define(["Tone/effect/PitchShift", "helper/Basic", "helper/EffectTests"], function (PitchShift, Basic, EffectTests) { describe("PitchShift", function(){ Basic(PitchShift); EffectTests(PitchShift); context("API", function(){ it("can pass in options in the constructor", function(){ var pitchShift = new PitchShift({ "windowSize" : 0.2, "pitch" : 2 }); expect(pitchShift.windowSize), 0.01); expect(pitchShift.pitch), 0.01); pitchShift.dispose(); }); it("can set positive and negative pitches", function(){ var pitchShift = new PitchShift(); pitchShift.pitch = 2; expect(pitchShift.pitch); pitchShift.pitch = -2; expect(pitchShift.pitch); pitchShift.pitch = -4.5; expect(pitchShift.pitch); pitchShift.dispose(); }); it("can get/set the options", function(){ var pitchShift = new PitchShift(); pitchShift.set({ "windowSize" : 0.4, }); expect(pitchShift.get().windowSize), 0.01); pitchShift.dispose(); }); it("can set set the feedback and delay times", function(){ var pitchShift = new PitchShift({ "delayTime" : "4n", "feedback" : 0.3 }); expect(pitchShift.delayTime.value)"4n"), 0.01); expect(, 0.01); pitchShift.delayTime.value = 0.2; expect(pitchShift.delayTime.value), 0.01); pitchShift.dispose(); }); }); }); });