mirror of
synced 2024-12-28 04:23:15 +00:00
241 lines
6.8 KiB
241 lines
6.8 KiB
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Play Along</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="174x174" href="./favicon.png">
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs@^2/webcomponents-bundle.js"></script>
<script src="../build/Tone.js"></script>
<script src="./js/tonejs-ui.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
tone-play-toggle {
margin-bottom: 10px;
tone-slider {
display: block;
width: 100%;
<tone-explanation label="Play Along">
Touch/Mouse and drag to play along with the probabilistic backtrack. X = pitch, Y = modulation.
<tone-drawer collapsed>
<tone-compressor collapsed id="compressor" label="Drum Compressor"></tone-compressor>
<tone-distortion collapsed id="distortion" label="HH/Snare Distortion"></tone-distortion>
<tone-player collapsed id="hats" label="Hats"></tone-player>
<tone-player collapsed id="snare" label="Snare"></tone-player>
<tone-membrane-synth collapsed id="kick" label="Kick"></tone-membrane-synth>
<tone-fm-synth collapsed id="bass" label="Bass"></tone-fm-synth>
<tone-duo-synth collapsed id="lead" label="Lead"></tone-duo-synth>
<script type="text/javascript">
//a compressor
var drumCompress = new Tone.Compressor({
"threshold" : -30,
"ratio" : 6,
"attack" : 0.3,
"release" : 0.1
var distortion = new Tone.Distortion({
"distortion" : 0.4,
"wet" : 0.4
var hats = new Tone.Player({
"url" : "./audio/505/hh.[mp3|ogg]",
"volume" : -10,
"fadeOut" : 0.05
}).chain(distortion, drumCompress);
var hatsLoop = new Tone.Loop({
"callback" : function(time){
hats.start(time).stop(time + 0.05);
"interval" : "16n",
"probability" : 0.8
var snare = new Tone.Player({
"url" : "./audio/505/snare.[mp3|ogg]",
"fadeOut" : 0.1
}).chain(distortion, drumCompress);
var snarePart = new Tone.Sequence(function(time, velocity){
snare.volume.value = Tone.gainToDb(velocity);
snare.start(time).stop(time + 0.1);
}, [null, 1, null, [1, 0.3]]).start(0);
var kick = new Tone.MembraneSynth({
"pitchDecay" : 0.01,
"octaves" : 6,
"oscillator" : {
"type" : "square4"
"envelope" : {
"attack" : 0.001,
"decay" : 0.2,
"sustain" : 0
var kickPart = new Tone.Sequence(function(time, probability){
if (Math.random() < probability){
kick.triggerAttack("C1", time);
}, [1, [1, [null, 0.3]], 1, [1, [null, 0.5]], 1, 1, 1, [1, [null, 0.8]]], "2n").start(0);
var bass = new Tone.FMSynth({
"harmonicity" : 1,
"modulationIndex" : 3.5,
"carrier" : {
"oscillator" : {
"type" : "custom",
"partials" : [0, 1, 0, 2]
"envelope" : {
"attack" : 0.08,
"decay" : 0.3,
"sustain" : 0,
"modulator" : {
"oscillator" : {
"type" : "square"
"envelope" : {
"attack" : 0.1,
"decay" : 0.2,
"sustain" : 0.3,
"release" : 0.01
var bassPart = new Tone.Part(function(time, event){
if (Math.random() < event.prob){
bass.triggerAttackRelease(event.note, event.dur, time);
}, [{ time : "0:0", note : "C2", dur : "4n.", prob : 1 }, { time : "0:2", note : "C2", dur : "8n", prob : 0.6 },
{ time : "0:2.6666", note : "C2", dur : "8n", prob : 0.4 }, { time : "0:3.33333", note : "C2", dur : "8n", prob : 0.9 },
{ time : "1:0", note : "C2", dur : "4n.", prob : 1 }, { time : "1:2", note : "C2", dur : "8n", prob : 0.6 },
{ time : "1:2.6666", note : "C2", dur : "8n", prob : 0.4 }, { time : "1:3.33333", note : "E2", dur : "8n", prob : 0.9 },
{ time : "2:0", note : "F2", dur : "4n.", prob : 1 }, { time : "2:2", note : "F2", dur : "8n", prob : 0.6 },
{ time : "2:2.6666", note : "F2", dur : "8n", prob : 0.4 }, { time : "2:3.33333", note : "F2", dur : "8n", prob : 0.9 },
{ time : "3:0", note : "F2", dur : "4n.", prob : 1 }, { time : "3:2", note : "F2", dur : "8n", prob : 0.6 },
{ time : "3:2.6666", note : "F2", dur : "8n", prob : 0.4 }, { time : "3:3.33333", note : "B1", dur : "8n", prob : 0.9 }]).start(0);
bassPart.loop = true;
bassPart.loopEnd = "4m";
var synth = new Tone.DuoSynth({
"vibratoAmount" : 0.5,
"vibratoRate" : 5,
"portamento" : 0.1,
"harmonicity" : 1.005,
"volume" : 5,
"voice0" : {
"volume" : -2,
"oscillator" : {
"type" : "sawtooth"
"filter" : {
"Q" : 1,
"type" : "lowpass",
"rolloff" : -24
"envelope" : {
"attack" : 0.01,
"decay" : 0.25,
"sustain" : 0.4,
"release" : 1.2
"filterEnvelope" : {
"attack" : 0.001,
"decay" : 0.05,
"sustain" : 0.3,
"release" : 2,
"baseFrequency" : 100,
"octaves" : 4
"voice1" : {
"volume" : -10,
"oscillator" : {
"type" : "sawtooth"
"filter" : {
"Q" : 2,
"type" : "bandpass",
"rolloff" : -12
"envelope" : {
"attack" : 0.25,
"decay" : 4,
"sustain" : 0.1,
"release" : 0.8
"filterEnvelope" : {
"attack" : 0.05,
"decay" : 0.05,
"sustain" : 0.7,
"release" : 2,
"baseFrequency" : 5000,
"octaves" : -1.5
var synthNotes = ["C2", "E2", "G2", "A2",
"C3", "D3", "E3", "G3", "A3", "B3",
"C4", "D4", "E4", "G4", "A4", "B4", "C5"];
Tone.Transport.bpm.value = 125;
//bind the interface
document.querySelector("tone-slider-2d").addEventListener("change", e => {
//use the x and y values to set the note and vibrato
const note = synthNotes[Math.round(e.detail.x * (synthNotes.length-1))];
synth.vibratoAmount.value = e.detail.y * 3;
document.querySelector("tone-slider-2d").addEventListener("mousedown", e => {
const note = synthNotes[Math.round(e.detail.x * (synthNotes.length-1))];
synth.vibratoAmount.value = e.detail.y * 3;
document.querySelector("tone-slider-2d").addEventListener("mouseup", e => {
//bind the drawer interfaces