define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/source/Player", "Tone/component/AmplitudeEnvelope", "Tone/component/ScaledEnvelope", "Tone/component/Filter", "Tone/instrument/Instrument"], function(Tone){ "use strict"; /** * @class A simple sampler instrument which plays an audio buffer * through an amplitude envelope and optionally a filter * envelope. * * @constructor * @extends {Tone.Instrument} * @param {string|object} url the url of the audio file * @param {function} onload called when the sample has been loaded */ Tone.Sampler = function(){; var options = this.optionsObject(arguments, ["url", "onload"], Tone.Sampler.defaults); /** * the sample player * @type {Tone.Player} */ this.player = new Tone.Player({ url : options.url, onload : options.onload, retrigger : true }); this.player.set(options.player); /** * the amplitude envelope * @type {Tone.Envelope} */ this.envelope = new Tone.AmplitudeEnvelope(options.envelope); /** * the filter envelope * @type {Tone.Envelope} */ this.filterEnvelope = new Tone.ScaledEnvelope(options.filterEnvelope); /** * the filter * @type {BiquadFilterNode} */ this.filter = new Tone.Filter(options.filter); //connections this.chain(this.player, this.filter, this.envelope, this.output); this.filterEnvelope.connect(this.filter.frequency); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Sampler, Tone.Instrument); /** * the default parameters * * @static */ Tone.Sampler.defaults = { "url" : undefined, "onload" : function(){}, "player" : { "loop" : false, }, "envelope" : { "attack" : 0.001, "decay" : 0, "sustain" : 1, "release" : 0.1 }, "filterEnvelope" : { "attack" : 0.001, "decay" : 0.001, "sustain" : 1, "release" : 0.5, "min" : 20, "max" : 20000, "exponent" : 2, }, "filter" : { "type" : "lowpass" } }; /** * set the parameters in bulk * @param {Object} param */ Tone.Sampler.prototype.set = function(params){ if (!this.isUndef(params.filterEnvelope)) this.filterEnvelope.set(params.filterEnvelope); if (!this.isUndef(params.envelope)) this.envelope.set(params.envelope); if (!this.isUndef(params.player)) this.player.set(params.player); if (!this.isUndef(params.filter)) this.filter.set(params.filter); }; /** * start the sample * * @param {number} [note=0] the interval in the sample should be played at 0 = no change * @param {Tone.Time} [time=now] the time when the note should start * @param {number} [velocity=1] the velocity of the note */ Tone.Sampler.prototype.triggerAttack = function(note, time, velocity){ time = this.toSeconds(time); note = this.defaultArg(note, 0); this.player.setPlaybackRate(this.intervalToFrequencyRatio(note), time); this.player.start(time, 0); this.envelope.triggerAttack(time, velocity); this.filterEnvelope.triggerAttack(time); }; /** * start the release portion of the sample * * @param {Tone.Time} [time=now] the time when the note should release */ Tone.Sampler.prototype.triggerRelease = function(time){ time = this.toSeconds(time); this.filterEnvelope.triggerRelease(time); this.envelope.triggerRelease(time); this.player.stop(this.toSeconds(this.envelope.release) + time); }; /** * clean up */ Tone.Sampler.prototype.dispose = function(){; this.player.dispose(); this.filterEnvelope.dispose(); this.envelope.dispose(); this.filter.dispose(); this.player = null; this.filterEnvelope = null; this.envelope = null; this.filter = null; }; return Tone.Sampler; });