using GameBaseClassLibrary; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Configuration; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using UWUVCI_AIO_WPF.Classes; using UWUVCI_AIO_WPF.Properties; using UWUVCI_AIO_WPF.UI; using UWUVCI_AIO_WPF.UI.Windows; namespace UWUVCI_AIO_WPF { class MainViewModel : BaseModel { //public GameConfig GameConfiguration { get; set; } private GameConfig gameConfiguration = new GameConfig(); public GameConfig GameConfiguration { get { return gameConfiguration; } set { gameConfiguration = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } private string romPath; public string RomPath { get { return romPath; } set { romPath = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } private GameBases gbTemp; public GameBases GbTemp { get { return gbTemp; } set { gbTemp = value; } } private string selectedBaseAsString; public string SelectedBaseAsString { get { return selectedBaseAsString; } set { selectedBaseAsString = value; } } private List lGameBasesString = new List(); public List LGameBasesString { get { return lGameBasesString; } set { lGameBasesString = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } private bool pathsSet { get; set; } = false; public bool PathsSet { get { return pathsSet; } set { pathsSet = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } private string baseStore; public string BaseStore { get { return baseStore; } set { baseStore = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } private string injectStore; public string InjectStore { get { return injectStore; } set { injectStore = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } private bool injected = false; public bool Injected { get { return injected; } set { injected = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } public int OldIndex { get; set; } public bool RomSet { get; set; } private List lBases = new List(); public List LBases { get { return lBases; } set { lBases = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } #region TKLIST private List lNDS = new List(); public List LNDS { get { return lNDS; } set { lNDS = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } private List lN64 = new List(); public List LN64 { get { return lN64; } set { lN64 = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } private List lNES = new List(); public List LNES { get { return lNES; } set { lNES = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } private List lGBA = new List(); public List LGBA { get { return lGBA; } set { lGBA = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } private List lSNES = new List(); public List LSNES { get { return lSNES; } set { lSNES = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } private List lTG16 = new List(); public List LTG16 { get { return lTG16; } set { lTG16 = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } private List ltemp = new List(); public List Ltemp { get { return ltemp; } set { ltemp = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } #endregion public bool BaseDownloaded { get; set; } = false; private bool canInject = false; public bool CanInject { get { return canInject; } set { canInject = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } private MainWindow mw; public MainViewModel() { toolCheck(); BaseCheck(); GameConfiguration = new GameConfig(); if (!ValidatePathsStillExist() && Settings.Default.SetBaseOnce && Settings.Default.SetOutOnce) { MessageBox.Show("One of your added Paths seems to not exist anymore. Please check the paths in the Path menu!", "Issue", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } UpdatePathSet(); GetAllBases(); } public void setMW(MainWindow mwi) { mw = mwi; } public void Pack(bool loadiine) { if (loadiine) { Injection.Loadiine(GameConfiguration.GameName); } else { Injection.Packing(GameConfiguration.GameName); } LGameBasesString.Clear(); CanInject = false; RomSet = false; RomPath = null; Injected = false; } public void Inject() { if (Injection.Inject(GameConfiguration, RomPath)) Injected = true; else Injected = false; } private void BaseCheck() { if (Directory.Exists(@"bases")) { var test = GetMissingVCBs(); if(test.Count > 0) { DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("There are vcb Base files missing in the bases folder. Would you like to download the missing base files?", "Error 004: \"Missing VCB Bases\"", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if(res == DialogResult.Yes) { foreach(string s in test) { DownloadBase(s); } BaseCheck(); } else if(res == DialogResult.No) { MessageBox.Show("The Programm will now terminate."); Environment.Exit(1); } } } else { DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("No bases folder found.\nShould a bases folder be created and the missing vcb bases downloaded?", "Error 003: \"Missing VCB Bases Folder\"", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (res == DialogResult.Yes) { Directory.CreateDirectory(@"bases"); var test = GetMissingVCBs(); foreach (string s in test) { DownloadBase(s); } BaseCheck(); } else { MessageBox.Show("The Programm will now terminate."); Environment.Exit(1); } } } public void UpdateBases() { string[] bases = { "bases.vcbnds", "bases.vcbn64", "bases.vcbgba", "bases.vcbsnes", "bases.vcbnes", "bases.vcbtg16" }; foreach(string s in bases) { DownloadBase(s); DeleteBase(s); CopyBase(s); } MessageBox.Show("Finished Updating! Restarting UWUVCI AIO"); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(System.Windows.Application.ResourceAssembly.Location); Environment.Exit(0); } public string GetFilePath(bool ROM, bool INI) { string ret = string.Empty; using (var dialog = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog()) { if (ROM) { switch (GameConfiguration.Console) { case GameConsoles.NDS: dialog.Filter = "Nintendo DS ROM (*.nds; *.srl) | *.nds;*.srl"; break; case GameConsoles.N64: dialog.Filter = "Nintendo 64 ROM (*.n64; *.v64; *.z64) | *.n64;*.v64;*.z64"; break; case GameConsoles.GBA: dialog.Filter = "GameBoy Advance ROM (*.gba) | *.gba"; break; case GameConsoles.NES: dialog.Filter = "Nintendo Entertainment System ROM (*.nes) | *.nes"; break; case GameConsoles.SNES: dialog.Filter = "Super Nintendo Entertainment System ROM (*.sfc; *.smc) | *.sfc;*.smc"; break; case GameConsoles.TG16: dialog.Filter = "TurboGrafX-16 ROM (*.pce) | *.pce"; break; } } else if(!INI) { dialog.Filter = "BootImages (*.png; *.tga) | *.png;*.tga"; } else { dialog.Filter = "N64 VC Configuration (*.ini) | *.ini"; } DialogResult res = dialog.ShowDialog(); if(res == DialogResult.OK) { ret = dialog.FileName; } } return ret; } private static void CopyBase(string console) { File.Copy(console, $@"bases\{console}"); File.Delete(console); } private static void DeleteBase(string console) { File.Delete($@"bases\{console}"); } public static List GetMissingVCBs() { List ret = new List(); string path = @"bases\bases.vcb"; if (!File.Exists(path + "nds")) { ret.Add(path + "nds"); } if (!File.Exists(path + "nes")) { ret.Add(path + "nes"); } if (!File.Exists(path + "n64")) { ret.Add(path + "n64"); } if (!File.Exists(path + "snes")) { ret.Add(path + "snes"); } if (!File.Exists(path + "gba")) { ret.Add(path + "gba"); } if (!File.Exists(path + "tg16")) { ret.Add(path + "tg16"); } return ret; } public static void DownloadBase(string name) { try { string basePath = $@"\bases\{name}"; using (var client = new WebClient()) { client.DownloadFile(getDownloadLink(name), name); } }catch(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); MessageBox.Show("There was an Error downloading the VCB Base File.\nThe Programm will now terminate.", "Error 005: \"Unable to Download VCB Base\"", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Environment.Exit(1); } } private static string getDownloadLink(string basefile) { try { //get download link from uwuvciapi WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create("" + basefile); var response = request.GetResponse(); using (Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream()) { // Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access. StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream); // Read the content. string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd(); // Display the content. return responseFromServer; } } catch (Exception) { return null; } } private void toolCheck() { if (ToolCheck.DoesToolsFolderExist()) { List missingTools = new List(); missingTools = ToolCheck.CheckForMissingTools(); if(missingTools.Count > 0) { string errorMessage = "Error 002:\nFollowing Tools seem to be missing:\n\n"; foreach(MissingTool m in missingTools) { errorMessage += $"{m.Name} not found under {m.Path}\n\n"; } errorMessage += "Please add listed files to their corresponding Path.\nThe Programm will be terminated"; MessageBox.Show(errorMessage, "Error 002: \"Missing Tools\"", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); System.Windows.Application.Current.Shutdown(); } } else { string path = $@"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}\Tools"; MessageBox.Show($"Error: 001\nThe Tools folder seems to be missing.\nPlease make sure that the Tools Folder exists at this location:\n\n{path} \n\nThe Programm will be terminated.", "Error 001: \"Missing Tools folder\"", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); System.Windows.Application.Current.Shutdown(); } } public void UpdatePathSet() { PathsSet = Settings.Default.PathsSet; if(BaseStore != Settings.Default.BasePath) { BaseStore = Settings.Default.BasePath; } if (InjectStore != Settings.Default.BasePath) { InjectStore = Settings.Default.OutPath; } } public bool ValidatePathsStillExist() { bool ret = false; bool basep = false; try { if (Directory.Exists(Settings.Default.BasePath)) { basep = true; } else { Settings.Default.BasePath = string.Empty; Settings.Default.PathsSet = false; Settings.Default.Save(); } if (Directory.Exists(Settings.Default.OutPath)) { if (basep) { ret = true; } } else { Settings.Default.OutPath = string.Empty; Settings.Default.PathsSet = false; Settings.Default.Save(); } } catch (Exception) { ret = false; } return ret; } public void GetBases(GameConsoles Console) { List lTemp = new List(); string vcbpath = $@"bases/bases.vcb{Console.ToString().ToLower()}"; lTemp = VCBTool.ReadBasesFromVCB(vcbpath); LBases.Clear(); GameBases custom = new GameBases(); custom.Name = "Custom"; custom.Region = Regions.EU; LBases.Add(custom); foreach(GameBases gb in lTemp) { LBases.Add(gb); } lGameBasesString.Clear(); foreach(GameBases gb in LBases) { LGameBasesString.Add($"{gb.Name} {gb.Region}"); } } public GameBases getBasefromName(string Name) { string NameWORegion = Name.Remove(Name.Length - 3, 3); string Region = Name.Remove(0, Name.Length - 2); foreach(GameBases b in LNDS) { if(b.Name == NameWORegion && b.Region.ToString() == Region) { return b; } } foreach (GameBases b in LN64) { if (b.Name == NameWORegion && b.Region.ToString() == Region) { return b; } } foreach (GameBases b in LNES) { if (b.Name == NameWORegion && b.Region.ToString() == Region) { return b; } } foreach (GameBases b in LSNES) { if (b.Name == NameWORegion && b.Region.ToString() == Region) { return b; } } foreach (GameBases b in LGBA) { if (b.Name == NameWORegion && b.Region.ToString() == Region) { return b; } } foreach (GameBases b in LTG16) { if (b.Name == NameWORegion && b.Region.ToString() == Region) { return b; } } return null; } private void GetAllBases() { LN64.Clear(); LNDS.Clear(); LNES.Clear(); LSNES.Clear(); LGBA.Clear(); LTG16.Clear(); lNDS = VCBTool.ReadBasesFromVCB($@"bases/bases.vcbnds"); lNES = VCBTool.ReadBasesFromVCB($@"bases/bases.vcbnes"); lSNES = VCBTool.ReadBasesFromVCB($@"bases/bases.vcbsnes"); lN64 = VCBTool.ReadBasesFromVCB($@"bases/bases.vcbn64"); lGBA = VCBTool.ReadBasesFromVCB($@"bases/bases.vcbgba"); lTG16 = VCBTool.ReadBasesFromVCB($@"bases/bases.vcbtg16"); CreateSettingIfNotExist(lNDS, GameConsoles.NDS); CreateSettingIfNotExist(lNES, GameConsoles.NES); CreateSettingIfNotExist(lSNES, GameConsoles.SNES); CreateSettingIfNotExist(lGBA, GameConsoles.GBA); CreateSettingIfNotExist(lN64, GameConsoles.N64); CreateSettingIfNotExist(lTG16, GameConsoles.TG16); } private void CreateSettingIfNotExist(List l, GameConsoles console) { string file = $@"keys\{console.ToString().ToLower()}.vck"; if (!File.Exists(file)) { List temp = new List(); foreach(GameBases gb in l) { TKeys tempkey = new TKeys(); tempkey.Base = gb; temp.Add(tempkey); } KeyFile.ExportFile(temp, console); } } public void getTempList(GameConsoles console) { switch (console) { case GameConsoles.NDS: Ltemp = LNDS; break; case GameConsoles.N64: Ltemp = LN64; break; case GameConsoles.GBA: Ltemp = LGBA; break; case GameConsoles.NES: Ltemp = LNES; break; case GameConsoles.SNES: Ltemp = LSNES; break; case GameConsoles.TG16: Ltemp = LTG16; break; } } public void EnterKey(bool ck) { EnterKey ek = new EnterKey(ck); ek.ShowDialog(); } public bool checkcKey(string key) { if (487391367 == key.GetHashCode()) { Settings.Default.Ckey = key; Settings.Default.Save(); return true; } return false; } public bool isCkeySet() { if (Settings.Default.Ckey.GetHashCode() == 487391367) { return true; } else { return false; } } public bool checkKey(string key) { if(GbTemp.KeyHash == key.GetHashCode()) { UpdateKeyInFile(key, $@"keys\{GetConsoleOfBase(gbTemp).ToString().ToLower()}.vck", GbTemp, GetConsoleOfBase(gbTemp)); return true; } return false; } public void UpdateKeyInFile(string key, string file, GameBases Base, GameConsoles console) { if (File.Exists(file)) { var temp = KeyFile.ReadBasesFromKeyFile(file); foreach(TKeys t in temp) { if(t.Base.Name == Base.Name && t.Base.Region == Base.Region) { t.Tkey = key; } } File.Delete(file); KeyFile.ExportFile(temp, console); } } public bool isKeySet(GameBases bases) { var temp = KeyFile.ReadBasesFromKeyFile($@"keys\{GetConsoleOfBase(bases).ToString().ToLower()}.vck"); foreach(TKeys t in temp) { if(t.Base.Name == bases.Name && t.Base.Region == bases.Region) { if(t.Tkey != null) { return true; } } } return false; } public void ImageWarning() { MessageBox.Show("Images need to either be in a Bit Depth of 32bit or 24bit. \nIf using Tools like do not choose the Auto function.", "Image Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } public void CBaseWarning() { MessageBox.Show("If using Custom Bases there will be a chance that the programm crashes if adding a wrong base (example: a normal wiiu game instead of a nds vc game).\nIf you add a wrong base, we will not assist you fixing it, other than telling you to use another base.", "Custom base Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } public bool CBaseConvertInfo() { bool ret = false; DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("You seem to have added a NUS format Custom Base.\nDo you want it to be converted to be used with the Injector?", "NUS Custom Base", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if(res == DialogResult.Yes) { ret = true; } return ret; } public TKeys getTkey(GameBases bases) { var temp = KeyFile.ReadBasesFromKeyFile($@"keys\{GetConsoleOfBase(bases).ToString().ToLower()}.vck"); foreach (TKeys t in temp) { if (t.Base.Name == bases.Name && t.Base.Region == bases.Region) { if (t.Tkey != null) { return t; } } } return null; } public void Download() { Injection.Download(this); } public GameConsoles GetConsoleOfBase(GameBases gb) { GameConsoles ret = new GameConsoles(); bool cont = false; foreach(GameBases b in lNDS) { if(b.Name == gb.Name && b.Region == gb.Region) { ret = GameConsoles.NDS; cont = true; } } if (!cont) { foreach (GameBases b in lN64) { if (b.Name == gb.Name && b.Region == gb.Region) { ret = GameConsoles.N64; cont = true; } } } if (!cont) { foreach (GameBases b in lNES) { if (b.Name == gb.Name && b.Region == gb.Region) { ret = GameConsoles.NES; cont = true; } } } if (!cont) { foreach (GameBases b in lSNES) { if(b.Name == gb.Name && b.Region == gb.Region) { ret = GameConsoles.SNES; cont = true; } } } if (!cont) { foreach (GameBases b in lGBA) { if (b.Name == gb.Name && b.Region == gb.Region) { ret = GameConsoles.GBA; cont = true; } } } if (!cont) { foreach (GameBases b in lTG16) { if (b.Name == gb.Name && b.Region == gb.Region) { ret = GameConsoles.TG16; cont = true; } } } return ret; } public List getInfoOfBase(GameBases gb) { List info = new List(); if (Directory.Exists($@"{Settings.Default.BasePath}\{gb.Name.Replace(":","")} [{gb.Region}]")) { info.Add(true); } else { info.Add(false); } if (isKeySet(gb)) { info.Add(true); } else { info.Add(false); } if (isCkeySet()) { info.Add(true); } else { info.Add(false); } return info; } public void SetInjectPath() { using (var dialog = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog()) { System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = dialog.ShowDialog(); if(result == DialogResult.OK) { try { if (DirectoryIsEmpty(dialog.SelectedPath)) { Settings.Default.OutPath = dialog.SelectedPath; Settings.Default.SetOutOnce = true; Settings.Default.Save(); UpdatePathSet(); } else { DialogResult r = MessageBox.Show("Folder contains Files or Subfolders, do you really want to use this folder as the Inject Folder?", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (r == DialogResult.Yes) { Settings.Default.OutPath = dialog.SelectedPath; Settings.Default.SetOutOnce = true; Settings.Default.Save(); UpdatePathSet(); } else { SetInjectPath(); } } }catch(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); MessageBox.Show("An Error occured, please try again!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } ArePathsSet(); } public void SetBasePath() { using (var dialog = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog()) { System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = dialog.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { try { if (DirectoryIsEmpty(dialog.SelectedPath)) { Settings.Default.BasePath = dialog.SelectedPath; Settings.Default.SetBaseOnce = true; Settings.Default.Save(); UpdatePathSet(); } else { DialogResult r = MessageBox.Show("Folder contains Files or Subfolders, do you really want to use this folder as the Base Folder?", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (r == DialogResult.Yes) { Settings.Default.BasePath = dialog.SelectedPath; Settings.Default.SetBaseOnce = true; Settings.Default.Save(); UpdatePathSet(); } else { SetBasePath(); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); MessageBox.Show("An Error occured, please try again!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } ArePathsSet(); } public void ArePathsSet() { if (ValidatePathsStillExist()) { Settings.Default.PathsSet = true; Settings.Default.Save(); } UpdatePathSet(); } public bool DirectoryIsEmpty(string path) { int fileCount = Directory.GetFiles(path).Length; if (fileCount > 0) { return false; } string[] dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(path); foreach (string dir in dirs) { if (!DirectoryIsEmpty(dir)) { return false; } } return true; } } }