define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/component/LFO", "Tone/component/CrossFade", "Tone/signal/Signal", "Tone/effect/FeedbackEffect", "Tone/core/Delay"], function (Tone) { "use strict"; /** * @class Tone.PitchShift does near-realtime pitch shifting to the incoming signal. * The effect is achieved by speeding up or slowing down the delayTime * of a DelayNode using a sawtooth wave. * Algorithm found in [this pdf]( * Additional reference by [Miller Pucket]( * * @extends {Tone.FeedbackEffect} * @param {Interval=} pitch The interval to transpose the incoming signal by. */ Tone.PitchShift = function(){ var options = this.optionsObject(arguments, ["pitch"], Tone.PitchShift.defaults);, options); /** * The pitch signal * @type {Tone.Signal} * @private */ this._frequency = new Tone.Signal(0); /** * Uses two DelayNodes to cover up the jump in * the sawtooth wave. * @type {DelayNode} * @private */ this._delayA = new Tone.Delay(0, 1); /** * The first LFO. * @type {Tone.LFO} * @private */ this._lfoA = new Tone.LFO({ "min" : 0, "max" : 0.1, "type" : "sawtooth" }).connect(this._delayA.delayTime); /** * The second DelayNode * @type {DelayNode} * @private */ this._delayB = new Tone.Delay(0, 1); /** * The first LFO. * @type {Tone.LFO} * @private */ this._lfoB = new Tone.LFO({ "min" : 0, "max" : 0.1, "type" : "sawtooth", "phase" : 180 }).connect(this._delayB.delayTime); /** * Crossfade quickly between the two delay lines * to cover up the jump in the sawtooth wave * @type {Tone.CrossFade} * @private */ this._crossFade = new Tone.CrossFade(); /** * LFO which alternates between the two * delay lines to cover up the disparity in the * sawtooth wave. * @type {Tone.LFO} * @private */ this._crossFadeLFO = new Tone.LFO({ "min" : 0, "max" : 1, "type" : "triangle", "phase" : 90 }).connect(this._crossFade.fade); /** * The delay node * @type {Tone.Delay} * @private */ this._feedbackDelay = new Tone.Delay(options.delayTime); /** * The amount of delay on the input signal * @type {Time} * @signal */ this.delayTime = this._feedbackDelay.delayTime; this._readOnly("delayTime"); /** * Hold the current pitch * @type {Number} * @private */ this._pitch = options.pitch; /** * Hold the current windowSize * @type {Number} * @private */ this._windowSize = options.windowSize; //connect the two delay lines up this._delayA.connect(this._crossFade.a); this._delayB.connect(this._crossFade.b); //connect the frequency, this._lfoB.frequency, this._crossFadeLFO.frequency); //route the input, this._delayB); this._crossFade.chain(this._feedbackDelay, this.effectReturn); //start the LFOs at the same time var now =; this._lfoA.start(now); this._lfoB.start(now); this._crossFadeLFO.start(now); //set the initial value this.windowSize = this._windowSize; }; Tone.extend(Tone.PitchShift, Tone.FeedbackEffect); /** * default values * @static * @type {Object} * @const */ Tone.PitchShift.defaults = { "pitch" : 0, "windowSize" : 0.1, "delayTime" : 0, "feedback" : 0 }; /** * Repitch the incoming signal by some interval (measured * in semi-tones). * @memberOf Tone.PitchShift# * @type {Interval} * @name pitch * @example * pitchShift.pitch = -12; //down one octave * pitchShift.pitch = 7; //up a fifth */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.PitchShift.prototype, "pitch", { get : function(){ return this._pitch; }, set : function(interval){ this._pitch = interval; var factor = 0; if (interval < 0){ this._lfoA.min = 0; this._lfoA.max = this._windowSize; this._lfoB.min = 0; this._lfoB.max = this._windowSize; factor = this.intervalToFrequencyRatio(interval - 1) + 1; } else { this._lfoA.min = this._windowSize; this._lfoA.max = 0; this._lfoB.min = this._windowSize; this._lfoB.max = 0; factor = this.intervalToFrequencyRatio(interval) - 1; } this._frequency.value = factor * (1.2 / this._windowSize); } }); /** * The window size corresponds roughly to the sample length in a looping sampler. * Smaller values are desirable for a less noticeable delay time of the pitch shifted * signal, but larger values will result in smoother pitch shifting for larger intervals. * A nominal range of 0.03 to 0.1 is recommended. * @memberOf Tone.PitchShift# * @type {Time} * @name windowSize * @example * pitchShift.windowSize = 0.1; */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.PitchShift.prototype, "windowSize", { get : function(){ return this._windowSize; }, set : function(size){ this._windowSize = this.toSeconds(size); this.pitch = this._pitch; } }); /** * Clean up. * @return {Tone.PitchShift} this */ Tone.PitchShift.prototype.dispose = function(){; this._frequency.dispose(); this._frequency = null; this._delayA.disconnect(); this._delayA = null; this._delayB.disconnect(); this._delayB = null; this._lfoA.dispose(); this._lfoA = null; this._lfoB.dispose(); this._lfoB = null; this._crossFade.dispose(); this._crossFade = null; this._crossFadeLFO.dispose(); this._crossFadeLFO = null; this._writable("delayTime"); this._feedbackDelay.dispose(); this._feedbackDelay = null; this.delayTime = null; return this; }; return Tone.PitchShift; });