import { AbstractParam } from "../context/AbstractParam"; import { dbToGain, gainToDb } from "../type/Conversions"; import { Decibels, Frequency, Positive, Time, UnitMap, UnitName } from "../type/Units"; import { isAudioParam } from "../util/AdvancedTypeCheck"; import { optionsFromArguments } from "../util/Defaults"; import { Timeline } from "../util/Timeline"; import { isDefined } from "../util/TypeCheck"; import { ToneWithContext, ToneWithContextOptions } from "./ToneWithContext"; import { EQ } from "../util/Math"; import { assert, assertRange } from "../util/Debug"; export interface ParamOptions<TypeName extends UnitName> extends ToneWithContextOptions { units: TypeName; value?: UnitMap[TypeName]; param: AudioParam | Param<TypeName>; convert: boolean; minValue?: number; maxValue?: number; swappable?: boolean; } /** * the possible automation types */ type AutomationType = "linearRampToValueAtTime" | "exponentialRampToValueAtTime" | "setValueAtTime" | "setTargetAtTime" | "cancelScheduledValues"; interface TargetAutomationEvent { type: "setTargetAtTime"; time: number; value: number; constant: number; } interface NormalAutomationEvent { type: Exclude<AutomationType, "setTargetAtTime">; time: number; value: number; } /** * The events on the automation */ export type AutomationEvent = NormalAutomationEvent | TargetAutomationEvent; /** * Param wraps the native Web Audio's AudioParam to provide * additional unit conversion functionality. It also * serves as a base-class for classes which have a single, * automatable parameter. * @category Core */ export class Param<TypeName extends UnitName = "number"> extends ToneWithContext<ParamOptions<TypeName>> implements AbstractParam<TypeName> { readonly name: string = "Param"; readonly input: GainNode | AudioParam; readonly units: UnitName; convert: boolean; overridden = false; /** * The timeline which tracks all of the automations. */ protected _events: Timeline<AutomationEvent>; /** * The native parameter to control */ protected _param: AudioParam; /** * The default value before anything is assigned */ protected _initialValue: number; /** * The minimum output value */ private _minOutput = 1e-7; /** * Private reference to the min and max values if passed into the constructor */ private readonly _minValue?: number; private readonly _maxValue?: number; /** * If the underlying AudioParam can be swapped out * using the setParam method. */ protected readonly _swappable: boolean; /** * @param param The AudioParam to wrap * @param units The unit name * @param convert Whether or not to convert the value to the target units */ constructor(param: AudioParam, units?: TypeName, convert?: boolean); constructor(options: Partial<ParamOptions<TypeName>>); constructor() { super(optionsFromArguments(Param.getDefaults(), arguments, ["param", "units", "convert"])); const options = optionsFromArguments(Param.getDefaults(), arguments, ["param", "units", "convert"]); assert(isDefined(options.param) && (isAudioParam(options.param) || options.param instanceof Param), "param must be an AudioParam"); while (!isAudioParam(options.param)) { options.param = options.param._param; } this._swappable = isDefined(options.swappable) ? options.swappable : false; if (this._swappable) { this.input = this.context.createGain(); // initialize this._param = options.param; this.input.connect(this._param); } else { this._param = this.input = options.param; } this._events = new Timeline<AutomationEvent>(1000); this._initialValue = this._param.defaultValue; this.units = options.units; this.convert = options.convert; this._minValue = options.minValue; this._maxValue = options.maxValue; // if the value is defined, set it immediately if (isDefined(options.value) && options.value !== this._toType(this._initialValue)) { this.setValueAtTime(options.value, 0); } } static getDefaults(): ParamOptions<any> { return Object.assign(ToneWithContext.getDefaults(), { convert: true, units: "number" as UnitName, } as ParamOptions<any>); } get value(): UnitMap[TypeName] { const now =; return this.getValueAtTime(now); } set value(value) { this.cancelScheduledValues(; this.setValueAtTime(value,; } get minValue(): number { // if it's not the default minValue, return it if (isDefined(this._minValue)) { return this._minValue; } else if (this.units === "time" || this.units === "frequency" || this.units === "normalRange" || this.units === "positive" || this.units === "transportTime" || this.units === "ticks" || this.units === "bpm" || this.units === "hertz" || this.units === "samples") { return 0; } else if (this.units === "audioRange") { return -1; } else if (this.units === "decibels") { return -Infinity; } else { return this._param.minValue; } } get maxValue(): number { if (isDefined(this._maxValue)) { return this._maxValue; } else if (this.units === "normalRange" || this.units === "audioRange") { return 1; } else { return this._param.maxValue; } } /** * Type guard based on the unit name */ private _is<T>(arg: any, type: UnitName): arg is T { return this.units === type; } /** * Make sure the value is always in the defined range */ private _assertRange(value: number): number { if (isDefined(this.maxValue) && isDefined(this.minValue)) { assertRange(value, this._fromType(this.minValue), this._fromType(this.maxValue)); } return value; } /** * Convert the given value from the type specified by Param.units * into the destination value (such as Gain or Frequency). */ protected _fromType(val: UnitMap[TypeName]): number { if (this.convert && !this.overridden) { if (this._is<Time>(val, "time")) { return this.toSeconds(val); } else if (this._is<Decibels>(val, "decibels")) { return dbToGain(val); } else if (this._is<Frequency>(val, "frequency")) { return this.toFrequency(val); } else { return val as number; } } else if (this.overridden) { // if it's overridden, should only schedule 0s return 0; } else { return val as number; } } /** * Convert the parameters value into the units specified by Param.units. */ protected _toType(val: number): UnitMap[TypeName] { if (this.convert && this.units === "decibels") { return gainToDb(val) as UnitMap[TypeName]; } else { return val as UnitMap[TypeName]; } } //------------------------------------- // ABSTRACT PARAM INTERFACE // all docs are generated from ParamInterface.ts //------------------------------------- setValueAtTime(value: UnitMap[TypeName], time: Time): this { const computedTime = this.toSeconds(time); const numericValue = this._fromType(value); assert(isFinite(numericValue) && isFinite(computedTime), `Invalid argument(s) to setValueAtTime: ${JSON.stringify(value)}, ${JSON.stringify(time)}`); this._assertRange(numericValue); this.log(this.units, "setValueAtTime", value, computedTime); this._events.add({ time: computedTime, type: "setValueAtTime", value: numericValue, }); this._param.setValueAtTime(numericValue, computedTime); return this; } getValueAtTime(time: Time): UnitMap[TypeName] { const computedTime = Math.max(this.toSeconds(time), 0); const after = this._events.getAfter(computedTime); const before = this._events.get(computedTime); let value = this._initialValue; // if it was set by if (before === null) { value = this._initialValue; } else if (before.type === "setTargetAtTime" && (after === null || after.type === "setValueAtTime")) { const previous = this._events.getBefore(before.time); let previousVal; if (previous === null) { previousVal = this._initialValue; } else { previousVal = previous.value; } if (before.type === "setTargetAtTime") { value = this._exponentialApproach(before.time, previousVal, before.value, before.constant, computedTime); } } else if (after === null) { value = before.value; } else if (after.type === "linearRampToValueAtTime" || after.type === "exponentialRampToValueAtTime") { let beforeValue = before.value; if (before.type === "setTargetAtTime") { const previous = this._events.getBefore(before.time); if (previous === null) { beforeValue = this._initialValue; } else { beforeValue = previous.value; } } if (after.type === "linearRampToValueAtTime") { value = this._linearInterpolate(before.time, beforeValue, after.time, after.value, computedTime); } else { value = this._exponentialInterpolate(before.time, beforeValue, after.time, after.value, computedTime); } } else { value = before.value; } return this._toType(value); } setRampPoint(time: Time): this { time = this.toSeconds(time); let currentVal = this.getValueAtTime(time); this.cancelAndHoldAtTime(time); if (this._fromType(currentVal) === 0) { currentVal = this._toType(this._minOutput); } this.setValueAtTime(currentVal, time); return this; } linearRampToValueAtTime(value: UnitMap[TypeName], endTime: Time): this { const numericValue = this._fromType(value); const computedTime = this.toSeconds(endTime); assert(isFinite(numericValue) && isFinite(computedTime), `Invalid argument(s) to linearRampToValueAtTime: ${JSON.stringify(value)}, ${JSON.stringify(endTime)}`); this._assertRange(numericValue); this._events.add({ time: computedTime, type: "linearRampToValueAtTime", value: numericValue, }); this.log(this.units, "linearRampToValueAtTime", value, computedTime); this._param.linearRampToValueAtTime(numericValue, computedTime); return this; } exponentialRampToValueAtTime(value: UnitMap[TypeName], endTime: Time): this { let numericValue = this._fromType(value); numericValue = Math.max(this._minOutput, numericValue); this._assertRange(numericValue); const computedTime = this.toSeconds(endTime); assert(isFinite(numericValue) && isFinite(computedTime), `Invalid argument(s) to exponentialRampToValueAtTime: ${JSON.stringify(value)}, ${JSON.stringify(endTime)}`); // store the event this._events.add({ time: computedTime, type: "exponentialRampToValueAtTime", value: numericValue, }); this.log(this.units, "exponentialRampToValueAtTime", value, computedTime); this._param.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(numericValue, computedTime); return this; } exponentialRampTo(value: UnitMap[TypeName], rampTime: Time, startTime?: Time): this { startTime = this.toSeconds(startTime); this.setRampPoint(startTime); this.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(value, startTime + this.toSeconds(rampTime)); return this; } linearRampTo(value: UnitMap[TypeName], rampTime: Time, startTime?: Time): this { startTime = this.toSeconds(startTime); this.setRampPoint(startTime); this.linearRampToValueAtTime(value, startTime + this.toSeconds(rampTime)); return this; } targetRampTo(value: UnitMap[TypeName], rampTime: Time, startTime?: Time): this { startTime = this.toSeconds(startTime); this.setRampPoint(startTime); this.exponentialApproachValueAtTime(value, startTime, rampTime); return this; } exponentialApproachValueAtTime(value: UnitMap[TypeName], time: Time, rampTime: Time): this { time = this.toSeconds(time); rampTime = this.toSeconds(rampTime); const timeConstant = Math.log(rampTime + 1) / Math.log(200); this.setTargetAtTime(value, time, timeConstant); // at 90% start a linear ramp to the final value this.cancelAndHoldAtTime(time + rampTime * 0.9); this.linearRampToValueAtTime(value, time + rampTime); return this; } setTargetAtTime(value: UnitMap[TypeName], startTime: Time, timeConstant: Positive): this { const numericValue = this._fromType(value); // The value will never be able to approach without timeConstant > 0. assert(isFinite(timeConstant) && timeConstant > 0, "timeConstant must be a number greater than 0"); const computedTime = this.toSeconds(startTime); this._assertRange(numericValue); assert(isFinite(numericValue) && isFinite(computedTime), `Invalid argument(s) to setTargetAtTime: ${JSON.stringify(value)}, ${JSON.stringify(startTime)}`); this._events.add({ constant: timeConstant, time: computedTime, type: "setTargetAtTime", value: numericValue, }); this.log(this.units, "setTargetAtTime", value, computedTime, timeConstant); this._param.setTargetAtTime(numericValue, computedTime, timeConstant); return this; } setValueCurveAtTime(values: UnitMap[TypeName][], startTime: Time, duration: Time, scaling = 1): this { duration = this.toSeconds(duration); startTime = this.toSeconds(startTime); const startingValue = this._fromType(values[0]) * scaling; this.setValueAtTime(this._toType(startingValue), startTime); const segTime = duration / (values.length - 1); for (let i = 1; i < values.length; i++) { const numericValue = this._fromType(values[i]) * scaling; this.linearRampToValueAtTime(this._toType(numericValue), startTime + i * segTime); } return this; } cancelScheduledValues(time: Time): this { const computedTime = this.toSeconds(time); assert(isFinite(computedTime), `Invalid argument to cancelScheduledValues: ${JSON.stringify(time)}`); this._events.cancel(computedTime); this._param.cancelScheduledValues(computedTime); this.log(this.units, "cancelScheduledValues", computedTime); return this; } cancelAndHoldAtTime(time: Time): this { const computedTime = this.toSeconds(time); const valueAtTime = this._fromType(this.getValueAtTime(computedTime)); // remove the schedule events assert(isFinite(computedTime), `Invalid argument to cancelAndHoldAtTime: ${JSON.stringify(time)}`); this.log(this.units, "cancelAndHoldAtTime", computedTime, "value=" + valueAtTime); // if there is an event at the given computedTime // and that even is not a "set" const before = this._events.get(computedTime); const after = this._events.getAfter(computedTime); if (before && EQ(before.time, computedTime)) { // remove everything after if (after) { this._param.cancelScheduledValues(after.time); this._events.cancel(after.time); } else { this._param.cancelAndHoldAtTime(computedTime); this._events.cancel(computedTime + this.sampleTime); } } else if (after) { this._param.cancelScheduledValues(after.time); // cancel the next event(s) this._events.cancel(after.time); if (after.type === "linearRampToValueAtTime") { this.linearRampToValueAtTime(this._toType(valueAtTime), computedTime); } else if (after.type === "exponentialRampToValueAtTime") { this.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(this._toType(valueAtTime), computedTime); } } // set the value at the given time this._events.add({ time: computedTime, type: "setValueAtTime", value: valueAtTime, }); this._param.setValueAtTime(valueAtTime, computedTime); return this; } rampTo(value: UnitMap[TypeName], rampTime: Time = 0.1, startTime?: Time): this { if (this.units === "frequency" || this.units === "bpm" || this.units === "decibels") { this.exponentialRampTo(value, rampTime, startTime); } else { this.linearRampTo(value, rampTime, startTime); } return this; } /** * Apply all of the previously scheduled events to the passed in Param or AudioParam. * The applied values will start at the context's current time and schedule * all of the events which are scheduled on this Param onto the passed in param. */ apply(param: Param | AudioParam): this { const now = this.context.currentTime; // set the param's value at the current time and schedule everything else param.setValueAtTime(this.getValueAtTime(now) as number, now); // if the previous event was a curve, then set the rest of it const previousEvent = this._events.get(now); if (previousEvent && previousEvent.type === "setTargetAtTime") { // approx it until the next event with linear ramps const nextEvent = this._events.getAfter(previousEvent.time); // or for 2 seconds if there is no event const endTime = nextEvent ? nextEvent.time : now + 2; const subdivisions = (endTime - now) / 10; for (let i = now; i < endTime; i += subdivisions) { param.linearRampToValueAtTime(this.getValueAtTime(i) as number, i); } } this._events.forEachAfter(this.context.currentTime, event => { if (event.type === "cancelScheduledValues") { param.cancelScheduledValues(event.time); } else if (event.type === "setTargetAtTime") { param.setTargetAtTime(event.value, event.time, event.constant); } else { param[event.type](event.value, event.time); } }); return this; } /** * Replace the Param's internal AudioParam. Will apply scheduled curves * onto the parameter and replace the connections. */ setParam(param: AudioParam): this { assert(this._swappable, "The Param must be assigned as 'swappable' in the constructor"); const input = this.input as GainNode; input.disconnect(this._param); this.apply(param); this._param = param; input.connect(this._param); return this; } dispose(): this { super.dispose(); this._events.dispose(); return this; } get defaultValue(): UnitMap[TypeName] { return this._toType(this._param.defaultValue); } //------------------------------------- // AUTOMATION CURVE CALCULATIONS // MIT License, copyright (c) 2014 Jordan Santell //------------------------------------- // Calculates the the value along the curve produced by setTargetAtTime protected _exponentialApproach(t0: number, v0: number, v1: number, timeConstant: number, t: number): number { return v1 + (v0 - v1) * Math.exp(-(t - t0) / timeConstant); } // Calculates the the value along the curve produced by linearRampToValueAtTime protected _linearInterpolate(t0: number, v0: number, t1: number, v1: number, t: number): number { return v0 + (v1 - v0) * ((t - t0) / (t1 - t0)); } // Calculates the the value along the curve produced by exponentialRampToValueAtTime protected _exponentialInterpolate(t0: number, v0: number, t1: number, v1: number, t: number): number { return v0 * Math.pow(v1 / v0, (t - t0) / (t1 - t0)); } }