using GameBaseClassLibrary; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Windows; using System.Xml; using UWUVCI_AIO_WPF.Classes; using UWUVCI_AIO_WPF.Properties; using UWUVCI_AIO_WPF.UI.Windows; namespace UWUVCI_AIO_WPF { internal static class Injection { private static readonly string tempPath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),"bin", "temp"); private static readonly string baseRomPath = Path.Combine(tempPath, "baserom"); private static readonly string imgPath = Path.Combine(tempPath, "img"); private static readonly string toolsPath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),"bin", "Tools"); static string code = null; static MainViewModel mvvm; /* * GameConsole: Can either be NDS, N64, GBA, NES, SNES or TG16 * baseRom = Name of the BaseRom, which is the folder name too (example: Super Metroid EU will be saved at the BaseRom path under the folder SMetroidEU, so the BaseRom is in this case SMetroidEU). * customBasePath = Path to the custom Base. Is null if no custom base is used. * injectRomPath = Path to the Rom to be injected into the Base Game. * bootImages = String array containing the paths for * bootTvTex: PNG or TGA (PNG gets converted to TGA using UPNG). Needs to be in the dimensions 1280x720 and have a bit depth of 24. If null, the original BootImage will be used. * bootDrcTex: PNG or TGA (PNG gets converted to TGA using UPNG). Needs to be in the dimensions 854x480 and have a bit depth of 24. If null, the original BootImage will be used. * iconTex: PNG or TGA (PNG gets converted to TGA using UPNG). Needs to be in the dimensions 128x128 and have a bit depth of 32. If null, the original BootImage will be used. * bootLogoTex: PNG or TGA (PNG gets converted to TGA using UPNG). Needs to be in the dimensions 170x42 and have a bit depth of 32. If null, the original BootImage will be used. * gameName = The name of the final game to be entered into the .xml files. * iniPath = Only used for N64. Path to the INI configuration. If "blank", a blank ini will be used. * darkRemoval = Only used for N64. Indicates whether the dark filter should be removed. */ [STAThread] public static bool Inject(GameConfig Configuration, string RomPath, MainViewModel mvm, bool force) { mvvm = mvm; if (Directory.Exists(tempPath)) Directory.Delete(tempPath, true); Directory.CreateDirectory(tempPath); mvm.msg = "Checking Tools..."; mvm.InjcttoolCheck(); mvm.Progress = 5; mvm.msg = "Copying Base..."; try { if (Configuration.BaseRom.Name != "Custom") { //Normal Base functionality here CopyBase($"{Configuration.BaseRom.Name.Replace(":", "")} [{Configuration.BaseRom.Region.ToString()}]", null); } else { //Custom Base Functionality here CopyBase($"Custom", Configuration.CBasePath); } mvm.Progress = 10; mvm.msg = "Injecting ROM..."; if (mvm.GC) { RunSpecificInjection(Configuration, GameConsoles.GCN, RomPath, force, mvm); } else { RunSpecificInjection(Configuration, Configuration.Console, RomPath, force, mvm); } mvm.msg = "Editing XML..."; EditXML(Configuration.GameName, mvm.Index, code); mvm.Progress = 90; mvm.msg = "Changing Images..."; Images(Configuration); mvm.Progress = 100; code = null; return true; }catch(Exception e) { mvm.Progress = 100; code = null; if (e.Message.Contains("Images")){ mvm.OpenDialog("Injection Failed","Injection Failed due to wrong BitDepth, please check if your Files are in a different bitdepth than 32bit or 24bit"); } else if (e.Message.Contains("Size")) { mvm.OpenDialog("Injection Failed","Injection Failed due to Image Issues.Please check if your Images are made using following Information:\n\niconTex: \nDimensions: 128x128\nBitDepth: 32\n\nbootDrcTex: \nDimensions: 854x480\nBitDepth: 24\n\nbootTvTex: \nDimensions: 1280x720\nBitDepth: 24\n\nbootLogoTex: \nDimensions: 170x42\nBitDepth: 32"); } else if (e.Message.Contains("retro")) { mvm.OpenDialog("Injection Failed","The ROM you want to Inject is to big for selected Base!\nPlease try again with different Base"); } else if (e.Message.Contains("WII")) { mvm.OpenDialog("Injection Failed", $"{e.Message.Replace("WII", "")}\nPlease make sure that your ROM isn't flawed and that you have atleast 12 GB of free Storage left."); } else { mvm.OpenDialog("Injection Failed", "Injection Failed due to unknown circumstances, please contact us on the UWUVCI discord"); } Clean(); return false; } finally { mvm.Index = -1; mvm.LR = false; mvm.msg = ""; mvm.Progress = 0; } } private static void RunSpecificInjection(GameConfig cfg, GameConsoles console, string RomPath, bool force, MainViewModel mvm) { switch (console) { case GameConsoles.NDS: NDS(RomPath); break; case GameConsoles.N64: N64(RomPath, cfg.N64Stuff); break; case GameConsoles.GBA: GBA(RomPath); break; case GameConsoles.NES: NESSNES(RomPath); break; case GameConsoles.SNES: NESSNES(RemoveHeader(RomPath)); break; case GameConsoles.TG16: TG16(RomPath); break; case GameConsoles.MSX: MSX(RomPath); break; case GameConsoles.WII: WII(RomPath, mvm, false); break; case GameConsoles.GCN: WII(RomPath, mvm, force); break; } } private static void WII(string romPath, MainViewModel mvm, bool force) { mvvm.msg = "Removing unnecessary Files..."; foreach (string sFile in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "content"), "*.nfs")) { File.Delete(sFile); } foreach (string sFile in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "meta"), "*.jpg")) { File.Delete(sFile); } foreach (string sFile in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "meta"), "*.bfma")) { File.Delete(sFile); } if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "code", "rvlt.tmd"))) File.Delete(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "code", "rvlt.tmd")); if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "code", "rvlt.tik"))) File.Delete(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "code", "rvlt.tik")); mvvm.Progress = 15; Console.WriteLine("Finished removing Files"); using (Process tik = new Process()) { if (!mvm.debug) { tik.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; tik.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; } if (!mvm.GC) { if (new FileInfo(romPath).Extension.Contains("wbfs")) { mvvm.msg = "Converting WBFS to ISO..."; Console.WriteLine("Converting WBFS to ISO..."); tik.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "wbfs_file.exe"); tik.StartInfo.Arguments = $"\"{romPath}\" convert \"{Path.Combine(tempPath, "pre.iso")}\""; tik.Start(); tik.WaitForExit(); if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(tempPath, "pre.iso"))) { throw new Exception("WIIAn error occured while converting WBFS to ISO"); } if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(tempPath, "rom.wbfs"))) { File.Delete(Path.Combine(tempPath, "rom.wbfs")); } romPath = Path.Combine(tempPath, "pre.iso"); Console.WriteLine("Finished Conversion"); mvvm.Progress = 20; } tik.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "wit.exe"); mvvm.msg = "Trimming ROM..."; Console.WriteLine("Trimming ROM..."); tik.StartInfo.Arguments = $"extract \"{romPath}\" --DEST \"{Path.Combine(tempPath, "IsoExt")}\" --psel data -vv1"; tik.Start(); tik.WaitForExit(); if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(tempPath, "IsoExt"))) { throw new Exception("WIIAn error occured while trimming the ROM"); } mvvm.Progress = 40; Console.WriteLine("Finished trimming"); if (mvm.Index == 4) { mvvm.msg = "Patching ROM (Force CC)..."; Console.WriteLine("Patching the ROM to force Classic Controller input"); tik.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "GetExtTypePatcher.exe"); tik.StartInfo.Arguments = $"\"{Path.Combine(tempPath, "IsoExt", "sys", "main.dol")}\""; tik.Start(); tik.WaitForExit(); tik.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "wit.exe"); mvvm.Progress = 45; } if (mvm.Patch) { mvvm.msg = "Video Patching ROM..."; using (Process process = new Process()) { process.StartInfo.FileName = "wii-vmc.exe"; process.StartInfo.Arguments = $"\"{Path.Combine(tempPath, "IsoExt", "sys", "main.dol")}\""; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process.Start(); process.StandardInput.WriteLine("a"); if (mvm.toPal) { process.StandardInput.WriteLine("1"); } else { process.StandardInput.WriteLine("2"); } Thread.Sleep(200); process.StandardInput.WriteLine(); process.WaitForExit(); } mvvm.Progress = 50; } mvvm.msg = "Creating ISO from trimmed ROM..."; Console.WriteLine("Creating ISO from trimmed ROM..."); tik.StartInfo.Arguments = $"copy \"{Path.Combine(tempPath, "IsoExt")}\" --DEST \"{Path.Combine(tempPath, "game.iso")}\" -ovv --links --iso"; tik.Start(); tik.WaitForExit(); if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(tempPath, "game.iso"))) { throw new Exception("WIIAn error occured while Creating the ISO"); } romPath = Path.Combine(tempPath, "game.iso"); mvvm.Progress = 60; } else { mvvm.msg = "Extracting Nintendont Base..."; if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(tempPath, "TempBase"))) Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(tempPath, "TempBase"), true); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(tempPath, "TempBase")); tik.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "7za.exe"); tik.StartInfo.Arguments = $"x \"{Path.Combine(toolsPath, "")}\" -o\"{Path.Combine(tempPath)}\""; tik.Start(); tik.WaitForExit(); DirectoryCopy(Path.Combine(tempPath, "BASE"), Path.Combine(tempPath, "TempBase"), true); mvvm.Progress = 30; mvvm.msg = "Applying Nintendont"; if (force) { mvvm.msg += " force 4:3..."; File.Copy(Path.Combine(toolsPath, "nintendont_force.dol"), Path.Combine(tempPath, "TempBase", "sys", "main.dol")); } else { mvvm.msg += "..."; File.Copy(Path.Combine(toolsPath, "nintendont.dol"), Path.Combine(tempPath, "TempBase", "sys", "main.dol")); } mvm.Progress = 40; mvvm.msg = "Injecting GameCube Game into NintendontBase..."; File.Copy(romPath, Path.Combine(tempPath, "TempBase", "files", "game.iso")); tik.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "wit.exe"); tik.StartInfo.Arguments = $"copy \"{Path.Combine(tempPath, "TempBase")}\" --DEST \"{Path.Combine(tempPath, "game.iso")}\" -ovv --links --iso"; tik.Start(); tik.WaitForExit(); if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(tempPath, "game.iso"))) { Console.Clear(); throw new Exception("WIIAn error occured while Creating the ISO"); } romPath = Path.Combine(tempPath, "game.iso"); mvvm.Progress = 60; } mvvm.msg = "Extracting Ticket and TMD from ISO..."; tik.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "wit.exe"); tik.StartInfo.Arguments = $"extract \"{romPath}\" --psel data --files +tmd.bin --files +ticket.bin --dest \"{Path.Combine(tempPath, "tik")}\" -vv1"; tik.Start(); tik.WaitForExit(); if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(tempPath, "tik")) || !File.Exists(Path.Combine(tempPath, "tik", "tmd.bin")) || !File.Exists(Path.Combine(tempPath, "tik", "ticket.bin"))) { throw new Exception("WIIAn error occured while extracting the Ticket and TMD"); } Console.WriteLine("Finished extracting"); mvvm.Progress = 65; mvvm.msg = "Copying TIK and TMD..."; Console.WriteLine("Copying TIK and TMD..."); if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "code", "rvlt.tmd"))) { File.Delete(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "code", "rvlt.tmd")); } File.Copy(Path.Combine(tempPath, "tik", "tmd.bin"), Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "code", "rvlt.tmd")); if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "code", "rvlt.tik"))) { File.Delete(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "code", "rvlt.tik")); } File.Copy(Path.Combine(tempPath, "tik", "ticket.bin"), Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "code", "rvlt.tik")); if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "code", "rvlt.tik")) || !File.Exists(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "code", "rvlt.tmd"))) { Console.Clear(); throw new Exception("WIIAn error occured while copying the Ticket and TMD"); } Console.WriteLine("Finished Copying"); mvvm.Progress = 70; mvvm.msg = "Injecting ROM..."; Console.WriteLine("Converting Game to NFS format..."); string olddir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "content")); tik.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "nfs2iso2nfs.exe"); if (!mvm.GC) { string extra = ""; if (mvm.Index == 2) { extra = "-horizontal "; } if (mvm.Index == 3) { extra = "-wiimote "; } if (mvm.Index == 4) { extra = "-instantcc "; } if (mvm.Index == 5) { extra = "-nocc "; } if (mvm.LR) { extra += "-lrpatch "; } Console.WriteLine(extra); Console.ReadLine(); tik.StartInfo.Arguments = $"-enc {extra}-iso \"{romPath}\""; } else { tik.StartInfo.Arguments = $"-enc -homebrew -passthrough -iso \"{romPath}\""; } tik.Start(); tik.WaitForExit(); Console.WriteLine("Finished Conversion"); mvvm.Progress = 80; Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(olddir); } } public static void MSX(string injectRomPath) { mvvm.msg = "Reading Header from Base..."; byte[] test = new byte[0x580B3]; using (var fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "content" , "msx", "msx.pkg"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { fs.Read(test, 0, 0x580B3); fs.Close(); File.Delete(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "content", "msx", "msx.pkg")); } mvvm.Progress = 20; mvvm.msg = "Creating new PKG with read Header..."; using (var fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "content", "msx", "msx.pkg"), FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { fs.Write(test, 0, 0x580B3); fs.Close(); } mvvm.Progress = 30; mvvm.msg = "Reading ROM content..."; using (var fs = new FileStream(injectRomPath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { test = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(test, 0, test.Length - 1); } mvvm.Progress = 50; mvvm.msg = "Injecting ROM into new PKG..."; using (var fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "content", "msx", "msx.pkg"), FileMode.Append)) { fs.Write(test, 0, test.Length); } mvvm.Progress = 80; } public static void Clean() { if (Directory.Exists(tempPath)) { Directory.Delete(tempPath, true); } } [STAThread] public static void Loadiine(string gameName) { if (gameName == null || gameName == string.Empty) gameName = "NoName"; //string outputPath = Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.InjectionPath, gameName); string outputPath = Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.OutPath, $"[LOADIINE]{gameName}"); int i = 0; while (Directory.Exists(outputPath)) { outputPath = Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.OutPath, $"[LOADIINE]{gameName}_{i}"); i++; } DirectoryCopy(baseRomPath,outputPath, true); new Custom_Message("Injection Complete", $"Config will stay filled, choose a Console again to clear it.\nTo Open the Location of the Inject press Open Folder.", Settings.Default.OutPath).ShowDialog(); Clean(); } [STAThread] public static void Packing(string gameName, MainViewModel mvm) { mvm.msg = "Checking Tools..."; mvm.InjcttoolCheck(); mvm.Progress = 20; mvm.msg = "Creating Outputfolder..."; if (gameName == null || gameName == string.Empty) gameName = "NoName"; //string outputPath = Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.InjectionPath, gameName); string outputPath = Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.OutPath, $"[WUP]{gameName}"); int i = 0; while (Directory.Exists(outputPath)) { outputPath = Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.OutPath, $"[WUP]{gameName}_{i}"); i++; } mvm.Progress = 40; mvm.msg = "Packing..."; using (Process cnuspacker = new Process()) { if (!mvm.debug) { cnuspacker.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; cnuspacker.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; } cnuspacker.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "CNUSPACKER.exe"); cnuspacker.StartInfo.Arguments = $"-in \"{baseRomPath}\" -out \"{outputPath}\" -encryptKeyWith {Properties.Settings.Default.Ckey}"; cnuspacker.Start(); cnuspacker.WaitForExit(); } mvm.Progress = 90; mvm.msg = "Cleaning..."; Clean(); mvm.Progress = 100; mvm.msg = ""; } public static void Download(MainViewModel mvm) { mvm.InjcttoolCheck(); GameBases b = mvm.getBasefromName(mvm.SelectedBaseAsString); //GetKeyOfBase TKeys key = mvm.getTkey(b); if (mvm.GameConfiguration.Console == GameConsoles.WII || mvm.GameConfiguration.Console == GameConsoles.GCN) { using (Process zip = new Process()) { if (Directory.Exists(tempPath)) Directory.Delete(tempPath, true); Directory.CreateDirectory(tempPath); using (Process download = new Process()) { if (!mvm.debug) { download.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; download.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; } download.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "WiiUDownloader.exe"); download.StartInfo.Arguments = $"{b.Tid} {key.Tkey} \"{Path.Combine(tempPath, "download")}\""; download.Start(); download.WaitForExit(); } mvm.Progress += 10; using (Process decrypt = new Process()) { if (!mvm.debug) { decrypt.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; decrypt.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; } decrypt.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "Cdecrypt.exe"); decrypt.StartInfo.Arguments = $"{Properties.Settings.Default.Ckey} \"{Path.Combine(tempPath, "download")}\" \"{Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.BasePath, $"{b.Name.Replace(":", "")} [{b.Region.ToString()}]")}\""; decrypt.Start(); decrypt.WaitForExit(); } mvm.Progress += 10; File.Delete(Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.BasePath, $"{b.Name.Replace(":", "")} [{b.Region.ToString()}]","code","fw.img")); mvm.Progress += 10; File.Delete(Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.BasePath, $"{b.Name.Replace(":", "")} [{b.Region.ToString()}]", "code", "fw.tmd")); mvm.Progress += 10; if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(toolsPath, "IKVM"))) { Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(toolsPath, "IKVM"), true); } if (!mvm.debug) { zip.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; zip.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; } zip.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "7za.exe"); zip.StartInfo.Arguments = $"x \"{Path.Combine(toolsPath, "")}\" -o\"{Path.Combine(toolsPath, "IKVM")}\""; zip.Start(); zip.WaitForExit(); mvm.Progress += 10; string[] JNUSToolConfig = { "", Properties.Settings.Default.Ckey }; string savedir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); mvm.Progress += 5; File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(toolsPath, "IKVM", "config"), JNUSToolConfig); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(Path.Combine(toolsPath, "IKVM")); zip.StartInfo.FileName = "JNUSTool.exe"; zip.StartInfo.Arguments = $"{b.Tid} {key.Tkey} -file /code/fw.img"; zip.Start(); zip.WaitForExit(); mvm.Progress += 10; zip.StartInfo.Arguments = $"{b.Tid} {key.Tkey} -file /code/fw.tmd"; zip.Start(); zip.WaitForExit(); mvm.Progress += 5; Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(savedir); var directories = Directory.GetDirectories(Path.Combine(toolsPath, "IKVM")); string name = ""; foreach (var s in directories) { if (s.Contains(b.Name)) { var split = s.Split('\\'); name = split[split.Length - 1]; } } File.Copy(Path.Combine(toolsPath, "IKVM", name, "code", "fw.img"), Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.BasePath, $"{b.Name.Replace(":", "")} [{b.Region.ToString()}]","code","fw.img")); mvm.Progress += 10; File.Copy(Path.Combine(toolsPath, "IKVM", name, "code", "fw.tmd"), Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.BasePath, $"{b.Name.Replace(":", "")} [{b.Region.ToString()}]", "code", "fw.tmd")); mvm.Progress += 10; Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(toolsPath, "IKVM"), true); mvm.Progress += 10; } } else { if (Directory.Exists(tempPath)) Directory.Delete(tempPath, true); Directory.CreateDirectory(tempPath); using (Process download = new Process()) { if (!mvm.debug){ download.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; download.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; } download.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "WiiUDownloader.exe"); download.StartInfo.Arguments = $"{b.Tid} {key.Tkey} \"{Path.Combine(tempPath, "download")}\""; download.Start(); download.WaitForExit(); } mvm.Progress += 50; using (Process decrypt = new Process()) { if (!mvm.debug) { decrypt.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; decrypt.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; } decrypt.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "Cdecrypt.exe"); decrypt.StartInfo.Arguments = $"{Properties.Settings.Default.Ckey} \"{Path.Combine(tempPath, "download")}\" \"{Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.BasePath, $"{b.Name.Replace(":", "")} [{b.Region.ToString()}]")}\""; decrypt.Start(); decrypt.WaitForExit(); } mvm.Progress += 50; } //GetCurrentSelectedBase } public static string ExtractBase(string path, GameConsoles console) { if(!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.BasePath, "CustomBases"))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.BasePath, "CustomBases")); } string outputPath = Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.BasePath, "CustomBases", $"[{console.ToString()}] Custom"); int i = 0; while (Directory.Exists(outputPath)) { outputPath = Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.BasePath, $"[{console.ToString()}] Custom_{i}"); i++; } using (Process decrypt = new Process()) { decrypt.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; decrypt.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; decrypt.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "Cdecrypt.exe"); decrypt.StartInfo.Arguments = $"{Properties.Settings.Default.Ckey} \"{path}\" \"{outputPath}"; decrypt.Start(); decrypt.WaitForExit(); } return outputPath; } // This function changes TitleID, ProductCode and GameName in app.xml (ID) and meta.xml (ID, ProductCode, Name) private static void EditXML(string gameName, int index, string code) { string metaXml = Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "meta", "meta.xml"); string appXml = Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "code", "app.xml"); Random random = new Random(); string ID = $"{random.Next(0x3000, 0x10000):X4}"; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); try { doc.Load(metaXml); if (gameName != null && gameName != string.Empty) { doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/longname_ja").InnerText = gameName; doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/longname_en").InnerText = gameName; doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/longname_fr").InnerText = gameName; doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/longname_de").InnerText = gameName; doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/longname_it").InnerText = gameName; doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/longname_es").InnerText = gameName; doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/longname_zhs").InnerText = gameName; doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/longname_ko").InnerText = gameName; doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/longname_nl").InnerText = gameName; doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/longname_pt").InnerText = gameName; doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/longname_ru").InnerText = gameName; doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/longname_zht").InnerText = gameName; } if(code != null) { doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/product_code").InnerText = $"WUP-N-{code}"; } else { doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/product_code").InnerText = $"WUP-N-{ID}"; } if (index > 0) { doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/drc_use").InnerText = "65537"; } doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/title_id").InnerText = $"0005000060{ID}00"; doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/group_id").InnerText = $"0000{ID}"; if (gameName != null && gameName != string.Empty) { doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/shortname_ja").InnerText = gameName; doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/shortname_fr").InnerText = gameName; doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/shortname_de").InnerText = gameName; doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/shortname_en").InnerText = gameName; doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/shortname_it").InnerText = gameName; doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/shortname_es").InnerText = gameName; doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/shortname_zhs").InnerText = gameName; doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/shortname_ko").InnerText = gameName; doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/shortname_nl").InnerText = gameName; doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/shortname_pt").InnerText = gameName; doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/shortname_ru").InnerText = gameName; doc.SelectSingleNode("menu/shortname_zht").InnerText = gameName; } doc.Save(metaXml); } catch (NullReferenceException) { } try { doc.Load(appXml); doc.SelectSingleNode("app/title_id").InnerText = $"0005000060{ID}00"; doc.SelectSingleNode("app/group_id").InnerText = $"0000{ID}"; doc.Save(appXml); } catch (NullReferenceException) { } } //This function copies the custom or normal Base to the working directory private static void CopyBase(string baserom, string customPath) { if (Directory.Exists(baseRomPath)) // sanity check { Directory.Delete(baseRomPath, true); } if (baserom == "Custom") { DirectoryCopy(customPath, baseRomPath, true); } else { DirectoryCopy(Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.BasePath, baserom), baseRomPath, true); } } private static void TG16(string injectRomPath) { //checking if folder if (Directory.Exists(injectRomPath)) { DirectoryCopy(injectRomPath, "test", true); //TurboGrafCD using (Process TurboInject = new Process()) { mvvm.msg = "Creating TurboCD Pkg..."; TurboInject.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; TurboInject.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; TurboInject.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "BuildTurboCDPcePkg.exe"); TurboInject.StartInfo.Arguments = $"test"; TurboInject.Start(); TurboInject.WaitForExit(); mvvm.Progress = 70; } Directory.Delete("test", true); } else { //creating pkg file including the TG16 rom using (Process TurboInject = new Process()) { mvvm.msg = "Creating Turbo16 Pkg..."; TurboInject.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; TurboInject.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; TurboInject.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "BuildPcePkg.exe"); TurboInject.StartInfo.Arguments = $"\"{injectRomPath}\""; TurboInject.Start(); TurboInject.WaitForExit(); mvvm.Progress = 70; } } mvvm.msg = "Injecting ROM..."; //replacing tg16 rom File.Delete(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "content", "pceemu", "pce.pkg")); File.Copy("pce.pkg", Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "content", "pceemu", "pce.pkg")); File.Delete("pce.pkg"); mvvm.Progress = 80; } private static void NESSNES(string injectRomPath) { string rpxFile = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "code"), "*.rpx")[0]; //To get the RPX path where the NES/SNES rom needs to be Injected in mvvm.msg = "Decompressing RPX..."; RPXdecomp(rpxFile); //Decompresses the RPX to be able to write the game into it mvvm.Progress = 20; using (Process retroinject = new Process()) { mvvm.msg = "Injecting ROM..."; retroinject.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; retroinject.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; retroinject.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; retroinject.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; retroinject.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "retroinject.exe"); retroinject.StartInfo.Arguments = $"\"{rpxFile}\" \"{injectRomPath}\" \"{rpxFile}\""; retroinject.Start(); retroinject.WaitForExit(); mvvm.Progress = 70; var s = retroinject.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); var e = retroinject.StandardError.ReadToEnd(); if (e.Contains("is too large") || s.Contains("is too large")) { mvvm.Progress = 100; throw new Exception("retro"); } } mvvm.msg = "Compressing RPX..."; RPXcomp(rpxFile); //Compresses the RPX mvvm.Progress = 80; } private static void GBA(string injectRomPath) { bool delete = false; if(!new FileInfo(injectRomPath).Extension.Contains("gba")) { //it's a GBC or GB rom so it needs to be copied into goomba.gba and then padded to 32Mb (16 would work too but just ot be save) using (Process goomba = new Process()) { mvvm.msg = "Injecting GB/GBC ROM into goomba..."; goomba.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; goomba.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; goomba.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"; goomba.StartInfo.Arguments = $"/c copy /b \"{Path.Combine(toolsPath, "goomba.gba")}\"+\"{injectRomPath}\" \"{Path.Combine(toolsPath, "goombamenu.gba")}\""; goomba.Start(); goomba.WaitForExit(); mvvm.Progress = 20; } mvvm.msg = "Padding goomba ROM..."; //padding byte[] rom = new byte[33554432]; FileStream fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(toolsPath, "goombamenu.gba"), FileMode.Open); fs.Read(rom, 0, (int)fs.Length); fs.Close(); File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(toolsPath, "goombaPadded.gba"), rom); Console.ReadLine(); injectRomPath = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "goombaPadded.gba"); delete = true; mvvm.Progress = 40; } using (Process psb = new Process()) { mvvm.msg = "Injecting ROM..."; psb.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; psb.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; psb.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "psb.exe"); psb.StartInfo.Arguments = $"\"{Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "content", "alldata.psb.m")}\" \"{injectRomPath}\" \"{Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "content", "alldata.psb.m")}\""; psb.Start(); psb.WaitForExit(); mvvm.Progress = 80; } if (delete) { File.Delete(injectRomPath); File.Delete(Path.Combine(toolsPath, "goombamenu.gba")); } } private static void DownloadSysTitle(MainViewModel mvm) { if (mvm.SysKeyset() && mvm.SysKey1set()) { using (Process download = new Process()) { download.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "WiiUDownloader.exe"); download.StartInfo.Arguments = $"0005001010004001 {Properties.Settings.Default.SysKey} \"{Path.Combine(tempPath, "download")}\""; download.Start(); download.WaitForExit(); } using (Process decrypt = new Process()) { decrypt.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "Cdecrypt.exe"); decrypt.StartInfo.Arguments = $"{Properties.Settings.Default.Ckey} \"{Path.Combine(tempPath, "download")}\" \"{Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.BasePath, $"vwiisys")}\""; decrypt.Start(); decrypt.WaitForExit(); } using (Process download = new Process()) { Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(tempPath, "download"), true); download.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "WiiUDownloader.exe"); download.StartInfo.Arguments = $"0005001010004000 {Properties.Settings.Default.SysKey1} \"{Path.Combine(tempPath, "download")}\""; download.Start(); download.WaitForExit(); } using (Process decrypt = new Process()) { decrypt.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "Cdecrypt.exe"); decrypt.StartInfo.Arguments = $"{Properties.Settings.Default.Ckey} \"{Path.Combine(tempPath, "download")}\" \"{Path.Combine(tempPath, "tempd")}\""; decrypt.Start(); decrypt.WaitForExit(); File.Copy(Path.Combine(tempPath, "tempd", "code", "font.bin"), Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.BasePath, $"vwiisys", "code", "font.bin")); File.Copy(Path.Combine(tempPath, "tempd", "code", "deint.txt"), Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.BasePath, $"vwiisys", "code", "deint.txt")); File.Delete(Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.BasePath, $"vwiisys", "code", "app.xml")); } } } private static void NDS(string injectRomPath) { string RomName = string.Empty; using (Process getRomName = new Process()) { mvvm.msg = "Getting BaseRom Name..."; getRomName.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; getRomName.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = false; getRomName.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; getRomName.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"; Console.WriteLine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); //getRomName.StartInfo.Arguments = $"/c \"Tools\\7za.exe\" l \"temp\\baserom\\content\\0010\\\" | findstr \"WUP\""; getRomName.StartInfo.Arguments = "/c Tools\\7za.exe l temp\\baserom\\content\\0010\\ | findstr WUP"; getRomName.Start(); getRomName.WaitForExit(); var s = getRomName.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); var split = s.Split(' '); RomName = split[split.Length - 1].Replace("\r\n", ""); mvvm.Progress = 15; } using (Process RomEdit = new Process()) { mvvm.msg = "Removing BaseRom..."; RomEdit.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; RomEdit.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; RomEdit.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; RomEdit.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "7za.exe"); //d Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "content", "0010", "") RomEdit.StartInfo.Arguments = $"d temp\\baserom\\content\\0010\\"; RomEdit.Start(); RomEdit.WaitForExit(); mvvm.Progress = 40; mvvm.msg = "Injecting ROM..."; File.Copy(injectRomPath, $"{RomName}"); RomEdit.StartInfo.Arguments = $"u temp\\baserom\\content\\0010\\ {RomName}"; RomEdit.Start(); RomEdit.WaitForExit(); mvvm.Progress = 80; } File.Delete(RomName); } private static void N64(string injectRomPath, N64Conf config) { string mainRomPath = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "content", "rom"))[0]; string mainIni = Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "content", "config", $"{Path.GetFileName(mainRomPath)}.ini"); using (Process n64convert = new Process()) { mvvm.msg = "Injecting ROM..."; n64convert.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; n64convert.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; n64convert.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "N64Converter.exe"); n64convert.StartInfo.Arguments = $"\"{injectRomPath}\" \"{mainRomPath}\""; n64convert.Start(); n64convert.WaitForExit(); mvvm.Progress = 60; } if (config.DarkFilter) { mvvm.msg = "Removing Dark Filter..."; string filePath = Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "content", "FrameLayout.arc"); using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))) { writer.Seek(0x1AD8, SeekOrigin.Begin); writer.Write(0L); } mvvm.Progress = 70; } mvvm.msg = "Copying INI..."; if(config.INIBin == null) { if (config.INIPath == null) { File.Delete(mainIni); File.Copy(Path.Combine(toolsPath, "blank.ini"), mainIni); } else { File.Delete(mainIni); File.Copy(config.INIPath, mainIni); } } else { ReadFileFromBin(config.INIBin, "custom.ini"); File.Delete(mainIni); File.Move("custom.ini", mainIni); } mvvm.Progress = 80; } //Compressed or decompresses the RPX using wiiurpxtool private static void RPXdecomp(string rpxpath) { using (Process rpxtool = new Process()) { rpxtool.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; rpxtool.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; rpxtool.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "wiiurpxtool.exe"); rpxtool.StartInfo.Arguments = $"-d \"{rpxpath}\""; rpxtool.Start(); rpxtool.WaitForExit(); } } private static void RPXcomp(string rpxpath) { using (Process rpxtool = new Process()) { rpxtool.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; rpxtool.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; rpxtool.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "wiiurpxtool.exe"); rpxtool.StartInfo.Arguments = $"-c \"{rpxpath}\""; rpxtool.Start(); rpxtool.WaitForExit(); } } private static void ReadFileFromBin(byte[] bin, string output) { File.WriteAllBytes(output, bin); } private static void Images(GameConfig config) { try { //is an image embedded? yes => export them and check for issues //no => using path if (Directory.Exists(imgPath)) // sanity check { Directory.Delete(imgPath, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(imgPath); //ICON List Images = new List(); if (config.TGAIco.ImgBin == null) { //use path if (config.TGAIco.ImgPath != null) { Images.Add(true); CopyAndConvertImage(config.TGAIco.ImgPath, Path.Combine(imgPath), false, 128,128,32, "iconTex.tga"); } else { if(File.Exists(Path.Combine(toolsPath, "iconTex.tga"))) { CopyAndConvertImage(Path.Combine(toolsPath, "iconTex.tga"), Path.Combine(imgPath), false, 128, 128, 32, "iconTex.tga"); Images.Add(true); } else { Images.Add(false); } } } else { ReadFileFromBin(config.TGAIco.ImgBin, $"iconTex.{config.TGAIco.extension}"); CopyAndConvertImage($"iconTex.{config.TGAIco.extension}", Path.Combine(imgPath), true, 128, 128, 32, "iconTex.tga"); Images.Add(true); } if (config.TGATv.ImgBin == null) { //use path if (config.TGATv.ImgPath != null) { Images.Add(true); CopyAndConvertImage(config.TGATv.ImgPath, Path.Combine(imgPath), false, 1280, 720, 24, "bootTvTex.tga"); config.TGATv.ImgPath = Path.Combine(imgPath, "bootTvTex.tga"); } else { if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(toolsPath, "bootTvTex.tga"))) { CopyAndConvertImage(Path.Combine(toolsPath, "bootTvTex.tga"), Path.Combine(imgPath), false, 128, 128, 32, "iconTex.tga"); Images.Add(true); } else { Images.Add(false); } } } else { ReadFileFromBin(config.TGATv.ImgBin, $"bootTvTex.{config.TGATv.extension}"); CopyAndConvertImage($"bootTvTex.{config.TGATv.extension}", Path.Combine(imgPath), true, 1280, 720, 24, "bootTvTex.tga"); config.TGATv.ImgPath = Path.Combine(imgPath, "bootTvTex.tga"); Images.Add(true); } //Drc if (config.TGADrc.ImgBin == null) { //use path if (config.TGADrc.ImgPath != null) { Images.Add(true); CopyAndConvertImage(config.TGADrc.ImgPath, Path.Combine(imgPath), false, 854,480,24, "bootDrcTex.tga"); } else { if (Images[1]) { using(Process conv = new Process()) { if (!mvvm.debug) { conv.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; conv.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; } conv.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "tga2png.exe"); conv.StartInfo.Arguments = $"-i \"{config.TGATv.ImgPath}\" -o \"{Path.Combine(tempPath)}\""; conv.Start(); conv.WaitForExit(); File.Move(Path.Combine(tempPath, "bootTvTex.png"), Path.Combine(tempPath, "bootDrcTex.png")); CopyAndConvertImage(Path.Combine(tempPath, "bootDrcTex.png"), Path.Combine(imgPath), false, 854, 480, 24, "bootDrcTex.tga"); Images.Add(true); } } else { Images.Add(false); } } } else { ReadFileFromBin(config.TGADrc.ImgBin, $"bootDrcTex.{config.TGADrc.extension}"); CopyAndConvertImage($"bootDrcTex.{config.TGADrc.extension}", Path.Combine(imgPath), true,854,480,24, "bootDrcTex.tga"); Images.Add(true); } //tv //logo if (config.TGALog.ImgBin == null) { //use path if (config.TGALog.ImgPath != null) { Images.Add(true); CopyAndConvertImage(config.TGALog.ImgPath, Path.Combine(imgPath), false, 170,42,32, "bootLogoTex.tga"); } else { Images.Add(false); } } else { ReadFileFromBin(config.TGALog.ImgBin, $"bootLogoTex.{config.TGALog.extension}"); CopyAndConvertImage($"bootLogoTex.{config.TGALog.extension}", Path.Combine(imgPath), true, 170, 42, 32, "bootLogoTex.tga"); Images.Add(true); } //Fixing Images + Injecting them if (Images[0] || Images[1] || Images[2] || Images[3]) { using (Process checkIfIssue = new Process()) { checkIfIssue.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; checkIfIssue.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = false; checkIfIssue.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; checkIfIssue.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; checkIfIssue.StartInfo.FileName = $"{Path.Combine(toolsPath,"tga_verify.exe")}"; Console.WriteLine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); checkIfIssue.StartInfo.Arguments = $"\"{imgPath}\""; checkIfIssue.Start(); checkIfIssue.WaitForExit(); var s = checkIfIssue.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); if (s.Contains("width") || s.Contains("height") || s.Contains("depth")) { throw new Exception("Size"); } var e = checkIfIssue.StandardError.ReadToEnd(); if (e.Contains("width") || e.Contains("height") || e.Contains("depth")) { throw new Exception("Size"); } if (e.Contains("TRUEVISION") || s.Contains("TRUEVISION")) { checkIfIssue.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; checkIfIssue.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = false; checkIfIssue.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; checkIfIssue.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; checkIfIssue.StartInfo.FileName = $"{Path.Combine(toolsPath, "tga_verify.exe")}"; Console.WriteLine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); checkIfIssue.StartInfo.Arguments = $"--fixup \"{imgPath}\""; checkIfIssue.Start(); checkIfIssue.WaitForExit(); } Console.ReadLine(); } if (Images[1]) { File.Delete(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "meta", "bootTvTex.tga")); File.Move(Path.Combine(imgPath, "bootTvTex.tga"), Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "meta", "bootTvTex.tga")); } if (Images[2]) { File.Delete(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "meta", "bootDrcTex.tga")); File.Move(Path.Combine(imgPath, "bootDrcTex.tga"), Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "meta", "bootDrcTex.tga")); } if (Images[0]) { File.Delete(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "meta", "iconTex.tga")); File.Move(Path.Combine(imgPath, "iconTex.tga"), Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "meta", "iconTex.tga")); } if (Images[3]) { File.Delete(Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "meta", "bootLogoTex.tga")); File.Move(Path.Combine(imgPath, "bootLogoTex.tga"), Path.Combine(baseRomPath, "meta", "bootLogoTex.tga")); } } } catch(Exception e) { if (e.Message.Contains("Size")) { throw e; } throw new Exception("Images"); } } private static void CopyAndConvertImage(string inputPath, string outputPath, bool delete, int widht, int height, int bit, string newname) { if (inputPath.EndsWith(".tga")) { File.Copy(inputPath, Path.Combine(outputPath,newname)); } else { using (Process png2tga = new Process()) { png2tga.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; png2tga.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; png2tga.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(toolsPath, "png2tga.exe"); png2tga.StartInfo.Arguments = $"-i \"{inputPath}\" -o \"{outputPath}\" --width={widht} --height={height} --tga-bpp={bit} --tga-compression=none"; png2tga.Start(); png2tga.WaitForExit(); } string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inputPath); if(File.Exists(Path.Combine(outputPath , name + ".tga"))) { File.Move(Path.Combine(outputPath, name + ".tga"), Path.Combine(outputPath, newname)); } } if (delete) { File.Delete(inputPath); } } private static string RemoveHeader(string filePath) { // logic taken from snesROMUtil using (FileStream inStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open)) { byte[] header = new byte[512]; inStream.Read(header, 0, 512); string string1 = BitConverter.ToString(header, 8, 3); string string2 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(header, 0, 11); string string3 = BitConverter.ToString(header, 30, 16); if (string1 != "AA-BB-04" && string2 != "GAME DOCTOR" && string3 != "00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00") return filePath; string newFilePath = Path.Combine(tempPath, Path.GetFileName(filePath)); using (FileStream outStream = new FileStream(newFilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) { inStream.CopyTo(outStream); } return newFilePath; } } public static void DirectoryCopy(string sourceDirName, string destDirName, bool copySubDirs) { // Get the subdirectories for the specified directory. DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(sourceDirName); if (!dir.Exists) { throw new DirectoryNotFoundException($"Source directory does not exist or could not be found: {sourceDirName}"); } // If the destination directory doesn't exist, create it. if (!Directory.Exists(destDirName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(destDirName); } // Get the files in the directory and copy them to the new location. foreach (FileInfo file in dir.EnumerateFiles()) { file.CopyTo(Path.Combine(destDirName, file.Name), false); } // If copying subdirectories, copy them and their contents to new location. if (copySubDirs) { foreach (DirectoryInfo subdir in dir.EnumerateDirectories()) { DirectoryCopy(subdir.FullName, Path.Combine(destDirName, subdir.Name), copySubDirs); } } } } }