define(["Tone/core/Tone"], function(Tone){ /** * Master Output * * a single master output * adds toMaster to Tone * * @constructor * @extends {Tone} */ var Master = function(){ //extend audio unit; /** * put a hard limiter on the output so we don't blow any eardrums * * @type {DynamicsCompressorNode} */ this.limiter = this.context.createDynamicsCompressor(); this.limiter.threshold.value = 0; this.limiter.ratio.value = 20; //connect it up this.chain(this.input, this.limiter, this.output, this.context.destination); }; Tone.extend(Master); /** * mute the output * @param {boolean} muted */ Master.prototype.mute = function(muted){ muted = this.defaultArg(muted, true); if (muted){ this.output.gain.value = 0; } else { this.output.gain.value = 1; } }; /** * @param {number} value * @param {Tone.Time=} fadeTime (optional) time it takes to reach the value */ Master.prototype.setVolume = function(value, fadeTime){ var now =; if (fadeTime){ var currentVolume = this.output.gain.value; this.output.gain.cancelScheduledValues(now); this.output.gain.setValueAtTime(currentVolume, now); this.output.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(value, now + this.toSeconds(time)); } else { this.output.gain.setValueAtTime(value, now); } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AUGMENT TONE's PROTOTYPE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * connect 'this' to the master output */ Tone.prototype.toMaster = function(){ this.connect(Tone.Master); }; /** * Also augment AudioNode's prototype to include toMaster * as a convenience */ AudioNode.prototype.toMaster = function(){ this.connect(Tone.Master); }; /** * a silent connection to the DesinationNode * which will ensure that anything connected to it * will not be garbage collected * * @private */ var _silentNode = Tone.context.createGain(); _silentNode.gain.value = 0; _silentNode.connect(Tone.context.destination); /** * makes a connection to ensure that the node will not be garbage collected * until 'dispose' is explicitly called * * use carefully. circumvents JS and WebAudio's normal Garbage Collection behavior */ Tone.prototype.noGC = function(){ this.output.connect(_silentNode); }; AudioNode.prototype.noGC = function(){ this.connect(_silentNode); }; //a single master output Tone.Master = new Master(); return Tone.Master; });