import { expect } from "chai"; import { ToneOscillatorNode } from "../../source/oscillator/ToneOscillatorNode.js"; import { assertRange, setLogger } from "./Debug.js"; import { theWindow } from "../context/AudioContext.js"; import { Oscillator } from "../../source/index.js"; import { Context } from "../context/Context.js"; describe("Debug", () => { it("can log a class when that class is set to 'debug'", () => { const osc = new ToneOscillatorNode(); osc.debug = true; let loggerInvoked = false; let warnInvoked = false; setLogger({ log: () => (loggerInvoked = true), warn: () => (warnInvoked = true), }); osc.start(); expect(loggerInvoked); expect(warnInvoked); osc.dispose(); setLogger(console); }); it("can log a class when the window is set with that class name", () => { // @ts-ignore theWindow.TONE_DEBUG_CLASS = "ToneOscillatorNode"; const osc = new ToneOscillatorNode(); let loggerInvoked = false; let warnInvoked = false; setLogger({ log: () => (loggerInvoked = true), warn: () => (warnInvoked = true), }); osc.start(); expect(loggerInvoked); expect(warnInvoked); setLogger(console); // @ts-ignore theWindow.TONE_DEBUG_CLASS = undefined; osc.dispose(); }); it("can assert a range", () => { expect(() => { assertRange(-1, 0, 1); }).to.throw(RangeError); expect(() => { assertRange(2, 0, 1); }).to.throw(RangeError); expect(() => { assertRange(0, 0); }).to.not.throw(RangeError); }); it("warns if console is not running", async () => { const context = new Context(); await context.rawContext.suspend(0); const osc = new Oscillator({ context }); let warnInvoked = false; setLogger({ log: () => {}, warn: () => (warnInvoked = true), }); osc.start(); expect(warnInvoked); osc.dispose(); setLogger(console); await context.close(); }); });