diff --git a/src/components/modules/ExportTools/scripts/ethelper.js b/src/components/modules/ExportTools/scripts/ethelper.js index 5518b1e..ce80beb 100644 --- a/src/components/modules/ExportTools/scripts/ethelper.js +++ b/src/components/modules/ExportTools/scripts/ethelper.js @@ -1859,98 +1859,6 @@ const etHelper = new class ETHELPER { catch (error){ log.error(`[etHelper] (createOutFile) Exception happened when creating xlsx stream as: ${error}`); } - - - -/* - - var sectionData, x; - { - sectionData, x - - // await etHelper.getAndSaveItemsToFile({stream: stream}); - - // Get all the items in small chuncks - sectionData = await et.getSectionData(); - - log.verbose(`Amount of chunks in sectionData are: ${sectionData.length}`); - let item; - let counter = 1; - const totalSize = JSONPath({path: '$..totalSize', json: sectionData[0]}); - let jPath, sectionChunk; - // We need to load fields and defs into def var - switch(libType) { - case et.ETmediaType.Libraries: - jPath = "$.MediaContainer.Directory[*]"; - break; - default: - jPath = "$.MediaContainer.Metadata[*]"; - } - const bExportPosters = wtconfig.get(`ET.CustomLevels.${et.expSettings.libTypeSec}.Posters.${et.expSettings.levelName}`, false); - const bExportArt = wtconfig.get(`ET.CustomLevels.${et.expSettings.libTypeSec}.Art.${et.expSettings.levelName}`, false); - - for (x=0; x setTimeout(resolve, 1)); - } - } - else - { - // Get ratingKeys in the chunk - const urls = await JSONPath({path: '$..ratingKey', json: sectionChunk}); - let urlStr = urls.join(','); - log.verbose(`Items to lookup are: ${urlStr}`); - et.updateStatusMsg(et.rawMsgType.Chuncks, i18n.t('Modules.ET.Status.Processing-Chunk', {current: x, total: sectionData.length -1})); - const urlWIthPath = '/library/metadata/' + urlStr + '?' + this.uriParams; - log.verbose(`Items retrieved`); - const contents = await et.getItemData({baseURL: baseURL, accessToken: accessToken, element: urlWIthPath}); - const contentsItems = await JSONPath({path: '$.MediaContainer.Metadata[*]', json: contents}); - for (item of contentsItems){ - et.updateStatusMsg(et.rawMsgType.Items, i18n.t('Modules.ET.Status.ProcessItem', {count: counter, total: totalSize})); - if (bExportPosters) - { - await this.exportPics( { type: 'posters', data: item, baseURL: baseURL, accessToken: accessToken } ) - } - if (bExportArt) - { - await this.exportPics( { type: 'arts', data: item, baseURL: baseURL, accessToken: accessToken } ) - } - await excel2.addRowToTmp( { libType: libType, level: level, data: item, stream: stream, fields: fields } ); - counter += 1; - await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1)); - } - } - } - - - } - */ - -/* - // Need to export to xlsx as well? - if (wtconfig.get('ET.ExpXLSX')){ - log.info('We need to create an xlsx file as well'); - et.updateStatusMsg( et.rawMsgType.Info, i18n.t('Modules.ET.Status.CreateExlsFile')); - await excel2.createXLSXFile( {csvFile: newFile, level: level, libType: libType, libName: libName, exType: exType, pListType: pListType}); - } - */ } // Generate the filename for an export