import Tone from "../../core/Tone"; import "../source/Player"; import "../component/Volume"; import "../core/AudioNode"; /** * @class Tone.Players combines multiple [Tone.Player](Player) objects. * * @constructor * @extends {Tone.AudioNode} * @param {Object} urls An object mapping a name to a url. * @param {function=} onload The function to invoke when all buffers are loaded. */ Tone.Players = function(urls) { var args =; args.shift(); var options = Tone.defaults(args, ["onload"], Tone.Players);, options); /** * The output volume node * @type {Tone.Volume} * @private */ this._volume = this.output = new Tone.Volume(options.volume); /** * The volume of the output in decibels. * @type {Decibels} * @signal * @example * source.volume.value = -6; */ this.volume = this._volume.volume; this._readOnly("volume"); //make the output explicitly stereo this._volume.output.output.channelCount = 2; this._volume.output.output.channelCountMode = "explicit"; //mute initially this.mute = options.mute; /** * The container of all of the players * @type {Object} * @private */ this._players = {}; /** * The loading count * @type {Number} * @private */ this._loadingCount = 0; /** * private holder of the fadeIn time * @type {Time} * @private */ this._fadeIn = options.fadeIn; /** * private holder of the fadeOut time * @type {Time} * @private */ this._fadeOut = options.fadeOut; //add all of the players for (var name in urls) { this._loadingCount++; this.add(name, urls[name], this._bufferLoaded.bind(this, options.onload)); } }; Tone.extend(Tone.Players, Tone.AudioNode); /** * The default values * @type {Object} */ Tone.Players.defaults = { "volume" : 0, "mute" : false, "onload" : Tone.noOp, "fadeIn" : 0, "fadeOut" : 0, }; /** * A buffer was loaded. decrement the counter. * @param {Function} callback * @private */ Tone.Players.prototype._bufferLoaded = function(callback) { this._loadingCount--; if (this._loadingCount === 0 && callback) { callback(this); } }; /** * Mute the output. * @memberOf Tone.Source# * @type {boolean} * @name mute * @example * //mute the output * source.mute = true; */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Players.prototype, "mute", { get : function() { return this._volume.mute; }, set : function(mute) { this._volume.mute = mute; }, }); /** * The fadeIn time of the amplitude envelope. * @memberOf Tone.Source# * @type {Time} * @name fadeIn */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Players.prototype, "fadeIn", { get : function() { return this._fadeIn; }, set : function(fadeIn) { this._fadeIn = fadeIn; this._forEach(function(player) { player.fadeIn = fadeIn; }); }, }); /** * The fadeOut time of the amplitude envelope. * @memberOf Tone.Source# * @type {Time} * @name fadeOut */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Players.prototype, "fadeOut", { get : function() { return this._fadeOut; }, set : function(fadeOut) { this._fadeOut = fadeOut; this._forEach(function(player) { player.fadeOut = fadeOut; }); }, }); /** * The state of the players object. Returns "started" if any of the players are playing. * @memberOf Tone.Players# * @type {String} * @name state * @readOnly */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Players.prototype, "state", { get : function() { var playing = false; this._forEach(function(player) { playing = playing || player.state === Tone.State.Started; }); return playing ? Tone.State.Started : Tone.State.Stopped; }, }); /** * True if the buffers object has a buffer by that name. * @param {String|Number} name The key or index of the * buffer. * @return {Boolean} */ Tone.Players.prototype.has = function(name) { return this._players.hasOwnProperty(name); }; /** * Get a player by name. * @param {String} name The players name as defined in * the constructor object or `add` method. * @return {Tone.Player} */ Tone.Players.prototype.get = function(name) { if (this.has(name)) { return this._players[name]; } else { throw new Error("Tone.Players: no player named " + name); } }; /** * Iterate over all of the players * @param {Function} callback * @return {Tone.Players} this * @private */ Tone.Players.prototype._forEach = function(callback) { for (var playerName in this._players) { callback(this._players[playerName], playerName); } return this; }; /** * If all the buffers are loaded or not * @memberOf Tone.Players# * @type {Boolean} * @name loaded * @readOnly */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Players.prototype, "loaded", { get : function() { var isLoaded = true; this._forEach(function(player) { isLoaded = isLoaded && player.loaded; }); return isLoaded; }, }); /** * Add a player by name and url to the Players * @param {String} name A unique name to give the player * @param {String|Tone.Buffer|Audiobuffer} url Either the url of the bufer, * or a buffer which will be added * with the given name. * @param {Function=} callback The callback to invoke * when the url is loaded. */ Tone.Players.prototype.add = function(name, url, callback) { this._players[name] = new Tone.Player(url, callback).connect(this.output); this._players[name].fadeIn = this._fadeIn; this._players[name].fadeOut = this._fadeOut; return this; }; /** * Stop all of the players at the given time * @param {Time} time The time to stop all of the players. * @return {Tone.Players} this */ Tone.Players.prototype.stopAll = function(time) { this._forEach(function(player) { player.stop(time); }); }; /** * Dispose and disconnect. * @return {Tone.Players} this */ Tone.Players.prototype.dispose = function() {; this._volume.dispose(); this._volume = null; this._writable("volume"); this.volume = null; this.output = null; this._forEach(function(player) { player.dispose(); }); this._players = null; return this; }; export default Tone.Players;