define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/effect/StereoEffect"], function(Tone){ "use strict"; /** * @class Applies a Mid/Side seperation and recombination * * * M = (L+R)/sqrt(2); // obtain mid-signal from left and right * S = (L-R)/sqrt(2); // obtain side-signal from left and righ * // amplify mid and side signal seperately: * M/S send/return * L = (M+S)/sqrt(2); // obtain left signal from mid and side * R = (M-S)/sqrt(2); // obtain right signal from mid and side * * @extends {Tone.StereoEffect} * @constructor */ Tone.MidSideEffect = function(){; /** * a constant signal equal to 1 / sqrt(2) * @type {Tone.Signal} * @private */ this._sqrtTwo = new Tone.Signal(1 / Math.sqrt(2)); /** * the mid send. * connect to mid processing * @type {Tone.Expr} */ this.midSend = new Tone.Expr("($0 + $1) * $2"); /** * the side send. * connect to side processing * @type {Tone.Expr} */ this.sideSend = new Tone.Expr("($0 - $1) * $2"); /** * recombine the mid/side into Left * @type {Tone.Expr} * @private */ this._left = new Tone.Expr("($0 + $1) * $2"); /** * recombine the mid/side into Right * @type {Tone.Expr} * @private */ this._right = new Tone.Expr("($0 - $1) * $2"); /** * the mid return connection * @type {GainNode} */ this.midReturn = this.context.createGain(); /** * the side return connection * @type {GainNode} */ this.sideReturn = this.context.createGain(); //connections this.effectSendL.connect(this.midSend, 0, 0); this.effectSendR.connect(this.midSend, 0, 1); this.effectSendL.connect(this.sideSend, 0, 0); this.effectSendR.connect(this.sideSend, 0, 1); this._left.connect(this.effectReturnL); this._right.connect(this.effectReturnR); this.midReturn.connect(this._left, 0, 0); this.sideReturn.connect(this._left, 0, 1); this.midReturn.connect(this._right, 0, 0); this.sideReturn.connect(this._right, 0, 1); this._sqrtTwo.connect(this.midSend, 0, 2); this._sqrtTwo.connect(this.sideSend, 0, 2); this._sqrtTwo.connect(this._left, 0, 2); this._sqrtTwo.connect(this._right, 0, 2); }; Tone.extend(Tone.MidSideEffect, Tone.StereoEffect); /** * clean up * @returns {Tone.MidSideEffect} `this` */ Tone.MidSideEffect.prototype.dispose = function(){; this._sqrtTwo.dispose(); this._sqrtTwo = null; this.midSend.dispose(); this.midSend = null; this.sideSend.dispose(); this.sideSend = null; this._left.dispose(); this._left = null; this._right.dispose(); this._right = null; this.midReturn.disconnect(); this.midReturn = null; this.sideReturn.disconnect(); this.sideReturn = null; return this; }; return Tone.MidSideEffect; });