export { getContext, setContext } from "./core/Global"; export * from "./classes"; import { getContext } from "./core/Global"; export { start } from "./core/Global"; /** * The current audio context time of the global [[Context]]. * See [[Context.now]] * @Category Core */ export const now = getContext().now.bind(getContext()); /** * The current audio context time of the global [[Context]] without the [[Context.lookAhead]] * See [[Context.immediate]] * @Category Core */ export const immediate = getContext().immediate.bind(getContext()); /** * The Transport object belonging to the global Tone.js Context. * See [[Transport]] * @Category Core */ export const Transport = getContext().transport; /** * The Destination (output) belonging to the global Tone.js Context. * See [[Destination]] * @Category Core */ export const Destination = getContext().destination; /** * Draw is used to synchronize the draw frame with the Transport's callbacks. * See [[Draw]] * @Category Core */ export const Draw = getContext().draw; /** * A reference to the global context * See [[Context]] * @Category Core */ export const context = getContext();