using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Timers; using System.Windows; using UWUVCI_AIO_WPF.UI.Windows; namespace UWUVCI_AIO_WPF { /// /// Interaktionslogik für "App.xaml" /// public partial class App : Application { Timer t = new Timer(5000); private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) { if (Directory.Exists(@"custom")) { if (File.Exists(@"custom\main.dol")) { if (File.Exists(@"bin\Tools\nintendont.dol")) { File.Delete(@"bin\Tools\nintendont.dol"); File.Copy(@"custom\main.dol", @"bin\Tools\nintendont.dol"); } else { if(!Directory.Exists(@"bin")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(@"bin"); } else if(!Directory.Exists(@"bin\Tools")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(@"bin\Tools"); } File.Copy(@"custom\main.dol", @"bin\Tools\nintendont.dol"); } if (File.Exists(@"bin\Tools\nintendont_force.dol")) { File.Delete(@"bin\Tools\nintendont_force.dol"); File.Copy(@"custom\main.dol", @"bin\Tools\nintendont_force.dol"); } else { File.Copy(@"custom\main.dol", @"bin\Tools\nintendont_force.dol"); } } } Process[] pname = Process.GetProcessesByName("UWUVCI AIO"); if (pname.Length > 1) { t.Elapsed += KillProg; t.Start(); Custom_Message cm = new Custom_Message("Another Instance Running", "You already got another instance of UWUVCI AIO running.\nThis instance will terminate in 5 seconds."); cm.ShowDialog(); KillProg(null, null); } else { double height = System.Windows.SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight; double witdh = System.Windows.SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenWidth; if (witdh < 1150 || height < 700) { t.Elapsed += KillProg; t.Start(); Custom_Message cm = new Custom_Message("Resolution not supported", "Your screen resolution is not supported, please use a resolution of atleast 1152x864\nThis instance will terminate in 5 seconds."); cm.ShowDialog(); KillProg(null, null); } if (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem) { } else { Custom_Message cm = new Custom_Message("Incompatible Operating System", "Your Operating System is not a 64Bit OS.\nThe Injector will run, but most likley many (if not all) features will not work."); cm.ShowDialog(); } MainWindow wnd = new MainWindow(); // The OpenFile() method is just an example of what you could do with the // parameter. The method should be declared on your MainWindow class, where // you could use a range of methods to process the passed file path if (e.Args.Length == 1 && e.Args[0] == "--debug") { wnd.setDebug(); } wnd.Show(); } } private void KillProg(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { t.Stop(); Environment.Exit(1); } } }