define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/core/Master"], function(Tone){ /** * get the rms of the input signal with some averaging * can also just get the value of the signal * or the value in dB * * inspired by * The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 Chris Wilson * * @constructor * @extends {Tone} * @param {number=} channels (optional) number of channels being metered * @param {number=} smoothing (optional) amount of smoothing applied to the volume * @param {number=} clipMemory (optional) number in ms that a "clip" should be remembered */ Tone.Meter = function(channels, smoothing, clipMemory){ //extends Unit; /** @type {number} */ this.channels = this.defaultArg(channels, 1); /** @type {number} */ this.smoothing = this.defaultArg(smoothing, 0.8); /** @type {number} */ this.clipMemory = this.defaultArg(clipMemory, 500); /** * the rms for each of the channels * @private * @type {Array<number>} */ this._volume = new Array(this.channels); /** * the raw values for each of the channels * @private * @type {Array<number>} */ this._values = new Array(this.channels); //zero out the volume array for (var i = 0; i < this.channels; i++){ this._volume[i] = 0; this._values[i] = 0; } /** * last time the values clipped * @private * @type {number} */ this._lastClip = 0; /** * @private * @type {ScriptProcessorNode} */ this._jsNode = this.context.createScriptProcessor(this.bufferSize, this.channels, 1); this._jsNode.onaudioprocess = this._onprocess.bind(this); //so it doesn't get garbage collected this._jsNode.noGC(); //signal just passes this.input.connect(this.output); this.input.connect(this._jsNode); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Meter); /** * called on each processing frame * @private * @param {AudioProcessingEvent} event */ Tone.Meter.prototype._onprocess = function(event){ var bufferSize = this._jsNode.bufferSize; var smoothing = this.smoothing; for (var channel = 0; channel < this.channels; channel++){ var input = event.inputBuffer.getChannelData(channel); var sum = 0; var total = 0; var x; var clipped = false; for (var i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++){ x = input[i]; if (!clipped && x > 0.95){ clipped = true; this._lastClip =; } total += x; sum += x * x; } var average = total / bufferSize; var rms = Math.sqrt(sum / bufferSize); this._volume[channel] = Math.max(rms, this._volume[channel] * smoothing); this._values[channel] = average; } }; /** * get the rms of the signal * * @param {number=} channel which channel * @return {number} the value */ Tone.Meter.prototype.getLevel = function(channel){ channel = this.defaultArg(channel, 0); var vol = this._volume[channel]; if (vol < 0.00001){ return 0; } else { return vol; } }; /** * get the value of the signal * @param {number=} channel * @return {number} */ Tone.Meter.prototype.getValue = function(channel){ channel = this.defaultArg(channel, 0); return this._values[channel]; }; /** * get the volume of the signal in dB * @param {number=} channel * @return {number} */ Tone.Meter.prototype.getDb = function(channel){ return this.gainToDb(this.getLevel(channel)); }; // @returns {boolean} if the audio has clipped in the last 500ms Tone.Meter.prototype.isClipped = function(){ return - this._lastClip < this.clipMemory; }; /** * @override */ Tone.Meter.prototype.dispose = function(){ this._jsNode.disconnect(); this._jsNode.onaudioprocess = null; this._volume = null; this._values = null; this.input.disconnect(); this.output.disconnect(); }; return Tone.Meter; });