define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/signal/Signal", "Tone/signal/Expr", "Tone/signal/EqualPowerGain"], function(Tone){ "use strict"; /** * @class Equal power fading control values:
* 0 = 100% input 0
* 1 = 100% input 1
* * @constructor * @extends {Tone} * @param {number} [initialFade=0.5] * @example * var crossFade = new Tone.CrossFade(0.5); * effectA.connect(crossFade, 0, 0); * effectB.connect(crossFade, 0, 1); * crossFade.fade.value = 0; * // ^ only effectA is output * crossFade.fade.value = 1; * // ^ only effectB is output * crossFade.fade.value = 0.5; * // ^ the two signals are mixed equally. */ Tone.CrossFade = function(initialFade){, 2, 1); /** * the first input. input "a". * @type {GainNode} */ this.a = this.input[0] = this.context.createGain(); /** * the second input. input "b" * @type {GainNode} */ this.b = this.input[1] = this.context.createGain(); /** * 0 is 100% signal `a` (input 0) and 1 is 100% signal `b` (input 1). * Values between 0-1. * * @type {Tone.Signal} */ this.fade = new Tone.Signal(this.defaultArg(initialFade, 0.5), Tone.Type.Normal); /** * equal power gain cross fade * @private * @type {Tone.EqualPowerGain} */ this._equalPowerA = new Tone.EqualPowerGain(); /** * equal power gain cross fade * @private * @type {Tone.EqualPowerGain} */ this._equalPowerB = new Tone.EqualPowerGain(); /** * invert the incoming signal * @private * @type {Tone} */ this._invert = new Tone.Expr("1 - $0"); //connections this.a.connect(this.output); this.b.connect(this.output); this.fade.chain(this._equalPowerB, this.b.gain); this.fade.chain(this._invert, this._equalPowerA, this.a.gain); this._readOnly("fade"); }; Tone.extend(Tone.CrossFade); /** * clean up * @returns {Tone.CrossFade} `this` */ Tone.CrossFade.prototype.dispose = function(){; this._writable("fade"); this._equalPowerA.dispose(); this._equalPowerA = null; this._equalPowerB.dispose(); this._equalPowerB = null; this.fade.dispose(); this.fade = null; this._invert.dispose(); this._invert = null; this.a.disconnect(); this.a = null; this.b.disconnect(); this.b = null; return this; }; return Tone.CrossFade; });