mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 19:38:26 +00:00
Removed old function
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 0 additions and 248 deletions
@ -1254,254 +1254,6 @@ const etHelper = new class ETHELPER {
return str;
async DELMEaddRowToTmp( { data }) {
if ( this.Settings.levelName == 'Find Missing Episodes'){
this.Settings.showInfo = {};
let id, ids, attributename;
await this.getShowOrdering( { "ratingKey": data["ratingKey"] } );
switch ( this.Settings.showInfo["showOrdering"] ) {
case "tmdbAiring":
// Special level, so we need to get info from tmdb
log.info(`[ethelper.js] (addRowToTmp) - Level "Find Missing Episodes" selected, so we must contact tmdb`);
ids = JSONPath({ path: "$.Guid[?(@.id.startsWith('tmdb'))].id", json: data });
if ( ids.length != 1){
this.Settings.showInfo["Link (Cloud)"] = "**** ERROR ****";
log.error(`[ethelper.js] (addRowToTmp) - tmdb guid problem for ${JSONPath({ path: "$.title", json: data })}`);
} else {
id = String(JSONPath({ path: "$.Guid[?(@.id.startsWith('tmdb'))].id", json: data })).substring(7,);
if ( id ){
this.Settings.showInfo["Link (Cloud)"] = `https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/${id}`;
const TMDBInfo = await tmdb.getTMDBShowInfo({tmdbId: id, title: JSONPath({ path: "$.title", json: data })});
for( attributename in TMDBInfo){
this.Settings.showInfo[attributename] = TMDBInfo[attributename];
} else {
const title = JSONPath({ path: "$.title", json: data });
log.error(`[ethelper.js] (addRowToTmp) - No tmdb guid found for ${title}`);
this.Settings.showInfo["showOrdering"] = "TMDB Airing";
this.Settings.showInfo["Status"] = this.Settings.showInfo["TMDBStatus"];
case "aired":
// Special level, so we need to get info from tvdb
log.info(`[ethelper.js] (addRowToTmp) - Level "Find Missing Episodes" selected, so we must contact tvdb`);
ids = JSONPath({ path: "$.Guid[?(@.id.startsWith('tvdb'))].id", json: data });
if ( ids.length != 1){
this.Settings.showInfo["Link (Cloud)"] = "**** ERROR ****";
log.error(`[ethelper.js] (addRowToTmp) - tvdb guid problem for ${JSONPath({ path: "$.title", json: data })}`);
} else {
id = String(JSONPath({ path: "$.Guid[?(@.id.startsWith('tvdb'))].id", json: data })).substring(7,);
// Get TVDB Access Token
if (!this.Settings.tvdbBearer){
this.Settings.tvdbBearer = await tvdb.login();
if ( id ){
//const showInfo = await tvdb.getTVDBShowAired( {tvdbId: id, bearer: this.Settings.tvdbBearer, title: JSONPath({ path: "$.title", json: data })} );
const showInfo = await tvdb.getTVDBShowAired( {tvdbId: id, bearer: this.Settings.tvdbBearer, title: JSONPath({ path: "$.title", json: data }), order: 'official'} );
for( attributename in showInfo){
this.Settings.showInfo[attributename] = showInfo[attributename];
} else {
const title = JSONPath({ path: "$.title", json: data });
log.error(`[ethelper.js] (addRowToTmp) - No tmdb guid found for ${title}`);
this.Settings.showInfo["showOrdering"] = "TVDB Airing";
case "dvd":
// Special level, so we need to get info from tvdb
log.info(`[ethelper.js] (addRowToTmp) - Level "Find Missing Episodes" selected, so we must contact tvdb for DVD order`);
ids = JSONPath({ path: "$.Guid[?(@.id.startsWith('tvdb'))].id", json: data });
if ( ids.length != 1){
this.Settings.showInfo["Link (Cloud)"] = "**** ERROR ****";
log.error(`[ethelper.js] (addRowToTmp) - tvdb guid problem for ${JSONPath({ path: "$.title", json: data })}`);
} else {
id = String(JSONPath({ path: "$.Guid[?(@.id.startsWith('tvdb'))].id", json: data })).substring(7,);
// Get TVDB Access Token
if (!this.Settings.tvdbBearer){
this.Settings.tvdbBearer = await tvdb.login();
if ( id ){
const showInfo = await tvdb.getTVDBShowDVD( {tvdbId: id, bearer: this.Settings.tvdbBearer, title: JSONPath({ path: "$.title", json: data })} );
for( attributename in showInfo){
this.Settings.showInfo[attributename] = showInfo[attributename];
} else {
const title = JSONPath({ path: "$.title", json: data });
log.error(`[ethelper.js] (addRowToTmp) - No tmdb guid found for ${title}`);
this.Settings.showInfo["showOrdering"] = "TVDB DVD";
this.Settings.showInfo["Status"] = this.Settings.showInfo["TVDBStatus"];
case "absolute":
// Special level, so we need to get info from tvdb
log.info(`[ethelper.js] (addRowToTmp) - Level "Find Missing Episodes" selected, so we must contact tvdb`);
ids = JSONPath({ path: "$.Guid[?(@.id.startsWith('tvdb'))].id", json: data });
if ( ids.length != 1){
this.Settings.showInfo["Link (Cloud)"] = "**** ERROR ****";
log.error(`[ethelper.js] (addRowToTmp) - tvdb guid problem for ${JSONPath({ path: "$.title", json: data })}`);
} else {
id = String(JSONPath({ path: "$.Guid[?(@.id.startsWith('tvdb'))].id", json: data })).substring(7,);
// Get TVDB Access Token
if (!this.Settings.tvdbBearer){
this.Settings.tvdbBearer = await tvdb.login();
if ( id ){
const showInfo = await tvdb.getTVDBShowAbsolute( {tvdbId: id, bearer: this.Settings.tvdbBearer, title: JSONPath({ path: "$.title", json: data })} );
for( attributename in showInfo){
this.Settings.showInfo[attributename] = showInfo[attributename];
} else {
const title = JSONPath({ path: "$.title", json: data });
log.error(`[ethelper.js] (addRowToTmp) - No tmdb guid found for ${title}`);
this.Settings.showInfo["showOrdering"] = "TVDB Absolute";
this.Settings.showInfo["Status"] = this.Settings.showInfo["TVDBStatus"];
this.Settings.currentItem +=1;
status.updateStatusMsg( status.RevMsgType.Items, i18n.t('Common.Status.Msg.ProcessItem_0_1', {count: this.Settings.count, total: this.Settings.endItem}));
log.debug(`[ethelper.js] (addRowToTmp) Start addRowToTmp item ${this.Settings.currentItem} (Switch to Silly log to see contents)`)
log.silly(`[ethelper.js] (addRowToTmp) Data is: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`)
let name, key, type, subType, subKey, doPostProc;
let date, year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds;
let val, array, i, valArray, valArrayVal
let str = ''
let textSep = wtconfig.get('ET.TextQualifierCSV', '"');
if ( textSep === ' ')
textSep = '';
for (var x=0; x<this.Settings.fields.length; x++) {
status.updateStatusMsg( status.RevMsgType.Items, i18n.t('Common.Status.Msg.ProcessItem_0_1', {count: this.Settings.count, total: this.Settings.endItem}));
var fieldDef = JSONPath({path: '$.fields.' + this.Settings.fields[x], json: defFields})[0];
name = this.Settings.fields[x];
key = fieldDef["key"];
type = fieldDef["type"];
subType = fieldDef["subtype"];
subKey = fieldDef["subkey"];
doPostProc = fieldDef["postProcess"];
switch(type) {
case "string":
val = String(JSONPath({path: key, json: data})[0]);
// Make N/A if not found
if (!val)
val = wtconfig.get('ET.NotAvail', 'N/A');
val = etHelper.isEmpty( { "val": val } );
case "array":
array = JSONPath({path: key, json: data});
if (array === undefined || array.length == 0) {
val = wtconfig.get('ET.NotAvail', 'N/A');
valArray = []
for (i=0; i<array.length; i++) {
switch(String(subType)) {
case "string":
valArrayVal = String(JSONPath({path: String(subKey), json: array[i]}));
// Make N/A if not found
valArrayVal = this.isEmpty( { val: valArrayVal });
case "time":
valArrayVal = JSONPath({path: String(subKey), json: array[i]});
// Make N/A if not found
if (valArrayVal == null || valArrayVal == "")
valArrayVal = wtconfig.get('ET.NotAvail', 'N/A')
const total = valArrayVal.length
for (let i=0; i<total; i++) {
valArrayVal = await time.convertMsToTime(valArrayVal);
log.error('[ethelper.js] (addRowToTmp) NO ARRAY HIT (addRowToSheet-array)')
val = valArray.join(wtconfig.get('ET.ArraySep', ' * '));
case "array-count":
val = JSONPath({path: String(key), json: data}).length;
case "int":
val = JSONPath({path: String(key), json: data})[0];
case "time":
val = JSONPath({path: key, json: data});
if ( typeof val !== 'undefined' && val && val != '')
val = await time.convertMsToTime(val);
val = wtconfig.get('ET.NotAvail', 'N/A')
case "datetime":
val = JSONPath({path: key, json: data});
if ( typeof val !== 'undefined' && val && val != '')
// Create a new JavaScript Date object based on the timestamp
// multiplied by 1000 so that the argument is in milliseconds, not seconds.
date = new Date(val * 1000);
year = date.getFullYear().toString();
month = ('0' + date.getMonth().toString()).substr(-2);
day = ('0' + date.getDate().toString()).substr(-2);
hours = date.getHours();
minutes = "0" + date.getMinutes();
seconds = "0" + date.getSeconds();
// Will display time in 10:30:23 format
val = year+'-'+month+'-'+day+' '+hours + ':' + minutes.substr(-2) + ':' + seconds.substr(-2);
val = wtconfig.get('ET.NotAvail', 'N/A')
if ( doPostProc )
const title = JSONPath({path: String('$.title'), json: data})[0];
log.debug(`[ethelper.js] (addRowToTmp doPostProc) - Name is: ${name} - Title is: ${title} - Val is: ${val}`)
val = await this.postProcess( {name: name, val: val, title: title, data: data} );
// Here we add qualifier, if not a number
if (!['array-count', 'int'].includes(type))
val = setQualifier( {str: val} );
str += val + etHelper.intSep;
catch (error)
log.error(`[ethelper.js] (addRowToTmp) - We had an exception as ${error}`);
log.error(`[ethelper.js] (addRowToTmp) - Fields are name: ${name}, key: ${key}, type: ${type}, subType: ${subType}, subKey: ${subKey}`);
// Remove last internal separator
str = str.substring(0,str.length-etHelper.intSep.length);
str = str.replaceAll(this.intSep, wtconfig.get("ET.ColumnSep", '|'));
status.updateStatusMsg( status.RevMsgType.TimeElapsed, await time.getTimeElapsed());
log.debug(`etHelper (addRowToTmp) returned: ${JSON.stringify(str)}`);
return str;
async getItemDetails( { key })
var include = await this.getIncludeInfo();
Add table
Reference in a new issue