import Tone from "../../core/Tone"; import "../core/Gain"; import "../core/AudioNode"; /** * @class Tone.Solo lets you isolate a specific audio stream. When * an instance is set to `solo=true`, it will mute all other instances. * @extends {Tone.AudioNode} * @example * var soloA = new Tone.Solo() * var soloB = new Tone.Solo() * soloA.solo = true * //no audio will pass through soloB */ Tone.Solo = function(){ var options = Tone.defaults(arguments, ["solo"], Tone.Solo);; /** * The input and output node * @type {Tone.Gain} */ this.input = this.output = new Tone.Gain(); /** * A bound _soloed method * @type {Function} * @private */ this._soloBind = this._soloed.bind(this); //listen for solo events class-wide. this.context.on("solo", this._soloBind); //set initially this.solo = options.solo; }; Tone.extend(Tone.Solo, Tone.AudioNode); /** * The defaults * @type {Object} * @static */ Tone.Solo.defaults = { solo : false, }; /** * Isolates this instance and mutes all other instances of Tone.Solo. * Only one instance can be soloed at a time. A soloed * instance will report `solo=false` when another instance is soloed. * @memberOf Tone.Solo# * @type {Boolean} * @name solo */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Solo.prototype, "solo", { get : function(){ return this._isSoloed(); }, set : function(solo){ if (solo){ this._addSolo(); } else { this._removeSolo(); } this.context.emit("solo", this); } }); /** * If the current instance is muted, i.e. another instance is soloed * @memberOf Tone.Solo# * @type {Boolean} * @name muted * @readOnly */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Solo.prototype, "muted", { get : function(){ return this.input.gain.value === 0; } }); /** * Add this to the soloed array * @private */ Tone.Solo.prototype._addSolo = function(){ if (!Tone.isArray(this.context._currentSolo)){ this.context._currentSolo = []; } if (!this._isSoloed()){ this.context._currentSolo.push(this); } }; /** * Remove this from the soloed array * @private */ Tone.Solo.prototype._removeSolo = function(){ if (this._isSoloed()){ var index = this.context._currentSolo.indexOf(this); this.context._currentSolo.splice(index, 1); } }; /** * @return {Boolean} Is this on the soloed array * @private */ Tone.Solo.prototype._isSoloed = function(){ if (Tone.isArray(this.context._currentSolo)){ return this.context._currentSolo.length !== 0 && this.context._currentSolo.indexOf(this) !== -1; } else { return false; } }; /** * @return {Boolean} Returns true if no one is soloed * @private */ Tone.Solo.prototype._noSolos = function(){ return !Tone.isArray(this.context._currentSolo) || this.context._currentSolo.length === 0; }; /** * Solo the current instance and unsolo all other instances. * @param {Tone.Solo} instance The instance which is being soloed/unsoloed. * @private */ Tone.Solo.prototype._soloed = function(){ if (this._isSoloed()){ this.input.gain.value = 1; } else if (this._noSolos()){ //no one is soloed this.input.gain.value = 1; } else { this.input.gain.value = 0; } }; /** * Clean up * @return {Tone.Solo} this */ Tone.Solo.prototype.dispose = function(){"solo", this._soloBind); this._removeSolo(); this._soloBind = null;; return this; }; export default Tone.Solo;