import Gate from "Tone/component/Gate"; import Basic from "helper/Basic"; import Offline from "helper/Offline"; import Test from "helper/Test"; import Signal from "Tone/signal/Signal"; import PassAudio from "helper/PassAudio"; import Tone from "Tone/type/Type"; import Oscillator from "Tone/source/Oscillator"; import CompareToFile from "helper/CompareToFile"; describe("Gate", function(){ Basic(Gate); it("matches a file", function(){ return CompareToFile(function(){ var gate = new Gate(-10, 0.1).toMaster(); var osc = new Oscillator().connect(gate); osc.start(0); osc.volume.value = -100; osc.volume.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(0, 0.5); }, "gate.wav", 0.18); }); context("Signal Gating", function(){ it("handles input and output connections", function(){ var gate = new Gate(); Test.connect(gate); gate.connect(Test); gate.dispose(); }); it("handles getter/setter as Object", function(){ var gate = new Gate(); var values = { "smoothing" : 0.2, "threshold" : -20 }; gate.set(values); expect(gate.get().smoothing), 0.001); expect(gate.get().threshold), 0.1); gate.dispose(); }); it("can be constructed with an object", function(){ var gate = new Gate({ "smoothing" : 0.3, "threshold" : -5 }); expect(gate.smoothing), 0.001); expect(gate.threshold), 0.1); gate.dispose(); }); it("gates the incoming signal when below the threshold", function(){ return Offline(function(){ var gate = new Gate(-9); var sig = new Signal(-12, Tone.Type.Decibels); sig.connect(gate); gate.toMaster(); }).then(function(buffer){ expect(buffer.isSilent()); }); }); it("passes the incoming signal when above the threshold", function(){ it("gates the incoming signal when below the threshold", function(){ return Offline(function(){ var gate = new Gate(-11); var sig = new Signal(-10, Tone.Type.Decibels); sig.connect(gate); gate.toMaster(); }).then(function(buffer){ expect(buffer.min()); }); }); }); }); });