define(["helper/Basic", "Tone/event/Sequence", "Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/core/Transport", "Tone/event/Event", "helper/Offline2"], function (Basic, Sequence, Tone, Transport, Event, Offline) { describe("Sequence", function(){ Basic(Sequence); function resetTransport(done){ Tone.Transport.cancel(0);"start stop pause loop"); Tone.Transport.stop(); Tone.Transport.loop = false; Tone.Transport.bpm.value = 120; Tone.Transport.timeSignature = [4, 4]; setTimeout(done, 200); } context("Constructor", function(){ afterEach(resetTransport); it ("takes a callback and a sequence of values", function(){ var callback = function(){}; var seq = new Sequence(callback, [0, 1, 2]); expect(seq.callback).to.equal(callback); expect(seq.length).to.equal(3); seq.dispose(); }); it ("takes a callback and a sequence of values and a subdivision", function(){ var callback = function(){}; var seq = new Sequence(callback, [0, 1, 2], "2n"); expect(seq.callback).to.equal(callback); expect(seq.subdivision).to.equal("2n"); expect(seq.length).to.equal(3); seq.dispose(); }); it ("can be constructed with no arguments", function(){ var seq = new Sequence(); expect(seq.length).to.equal(0); seq.dispose(); }); it ("can pass in arguments in options object", function(){ var callback = function(){}; var seq = new Sequence({ "callback" : callback, "humanize" : true, "events" : [0, 1, 2], "loop" : true, "loopEnd" : "4n", "probability" : 0.3 }); expect(seq.callback).to.equal(callback); expect(seq.length).to.equal(3); expect(seq.loop); expect(seq.loopEnd).to.equal("4n"); expect(seq.probability).to.equal(0.3); expect(seq.humanize); seq.dispose(); }); it ("loops by default with the loopEnd as the duration of the loop", function(){ var seq = new Sequence(function(){ }, [0, 1, 2, 3], "8n"); expect(seq.loop); expect(seq.length).to.equal(4); expect(seq.loopEnd).to.equal("2n"); seq.dispose(); }); }); context("Adding / Removing / Getting Events", function(){ it("can add an event using the index", function(){ var seq = new Sequence(); seq.add(0, 0); expect(seq.length).to.equal(1); seq.add(1, 1); expect(seq.length).to.equal(2); seq.dispose(); }); it("can add a subsequence", function(){ var seq = new Sequence(); seq.add(0, [0, 1, 2]); expect(seq.length).to.equal(1); seq.dispose(); }); it ("can retrieve an event using 'at' and the index", function(){ var seq = new Sequence(function(){}, [0, 1, 2]); expect(seq.length).to.equal(3); expect(; expect(; expect(; expect(; expect(; seq.dispose(); }); it ("can set the value of an existing event with 'at'", function(){ var seq = new Sequence(function(){}, [0, 1, 2]); expect(seq.length).to.equal(3); expect(; expect(, 1).value).to.equal(1); expect(; seq.dispose(); }); it ("can remove an event by index", function(){ var seq = new Sequence(function(){}, [0, 1, 2]); expect(seq.length).to.equal(3); seq.remove(0); expect(seq.length).to.equal(2); seq.dispose(); }); it ("can add and retrieve a subSequence with 'at'", function(){ var seq = new Sequence(function(){}, [0, 1, 2]); expect(seq.length).to.equal(3); expect(, [0, 1])); expect(; expect(; expect(, [0, 1])); expect(; seq.dispose(); }); it("can add another seq", function(){ var seq = new Sequence(); expect(seq.length).to.equal(0); var subSequence = new Sequence({ "events" : [0, 0.5] }); seq.add(0, subSequence); expect(seq.length).to.equal(1); expect(; seq.dispose(); }); it("can remove all of the events", function(){ var seq = new Sequence(function(){}, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); expect(seq.length).to.equal(6); seq.removeAll(); expect(seq.length).to.equal(0); seq.dispose(); }); }); context("Sequence callback", function(){ afterEach(resetTransport); it ("invokes the callback after it's started", function(done){ var seq = new Sequence(function(){ seq.dispose(); done(); }, [0, 1]).start(0); Tone.Transport.start(); }); it ("passes in the scheduled time to the callback", function(done){ var now = + 0.1; var seq = new Sequence(function(time){ expect(time); expect(time - now), 0.01); seq.dispose(); done(); }, [0.5]); seq.start(0.3); Tone.Transport.start(now); }); it ("passes in the value to the callback", function(done){ var seq = new Sequence(function(time, thing){ expect(time); expect(thing).to.equal("thing"); seq.dispose(); done(); }, ["thing"]).start(); Tone.Transport.start(); }); it ("invokes the scheduled events in the right order", function(done){ Offline(function(dest, test, after){ var count = 0; var seq = new Sequence(function(time, value){ expect(value).to.equal(count); count++; }, [0, [1, 2], [3, 4]], "16n").start(); seq.loop = false; Tone.Transport.start(); after(function(){ seq.dispose(); done(); }); }, 0.5); }); it ("invokes the scheduled events at the correct times", function(done){ Offline(function(dest, test, after){ var count = 0; var eighth = Tone.Transport.toSeconds("8n"); var times = [0, eighth, eighth * 1.5, eighth * 2, eighth*(2 + 1/3), eighth*(2 + 2/3)]; var seq = new Sequence(function(time){ expect(time)[count], 0.01); count++; }, [0, [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]], "8n").start(0); seq.loop = false; Tone.Transport.start(); after(function(){ seq.dispose(); done(); }); }, 0.8); }); it ("can schedule rests using 'null'", function(done){ Offline(function(dest, test, after){ var count = 0; var eighth = Tone.Transport.toSeconds("8n"); var times = [0, eighth * 2.5]; var seq = new Sequence(function(time, value){ expect(time)[count], 0.01); count++; }, [0, null, [null, 1]], "8n").start(0); seq.loop = false; Tone.Transport.start(); after(function(){ seq.dispose(); done(); }); }, 0.8); }); it ("can schedule triple nested arrays", function(done){ Offline(function(output, test, after){ var count = 0; var eighth = Tone.Transport.toSeconds("8n"); var times = [0,eighth, eighth * 1.5, eighth * 1.75]; var seq = new Sequence(function(time){ expect(time)[count], 0.01); count++; }, [0, [1, [2, 3]]], "8n").start(0); seq.loop = false; Tone.Transport.start(0); after(function(){ seq.dispose(); done(); }); }, 0.7); }); it ("starts an event added after the seq was started", function(done){ var seq = new Sequence({ "callback" : function(time, value){ if (value === 1){ seq.dispose(); done(); } }, "events" : [[0, 1]] }).start(0); Tone.Transport.start(); setTimeout(function(){ seq.add(1, 1); }, 100); }); it ("invokes the deferred callback", function(done){ var seq = new Sequence(function(){ return function(){ seq.dispose(); done(); } }, [0]).start(0); Tone.Transport.start(); }); }); context("Looping", function(){ afterEach(resetTransport); it ("can be set to loop", function(done){ var callCount = 0; var seq = new Sequence({ "loopEnd" : 0.2, "loop" : true, "callback" : function(){ callCount++; if (callCount > 2){ seq.dispose(); done(); } }, "events" : [0, 1] }).start(0); Tone.Transport.start(); }); it ("can loop between loopStart and loopEnd", function(done){ Offline(function(output, test, after){ var seq = new Sequence({ "loopEnd" : "4n", "loopStart" : "8n", "callback" : function(time, value){ expect(value); expect(value); }, "subdivision" : "8n", "events" : [0, [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]] }).start(0); Tone.Transport.start(); after(function(){ seq.dispose(); done(); }); }, 0.7); }); it ("can set the loop points after starting", function(done){ Offline(function(output, test, after){ var switched = false; var seq = new Sequence({ "callback" : function(time, value){ if (value === 4){ seq.loopStart = "8n"; switched = true; } if (switched){ expect(value); expect(value); } }, "subdivision" : "16n", "events" : [0, [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]] }).start(0); Tone.Transport.start(); after(function(){ seq.dispose(); done(); }); }, 0.7); }); }); context("playbackRate", function(){ afterEach(resetTransport); it ("can adjust the playbackRate", function(done){ Offline(function(output, test, after){ var lastCall; var seq = new Sequence({ "playbackRate" : 2, "subdivision" : "4n", "events" : [0, 1], "callback" : function(time){ if (lastCall){ expect(time - lastCall), 0.01); } lastCall = time; } }).start(0); Tone.Transport.start(); after(function(){ seq.dispose(); done(); }); }, 0.7); }); it ("adjusts speed of subsequences", function(done){ Offline(function(output, test, after){ var lastCall; var seq = new Sequence({ "playbackRate" : 0.5, "subdivision" : "8n", "events" : [[0, 1], [2, 3]], "callback" : function(time){ if (lastCall){ expect(time - lastCall), 0.01); } lastCall = time; } }).start(0); Tone.Transport.start(); after(function(){ seq.dispose(); done(); }); }, 0.7); }); it ("can adjust the playbackRate after starting", function(done){ Offline(function(output, test, after){ var lastCall; var seq = new Sequence({ "playbackRate" : 1, "subdivision" : "8n", "events" : [0, 1], "callback" : function(time){ if (lastCall){ expect(time - lastCall), 0.01); } else { seq.playbackRate = 0.5; } lastCall = time; } }).start(0); Tone.Transport.start(); after(function(){ seq.dispose(); done(); }); }, 0.8); }); }); }); });