Added the scripts we use to make the installer

This commit is contained in:
ZestyTS 2024-07-13 21:43:44 -07:00
parent d6bdb8dcb9
commit fedb48187d
6 changed files with 268 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
;InnoSetupVersion=6.0.0 (Unicode)
DefaultDirName={userdocs}\UWUVCI AIO
UninstallDisplayIcon={app}\UWUVCI AIO.exe
Source: "{app}\UWUVCI AIO.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; MinVersion: 0.0,6.0;
Source: "{app}\UWUVCI DEBUG MODE.bat"; DestDir: "{app}"; MinVersion: 0.0,6.0;
Source: "{app}\GameBaseClassLibrary.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; MinVersion: 0.0,6.0;
Source: "{app}\Readme.txt"; DestDir: "{app}"; MinVersion: 0.0,6.0;
Source: "{app}\UWUVCI VWII.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; MinVersion: 0.0,6.0;
Source: "{app}\bin\vwii\Tools\ASH.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\bin\vwii\Tools"; MinVersion: 0.0,6.0; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\bin\vwii\Tools\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\bin\vwii\Tools"; MinVersion: 0.0,6.0; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\bin\vwii\Tools\ThemeMii.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\bin\vwii\Tools"; MinVersion: 0.0,6.0; Flags: ignoreversion
Filename: "{app}\Readme.txt"; MinVersion: 0.0,6.0; Flags: shellexec skipifdoesntexist postinstall skipifsilent nowait
Filename: "{app}\UWUVCI AIO.exe"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,UWUVCI AIO v3.Z}"; MinVersion: 0.0,6.0; Flags: postinstall skipifsilent nowait
Name: "{autoprograms}\UWUVCI AIO"; Filename: "{app}\UWUVCI AIO.exe"; MinVersion: 0.0,6.0;
Name: "{autodesktop}\UWUVCI AIO"; Filename: "{app}\UWUVCI AIO.exe"; Tasks: desktopicon; MinVersion: 0.0,6.0;
Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; MinVersion: 0.0,6.0;
Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{app}\UWUVCI AIO.exe";
Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{app}\bin\bases";
Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{app}\bin\Tools";
Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{app}\bin";
Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{app}\InjectedGames";
Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{app}\SourceFiles";
Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{app}\configs";
Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{localappdata}\UWUVCI_AIO_WPF";
default.NameAndVersion=%1 version %2
default.AdditionalIcons=Additional shortcuts:
default.CreateDesktopIcon=Create a &desktop shortcut
default.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Create a &Quick Launch shortcut
default.ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 on the Web
default.UninstallProgram=Uninstall %1
default.LaunchProgram=Launch %1
default.AssocFileExtension=&Associate %1 with the %2 file extension
default.AssocingFileExtension=Associating %1 with the %2 file extension...
default.AutoStartProgram=Automatically start %1
default.AddonHostProgramNotFound=%1 could not be located in the folder you selected.%n%nDo you want to continue anyway?
; These files are stubs
; To achieve better results after recompilation, use the real language files

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@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
Thanks for downloading UWUVCI-3!
If you didn't download us from the official source ( then you might be using a custom version that someone else made.
If you're looking for the FAQ, keep scrolling.
If you're interested in the discord:
If you're curious about the latest changes:
If you want to check out the Official UWUVCI 3 Video Series:
By the time you're reading this, active development on UWUVCI-3 would have ended.
I, ZestyTS, have been the active developer on UWUVCI-3 since late 2020, and I have been helping the original creator on making UWUVCI-Prime (aka 4).
For history as to what I've done on the project, I fixed a lot of bugs, and helped get UWUVCI-3 out of beta while introducing new features to UWUVCI like Widescreen for N64, DarkFilter removal for N64 and GBA, C2W for Wii, added support for Win7/8, partial support for Wine, etc...
If you'd like to donate to me
If you'd like to donate to the creator, NicoAICP
If you have any questions about anything, feel free to reach out on the discord.
I, ZestyTS, have been making this FAQ since I took over UWUVCI-3, so I've done my best to make sure to label the versions each of these steps no longer work for.
1) I don't know how to use UWUVCI, can you show me?
Select console and follow the guide
2) What games are compatible?
Select console, then select "Compatibility"
This compatibility guide is community driven, so some different setups may work
For GCN, nothing is listed because Rhythm Heaven Fever works as a base for practically all the games
3) It's hanging at "Downloading Tools"
Download these tools and put them in
Documents/UWUVCI AIO/bin/Tools
Overwrite if it gives you a prompt
4) When I inject the game, the game isn't being made (applicable for v3.0.4 and below)
Download Win10-x64.rar
Extract the files and place it in
Documents/UWUVCI AIO/bin/Tools
Overwrite if it gives you a prompt
5) UWUVCI is stuck on "Copying Injected Game" (applicable for v3.0.4 and below)
Download the rar in there and put its contents under Documents/uwuvci aio/bin/tools and allow it to overwrite stuff
6) I don't understand what it means by "Base" in the drop down menu?
This is the game that will be used as the base for the inject
7) What does it mean by "Base not downloaded"
It means the base game can not be found
Clicking the button "Enter TKey" and entering in the Title Key will fix that issue
8) How do I get the Title Key?
Buy the base from the eshop
Use Tik2SD to dump the title key
9) What does it mean by Common Key?
This is the common key for your Wii U
Using the nandbackup of your Wii U, there is a file named otp.bin
Load the otp.bin file to get pass this
If you don't have a nandbackup, you can follow these steps:
10) The base is taking a while to download
Are you trying to inject a GCN or a Wii game?
If the answer is no, then the base should download in less than 5 minutes
If the answer is yes, then it might be because of what the base is
Xenoblade Chronicles takes a very long time to get, there are reports of more than an hour
Internet speed does play a role in this, the game is ~8.2GB
8.2GB * 8 = 65,365Gb
65,365Gb * 1024 = 67,108,864Mb
67108864 / 10(mb per s) = 6710886.4 seconds
6710886.4 / 3600 = 1864 hours
1864 / 24 = ~78 days
11) My anti virus said [insert anything]
This program doesn't have anything malicious in it
12) I can't find my game when I click the "Rom Path" button
Your game is in a format that UWUVCI can't read
You'll need to undo whatever you did to get it back to it's original form
We don't condone piracy, so we won't really help past this
13) Wup install failing/Error 199-9999
Enable cfw first
Verify Wup files are complete and correct
Re-injecting might solve the issue
14) UWUVCI crashes or the injects aren't being made
Double check that .Net Core is installed (applicable for v3.0.4 and below) (applicable for v3.F and up)
If it's not, install here:
Double check that .Net 6 is installed (applicable for v3.99s)
If it's not, install here:
(x64 version)
(x86 version)
15) UWUVCI is stuck at downloading needed data (applicable for v3.0.4 and below)
Download and extract this zip's content where you have UWUVCI installed (usually Documents/UWUVCI AIO)
16) Inject is created, but the game is having issues
Rhythm Heaven US as a base works on nearly everything
Stick to using the correct base/game for your region
Make sure the base game is bigger or equal in size to the game you're trying to inject
N64 games are notorious for giving issues, they may require different bases
Check out the compatibility guide listed earlier
17) UWUVCI is throwing an error that reads something like "Could not find file 'bin\temp\pre.iso'"
More than likely you have a bad dump of a game or UWUVCI doesn't like the trimmed dump
if the dump is an "nkit" or a "wbfs" please try using the iso version instead
18) TGA image files will not render a preview and could cause issues in UWUVCI
If the images are pulled by UWUVCI for you, you can manually grab the tga files and convert them to png (just google this)
You can find where these images are stored by going here:
And looking under the right console and the GameID for the game you're trying to use.
19) If you're having issues and the fix isn't listed here, see about updating UWUVCI.
The latest version can be found here:
20) Help with Rom Mods and Hacks
Don't expect that much help because mods or hacks add an extra level of complexity.
If the mods work with real hardware then there's a chance it will work on the Wii U
Ask the mod/hack's community, they'll be more helpful
It's possible that someone already tried it, check out the compatibility guide.
21) Having problems with GCN injects?
Usually has to do with Nintendont, you can check out their compatibility list here:
Here's their main GBATemp thread:
22) If you've tried everything in this list then there are a few more things
Turn off Antivirus software, it can block downloads or block somethings from running
Run as Admin
If it still isn't working then please feel free to ask for help in the discord under the support channel
23) GC injects boot to the nintendont menu
You probably used TeconMoon injector before.
Delete nincfg.bin from the root of your sd card and the apps/nintendont folder, then do the sd setup again in UWUVCI.
24) Can't find injects in SaveMii
You'll want to use a modified version called "SaveMii Inject MOD"
25) Injections randomly failing or hanging? (3.99+)
Close out of UWUVCI via Task Manager then
Try deleting the Tools folder:
Documents/UWUVCI AIO/bin/Tools
Reopen UWUVCI and try inject again
26) ??? injects giving you problems?
??? means that the images didn't properly get loaded into the inject
Try using images that aren't automatically grabbed from UWUVCI
27) Pre.iso error
You are most likely injecting with a wbfs or nkit.iso file, this file has data trimmed.
Some of that data that was trimmed is required to make an inject.
Solution to error would be to re-rip from disk and use the iso file.
28) Path .../temp/temp missing
There seems to be an error with the images
Rechoose your rom so that UWUVCI can retry downloading them, or
create new images, or
remove your added images
29) Pre.iso error #2
Your Filename might have unsupported characters. Rename your iso you want to inject to for example "sample.iso" and try again.
30) Error 199-9999 when launching inject on Aroma
Download and place it in sd:/wiiu/environments/aroma/modules/setup
31) Tmd.bin error? Common/Title Key not working?
Windows OS is required, Wine/Parallels/etc do not work
32) Official Video Guide?

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
start /b "" "UWUVCI AIO.exe" --debug