.", "LangProcent": "What does the number after the language mean?", "LangProcent1": "The number indicates how much of your language that is translated", "LangProcent2": "If not on 100%, then we need your help", "LangForce": "What does the '@:Common.Language.btnForce' button do?", "LangForce1": "It updates your translations with the newest version available", "Join": "Become a translator" }, "Login": { "SignIn": "Sign in with plex.tv", "UseCred": "Use your regular Plex credentials", "Note": "3rd-party Auth is not supported!", "Username": "Username", "UsernamePrompt": "Enter your plex.tv Username or Email", "Password": "Password", "PasswordPrompt": "Enter your plex.tv password", "UsernameSave": "Remember Username", "LoginBtn": "Sign in", "twoFA": "2Factor Authentication verification code", "twoFAPrompt": "If using 2FA, enter your code here, else leave as blank (optional)", "Missing2FACode": "Please enter the verification code" }, "SelServer": "Select Server", "Menu": { "File": { "menuFile": "File", "menuOpenLogDir": "Open Log Directory", "menuQuit": "Quit" }, "Edit": { "menuEdit": "Edit", "menuUndo": "Undo", "menuRedo": "Redo", "menuCut": "Cut", "menuCopy": "Copy", "menuPaste": "Paste", "menuDelete": "Delete", "menuSelectAll": "Select All" }, "View": { "menuView": "View", "menuReload": "Reload", "menuForceReload": "Force Reload", "menuToggleDeveloperTools": "Toggle Developer Tools", "menuActualSize": "Actual Size", "menuZoomIn": "Zoom In", "menuZoomOut": "Zoom Out", "menuToggleFullScreen": "Toggle Full Screen" }, "Help": { "menuHelp": "Help", "menuForum": "Forums", "menuGithub": "Github", "menuManual": "Manual", "menuAbout": "About WebTools", "menuAboutText":{ "menuAboutVersion":"Version", "menuAboutPlatform":"Platform", "menuAboutArchitecture": "Architecture" } }, "Sidebar": { "NavSections":{ "Tools": "Tools", "Options": "Options" }, "ET": { "Settings": "Settings", "Custom": "Custom Levels" }, "PMS": { "Settings": "Settings" }, "About": { "NavTitle": "About Us" }, "Home":{ "NavTitle": "Home" }, "Language":{ "NavTitle": "Language" }, "Theme":{ "NavTitle": "Theme" }, "Reset":{ "NavTitle": "Factory Reset" }, "Settings":{ "NavTitle": "Global Settings" } } }, "Ok": "OK", "Reload": "Reload", "Copy": "Copy", "Update" : { "Title": "Update detected", "Body": "{0} was released on Github on: {1}.", "Body2": "Click here for more info" } }, "Modules": { "PMS": { "Name": "Plex Media Server", "Description": "@:Modules.PMS.Name module allows you to alter the advanced settings of your server", "ErrorNoServerSelectedTitle": "No server selected", "ErrorNoServerSelectedMsg": "You need to select a server on the top of the screen" }, "ET": { "Custom": { "Title": "Custom levels", "Description": "A custom level allows you to create your own export levels", "NewCustomLevel": "< Define new level >", "CustomLevels": "*** Custom levels ***", "DeleteLevel": "Do you want to delete selected level?", "NewLevelTitle": "Enter name for the new level", "NewLevelName": "< Enter name for new level >", "NewLevelSaveTxt": "Save", "CustomLevel": "Custom Level", "btnDelete": "Delete level", "btnSave": "Save level", "confirmDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete {0}", "Delete": "Delete", "Cancel": "Cancel", "availFields": "Availible fields:", "customFields": "Custom fields:" }, "Description": "@:Modules.ET.Name allows you to export detail information about the media in your libraries", "Name": "ExportTools", "HSelectMedia": "Select Library Type", "HSelectSelection": "Select Media Libary", "HExportMedia": "Export Media", "RadioMovies": "Movies", "RadioTVSeries": "TV Series", "RadioTVEpisodes": "TV Episodes", "RadioTVShowEpisodes": "TV Shows and Episodes", "RadioMusic": "Music", "RadioPhotos": "Photos", "RadioPlayLists": "Playlists", "ErrorServer": "No server", "ErrorNoServerSelectedTitle": "No server selected", "ErrorNoServerSelectedMsg": "You need to select a server to extract from", "Settings": { "Settings": "Settings", "Description": "Here you can define the settings for @:Modules.ET.Name", "Browse": "Browse", "SelectOutDir": "Select Output Directory", "ArraySep": "Delimiter for multiple info in same field", "ColumnSep": "Delimiter between columns in CSV file (Use 9 for TAB)", "TimeOut": "Timeout when requesting info from PMS in sec (Global setting)", "ExportToExcel": "Export to xlsx as well as csv", "OrgTitleNull": "Default \"Original Title\" to \"Title\", if empty", "SortTitleNull": "Default \"Sort Title\" to \"Title\", if empty", "AutoXLSCol": "Autosize column (xlsx only)", "AutoXLSRow": "Autosize row (xlsx only)", "NotAvailIndicator": "What to use if a field can't be found" }, "LevelInfo": "Export level determines which data are going to be exported.", "ExportLevel": "Export Level", "SelectLevel": "Select level", "BuildInLevels": "*** Built-in levels ***", "NoLevelFound": "N/A", "TT-ETType": "Here you select the type of library you want to export", "TT-ETLibrary": "Here you select library you want to export", "TT-ETLevel": "Here you select the values you want to export", "Status": { "Idle": "Idle", "Status": "Status", "Processing-Chunk": "Processing chunk {current} of {total}", "Processing-Chunk-Detailed": "Processing chunk {current} of {total}.\nitems to export: {urlStr}", "StartExport": "Starting to Export", "GetSectionItems": "Fetching items {idx} in chunks of {chunck}" }, "ErrorNoOutDirTitle": "No output directory defined", "ErrorNoOutDirMsg": "You need to define an output directory in the settings page first", "ErrorBadSepTitle": "Column separator issue", "ErrorBadSep": "Column separator can only be one character" }, "About": { "Description": "@:Modules.About.Name", "NavTitle": "About Us", "Name": "About us and credits", "MainDevelopers": "Main Developers", "Devdane22": "Tommy (aka dane22), a Plex community member (ukdtom on GitHub)", "DevCPSO": "Casper (aka CPSO), a Plex community member (CPSO on GitHub)", "TranslationBetaTestersTitle": "Translators and Beta Testers", "TranslationBetaTestersText": "A huge thanks goes out to all the people who helped in translating and testing @:Common.AppName", "PlexPoCredits": "And many thanks to the authors/developers and staff at Plex. We are eternally grateful for your dedication, talent and hard work! And to our friends at POEditor.com, who provide a free translation site because we are an Open-Source project.", "WikiDevelopers": "Wiki was made by:", "Wikitrumpy81": "Andy (aka trumpy81), a Plex community member (trumpy81 on GitHub)" }, "GlobalSettings": { "Title": "Global Settings", "Description": "Here you configure the global settings, that influence all modules", "TimeOut": "Timeout when requesting info from PMS in sec", "LogLevelFile": "What file log level to use (Change only if asked by the devs)", "LogLevelConsole": "Console log level (Only used when developing)", "LogSize": "Size of logfile, before rollover", "RestartNeeded": "When changing this setting, a restart is needed", "FactoryReset": "Factory Reset", "FactoryResetWarning": "Factory Reset will reset this app towards how it was when first installed", "BetaTester": "Subscribe to Beta updates" } } }